anyone else having this problem? even the technical support page about it shows an error.
Same here I have the same problem!!
Hey all!
Our Engineers are already on the case! We are currently investigating and posting updates regarding this here.
Error code: 204a07e6-3775-424c-834c-a4c85a2b8e9b provided when i click on the error code on the sleeping launcher.
Same problem.
same problem, hope it gets fixed soon…
yes same problem here
Me t0o
I went home early
and this is why making games like Diablo mandatory online is nonsensical and infuriating.
Sadly I am looking at the same problem.
I tried relogging an all servers but found not connection was possible.
At one point, the app managed to function, however, each time I pressed “Play”, the icon simply switched to a grey “launching” before returning to “Play” once more. The game never even launched according to Task Manager.
Same here, started around 14h CET
i’m having the same issues. Removed everything and retried installing everything. Now when i try to install d3 it just keeps loading.
Yesss. The one day I actually get time to play a little early and it’s sleeping on me!
same issue here i hope its fix before diablo 3 season 20 start
if we’re lucky they’ll fix it before diablo 3 season 20 ends…
Stocks went down they had to fire the blizzard app for sleeping on the job
i think its Covid-19
Having withdrawlz Please hurry!
client wont wake up here either… are they down???
I am also experiencing same issue, and I am waiting for a solution.