Make the altar permanent vor non season

You can call yourself that… then flag it.

I don’t even reply to white knights. Yes, give credit where it’s due but don’t pretend something is what it’s not.

I support making the altar permanent in non-seasons.



honestly, am sick of seasons.


Yep sick of seasons since release of seasons…

But every now and then I play seasons to improve my nonseasonal characters, because we are kind of “forced to” as a team player mains, and there was nobody to party with at NS… as funny as it is, its 2x to 3x more efficient than playing nonseasons often… sadly.
Nowdays insane overpowered season themes (and i dont mean to say it in a good way, no, its really bad imo) are what they are, at 2k paragon its easier to play than 10k nonseasonal characters very often… insane seasons…

Nobodys playing nonseasons anyway.

I support removing altar entirely.
also get rid of visions… both of those should remain seasonal themes…

Low paragon cap would be good addition to the game though. 800 was absolutely enough… Hell, even 100 would be enough at this point in game, thanks to insane buffs…

Not that it matters, we are not getting any balance patch anyway. Pointless conversations :slight_smile: