Magic Find MF SORC

Yeah it is, I’m just a stickler for details.

(Mathematically there’s a big difference if you’re trying to find out How likely each rune/ or better is when Act5Good rolls one of the runedrops.)

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Fair enough… I don’t feel like typing a book to explain all of the details. :smiley:


20 act 3 Meph runs for each MF amount. (S=Sets U=Uniques)
1k mf
800 mf
600 mf
400 mf
200 mf

As you can see going from 200 to 400 is biggest difference anything over 400 not much difference.

20 is extremely low sample

100 would be good start.

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That title, is that supposed to be a magic find magic find sorc?

MF act 1 norm very hard.

If you MF higher than act 1 norm, mlvl ilvl goes up and your chances of finding that specific unique go way down, even having the basic dagger drop for the chance of it to roll Gull Dagger goes way down cause the game starts enabling a massive skew of other types of item drops.

Point of the test is to show if noticeable differences between the different amounts, if you have to do 1000 runs to notice a difference then its not that different.
I even did a test using hero editor with 3,000MF and there was not any noticeable difference as well.
One thing I should of took note of is the quality of items found though, meaning does higher MF give higher chance at elite uniques/sets? It felt like it did but that could just be luck and would involve a lot of runs to find out for sure.

The problem with a low sample size like your test is that you could have just gotten really lucky on the runs with 400 mf compared to the runs with more.

No. If you mean does it have an affect on the base item, the answer is no.

You will get more elite set/uniques because of the MF roll, but it has no effect on base item drops.

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It´s a little more complicated, since the decay doesn´t apply to all affected items the same way.

When it comes to Uniques, I would personally say 250-300 is peak - usually you would lose out on too much speed if you go for more.

edit: removed picture of the MF graph, since it has already been posted

I like to have a minimum of 300 mf for my character. I’ve played with glassMF sorc with 700+mf, and its great but its more difficult to effectively kill without better fcr/res.

Thats obvious, but doing only 20 runs is useless as test.

Some items dont even have set or unique version. Thats why you have to do many runs to see real difference.

probably about tree fiddy

You’d have to do at least 5-10 batches of 20 runs each, using each setup, then average each batch. I seen that chart and eyerolled. Zax, I love all your comments man keep it up lol

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I can show you total numbers for 100 runs if that will mean anything to you.
But based on graph it makes sense from what i found. Having more MF then 600 should not make much difference if anything will just increase chances of finding more blues and rares then sets/uniques. As with 3,000 MF testing my average was going lower.

The ideal number is 300, anywhere from 250 to 350 is fine but yea… 300 MF.

You don’t sacrifice much killing speed with that amount and it’s honestly not much different from having 600 MF because of diminishing returns… anything over 400 MF is literal over kill.

The ideal number depends what you’re doing, but I will say 445% is easy to achieve on a sorceress and is more than 10% in realMf% over your example of 300%.

10% is not trivial in this type of game.

445% is too much. Check the graph.

How would 445 possibly be too much? you need to elaborate when talking about numbers, please.

445 is easily attainable without sacrificing kill speed. So no, it’s not too much. Not at all.

I said check the graph, the comparisons are all there. I guess if you want to find junk blues then yeah any number of MF over 400% would be viable.

Uniques, not so much… I MF for unique items, not trash.