Make "legendaries" "uniques" again

i think, some of the charm got lost, when the golden uniques turned into orange legendaries
now you want to take the special effects, that makes legendaries so special and dispense them over all other rarity types
thats no issue at all, since it greatly helps, balancing the itemization and makes rares and magics viable again

the problem is again, an authentic one
legendaries are not legendary anymore
since they appeared to not even have special fix stats in D3 and just provided those cool powers, i think, you will do the same in D4, which would eventually just make them the same as a rare with a legendary power crafted in it
so the whole rarity type becomes meaningless and is only there to “educate players about affixes and effects until endgame” thats not, what a super rare type of item should do

so my solution would be, make the “legendaries” “uniques” again
give them golden font (because it looks better) and dont give them legendary, skill altering powers (the consumables have them), but just very strange, alternative stats and affixes, that you can only find on them

like a lot of walk and attack speed on a single item, but nothing else, so you can just go crazy

or even immunities or very high resistances

make them UNIQUE but not superior

fun, usable in certain builds and playstyles but not mandatory to clear the endgame

and then you can also craft those legendary powers into the unique items, since they arent better than the rares, by default
just very special


May sound crazy, but I see no faulth in your request. I literally dont remember a single “legendary” from d3 other than Skorn, because when it got into the game, it outbeat anything else at the time. That was “unique” to it in a way that lacked charme, though.

I’m all for fixed stats on “legendaries” which represent its character, its specifics, its story.

Some various combination of attributes that otherwise wouldnt have been available in that combination, in that stat range, on that piece of gear - or even as an affix in general?

Not a mandatory piece of gear, but worthwhile?



Legendaries will be powerful and rare in Diablo IV, they’ve already said they won’t be raining from the sky like they do in D3. Also with regards to the legendary power consumable item, no one knows how hard they will be to find, so complaining about them is moot

im not complaining about them
i simply state, that they wont be able to identify themselfes over their legendary power, as this legendary power just gets copied and pasted on other items


Sure, but that’s end game, and again, if these consumables have a 0.05% change to drop, are they worth worrying about?

you are, just like this shadow guy, talking about %
thats not the point imo.
a system should consider any possibility
people, farming 24/7 for years and reaching infinite DPS through this lame paragon system, or looting all the legendary powers, so legendary items become irrelevant
you should not rate the system by its chance to do something
but by its very basic idea of what it is doing


But if it’s improbable, then it’s moot

no its not
it would be, if we didnt know, it exists
but we do
we are part of the game designers now and we are included in their decisions
and knowing, that its possible to make legendaries irrelevant, makes them eventually irrelevant
also they wont tune down the drop chances that far, because they still want to please the casuals

@lolli42 do you think the uniques of poe are in a good spot compared to rare items? (not even talking about shaper/elder items)

almost same question about crafting and each tier of item + the currency…

should d4 devs list all powers + stats and the community votes on good ideas to work on or how should they advance in development?

i dont play PoE a lot, so i cant talk about that

i really just want their high item tier, be it legendary or unique, to actually be something special
just being a precrafted item of which type you can just craft your own in late game, is nothing that actually makes you worthy of an own font color

i think, im taking this too much from a game designers POV and not a players

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Remember, their high tier item will be Mythic tier items, not legendaries.

high tier is not highers tier
legendaries are pretty high tier, just as sets are

Legendaries will still drop even outside of cap level and endgame, as such they’re as high tier as rare items (assuming rare items roll with the right affixes).

yes, but as rares can “equip” their legendary powers, they wont have anything, that actually makes them a different tier
thats my point

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Again, that’ll depend on whether legendary items have a predetermined set of affixes that’s unique to each individual legendary item (similar to Diablo 2’s uniques), or if legendary items will simply roll with random affixes that are higher value than rare items (similar to Diablo 3’s legendaries).

thats why i said make them “uniques” again
and they wont need the legendary affixes, they can just equip them as well
just give them a very unique thing, only those items will have

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Imo, it wouldn’t be ideal to have legendary items to benefit from the consumable as that may render rare items useless again.

At least with the current proposed system, legendaries will still have their place until a person finds their ideal rare item along with their ideal consumable, an act that may take a great deal amount of time. That said, there’s always room for improvement.

just for basic understanding…

you have to get a certain amount of resist else you die to everything even if you oneshot stuff… uniques have certain powers or special stats but lack on resist or other stats so you have to balance your items and almost never just use uniques…

you can use any color/tier of item to craft insane items and from all available currency just a tiny amount are kinda bad but everything else is getting used for various stuff on a regular basis…

yes im aware that poe also has flaws in that area but you get the idea of “possible options”

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as i said, make them special, suitable for some situations, like in D2, but not superior to rares
so they are just an other tier, a unique tier, not a better tier

thats actually my point
you might just equip 1 single unique on your ranger, becaue it provides a lot of crit chance and attack speed and the rest of your gear are rares and magics, that keep you alive

its just something, that fits to your characters playstyle and you can afford to lack of resistances and stats on this item slot
and then, you can also craft a legendary power inside, like making projectiles split, mid air

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so what would happen if legendary items would roll without or low amount of angelic, demonic or ancestral?