Make Hell Cows Great Again!

I Still really support this.
This could be exactly what the game needs to make New players Intrigued(in terms of Density and More drops in line with more modern games).
Cows would be a Bonus in the sense it would add More game time to thee average game.
preventing any issues with to many join/creations. which was a problem previously(if I recall). I feel this could really be a win win. they would just need the MF and EXP fixd for this to be beneficial for the community to take advantage of it… ALL IN FAVOR SHOW SUPPOURT


To be Honest I Feel the Game Needs this, They don’t need to tweak the whole game when they can tweak Just -2-3 area’s and do it within reason and not break thee economy upon release. The baal waves are bugged if they fixed that with some of the drops there and cows I’d be happy as could be.


This thread deserves a bump all the way until release. Cows were ICONIC to the prime D2 days. The cow channels were FILLED from Cows01 to Cows30. Baal runs are BORING and it doesn’t make sense for 8 players to just huddle around Baal’s minions over and over.

Cow level was made for 8 player games. Let’s DO THIS!


I feel that Cow King should be way stronger though. He should always have extra fast/extra strong and 75% resistance to everything as a baseline in addition to w/e mods roll on him.

He should look like an actual bull with a crown, and use the paladin skill charge so he can 1shot people.


Lets do it Bro I’m down to Bump this thread daily to get it some acknowledgement. I Was one of them old school players that was there before cows got nerfed I remember what it was like when cows used to be included in every run pretty much.

Maybe Not 1` shoot for the sake of Hard core players Pulling there hair out But definitely down with like a 50% crushing blow. I def feel like if the ramp up the MF and Exp again they should increase the HP/attack damage to make it more of a task to full clear. not just the cow king but the full Bonvie level should get an uptick.

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Love it! He should be ripped like the cow from Family Guy, have a line like the Smith, Im gonna MILK your bones! Mooooo! Charge…Wack!

Make him Ilvl 85, no death penalty and off we go, Hell Cows will be great again!


Great so it already serves a purpose. It doesnt need to be the best area to farm.

Please, before I say too much more, quote ANYWHERE in this thread that you feel, out of context, that I or anyone has said " best area in the game"
Ill wait…

All we have said and this thread is requesting, is to make the Cow area as great as it once was, again… Not make it the best area in the game.


Quote anywhere in this thread that you feel, out of context, that I have said that you said “best area in the game”
Ill wait…

As great as it once was would make it the best. You dont need to state that as your goal if the changes you request would make it the case.

False, there were always other areas better than cows to farm and get exp, Cows had its advantages back in the manual, not mass bot days, therefore it was the go to, Chaos was a close number 2 and a higher lvl to hit, but was tougher and took longer.

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You just said it. cows was #1 with chaos as #2…

Doesnt mean it was the “best” area in the game, as you seem to want to argue.

Brother, 1.09 was my favorite patch too.

But don’t for a second, pretend like it was “any more difficult” then the current patch, in any way shape or form. What exactly was hard about about any of the current metas at the time (ice orb, multi shot, whirlwind), ESPECIALLY, X 100000, if you were any of the people running around with White hack gear.

A level 10 couldn’t get killed by a 99 sorc lmao (white ring gg)

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I had a barb with max hexing small charm of VITA, 2 ao_newbie ith swords and all the other fun stuff.

I literally couldn’t die in PVM. I could AFK on baal wave 5 and not die after 10 mins.

Arguing there is no single “best zone” is childish and is akin to arguing that jellybeans are the superior gelatin candy (this is just a basic fact though).

If youre going by risk vs reward, the obvious answer is tc88 capable zones, but even then your cow answer is laughable

If they don’t buff cows, and give the cow king a visual upgrade, I’m not buying this game. It doesn’t have to be better than Baal runs but it should be an alternative option for people to choose.


1st of all Blizzard is already looking to ramp up MF to shorten seasons and cows are FAR from the best area in the game they aren’t in thee avrg exp run for grinding.

that’s simply not true it was Nerfd into the Ground AND like you said the only real drops you find from cows are bases. OS bases
cows could be ramped up w.o being overly good. NEW PLAYERS Deserve to experience cow farming on a avrg run.

NO one is advocating for it to be Better then Chaos or Baal we’re Simply suggesting they some relief from the EXP and MF nerf into the ground, making this a Viable area to farm so it’s included with Cows,Choas,Baal


yeah that sounds like the best plan. It gives some what of a purpose to having 8 player lobbies. This remaster should be bringing Diablo 2 to its fullest potential. I don’t like the idea of a 1.14 remaster. It wasn’t the highlight of D2, so why should we settle for that. If I was a new player to D2R and people were doing 8 player Cows, Chaos, and Baal chain-runs, I would find that pretty epic.


YESSSSS, Exactly My point.
New players would Love thee experience of Running cows if it was actually worth something, it’s been so devalued from patches over the years it’s literally not worth the time in an 8 man run anymore. Ppl mostly do it for nostalgic feels if at all. (and again Cows doesn’t need to be made OP with Drops and EXP it just needs to be competitive with Chaos and Baal.)

Lets not forget that with the more modern games out nowadays The cow Level is the Perfect place for the kind of Density New age players Crave.


I remember My first time running cows I was a young teenager My Uncle got me started on D2 and I Laughed so dam hard I cried I Literally Cried, It was so funny to me I couldn’t stop laughing.
of course this was back when cows was Great!