Our team is still investigating the issue and they believe they found the source of whats been causing the issue. It’s a frustrating issue and these types of compatibility issues can take a bit of time to resolve.
Our team needs to run through testing and replicating the issue to find the cause, then work on a fix for the issue. Once a fix is in place, our QA and compatibility teams need to make sure the fix works. If they can test and verify the fix in place works, an update or hotfix will be pushed to the live servers. It can be a lengthy process, but we want to make sure the fix in place does resolve the issue before it’s pushed out.
Since a lot of replicating and testing needs to be done, it’s difficult to give an exact time frame at this time. We’ll communicate any new information or updates on this forum thread when our team has more details to share with us. Thank you for all the provided details so far, it’s greatly appreciated and helpful!