Love love love the P800 cap

I find the cap in itself idiotic. It won’t solve any issues, but a higher one at least gives me something to do for a while longer.


Or they could have gone in a much more focused direction.

  1. Cap at 800
  2. Significantly increase xp needed per paragon level.
  3. Significantly increase the reward for each paragon spent.

They sort of did (3) by opening up the slots (let’s ignore the dumb change to movement speed) because most builds will benefit quite a lot from a massive boost in a single bonus over a split of weak boosts across multiple bonuses. But still, it’s not the cap that’s the problem, it’s the ease of getting to the cap.

That’s the truth. There is no cap that will satisfy those who like to farm paragon levels and that’s why it needs to be an option.

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I’ve been testing the Mundu WD since it’s one of the builds that I play the best. I wanted to know how much difference the paragon distribution would make.

In PTR, P800 - GR124.
In Non-Season P5100 - GR135.

I’m genuinely surprised that 4300 more paragon, level 150 gems and 130+ augments only gives me +11 GRs.

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Well 11 GRs means that you deal 5x as much damage.

Thats a boost of 400%.

Puts into perspective how much stronger some builds are compared to others

I’m testing the same Mundu build in PTR vs non-season.

It’s an 11 GR difference from gems, augments and paragon.

Update: Currently clear is 126 - so a 9GR difference from my Mundu clear in non-season.

I hope they’re both very happy.
I hope they don’t ask where everyone else is after a week though.


Guaranteed if you keep that cap and the move speed the same you will be asking those questions. Did no one learn anything with D4? Purposely hindering the game to slow it down to make it last longer does nothing but piss player’s off.

I would think that these results are not set in stone. If you can do two higher in one test mode isn’t there a chance that you could also go two higher in the other mode, so that there would still be an 11 GR difference?

Pretty sure they won’t. SSF does not allow grouping.

Paragon 800 makes sense because that is the level that every category is maxed out.

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But it’s not with the seasonal changes to the paragon board, 800 in each category would be maxed out.

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Not the first category though…:slight_smile:

The paragon 800 cap applies to SSF (can’t group) and non-SSF (can group) seasonal heroes.

Alright I’ll chime in for two cents. I don’t mind the level cap at all. Especially since I can put 200 points into one thing. I just finished running GR 104 solo HC Seasonal on the test server with 631 paragon levels. During a normal season I would grind out 1200 to 1400 paragon playing solo. The cap doesn’t matter much to me really. With the introduction of Echoing Nightmares, it super easy to augment your items. Augmentation is why I got 1200 to 1400 paragon levels a season before the Nightmares. All that grinding to level the gems for augmentation. The game just keeps getting easier that’s all.

800 Paragons is done extremely quickly. Easily doable within hours of hitting 70 if you get a bit lucky with drops. You think it takes a week? People reaching the peak of end game progression the first day or two of release.

Let’s do this in hours so it’s easier to understand.

It usually takes me 14-16 hours to finish the season journey. That’s around my average across the last 10 seasons. I’m roughly P600 by the time that’s done.

2 hours a day for 16 hours is 8 days.


The very fastest players in groups, we’re talking like the 0.001% of players, take roughly 7 hours to hit Paragon 800. SSF is going to be significantly slower.

It’s one thing that’s always bothered me about discussions with Diablo, people using “first day” or “first week”, etc. Some people put in more time in their first day than I’ll put in the entire season. Because to them, the first day means 40+ hours.

Terminology really needs to be defined here, as what should be considered a proper playtime. Even 2 hours a day for video games is really a huge time investment for most people.

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Season 27 day I played 3 hours and leveled to 70.

Day 2 I played about 3 hours and did season journey stuff, got my six piece set the legendary gems I needed and about 350 paragon.

Day 3 I played for 4 hours and got all my gems to level 30, completed gr 75, did like 6 bounty games in pubs, got the rest of the gear I needed and RoRG. Finally I had my my basic setup working. I was P600 by this time.

Day 4 I played for 3 hours and did gr’s to level up my main gems and a few echoing nightmares I was lucky enough to find. I was over 800 when I stopped so it took me like 13 hours total playing solo other than bounties.