Blizzards idea is that everyone should be on the same playing field. Not everyone is going to understand how to configure a loot filter, thus someone would always have an advantage. I understand the need to hold dearly to the idea of an official loot filter coming directly from Blizzard, but it literally has a zero chance of happening.
I know, very unpopular opinion but anyway: If drops are so messy that you need an filter, drop balance is bad. Better adjust drop balance and solve problem at the root instead of building a tool around it.
Anyway im pretty optimistic that gold autopickup will minimize this problem.
It’s not that the drop balance is bad, the problem is due to how many total item labels can show up on the screen. The current label display scheme seems to be a ‘first come first show’, which a lot of junk is going to drop between two desirable items. It’s inevitable that a load of junk is going to cover up a good drop every now and then.
The current solution is to pick up gold and dig through the pile, usually scooping up and quaffing loads of potions to clear up item label space so any potential goodies can show.
My thought is to not only adhere to ‘first come first show’ scheme, but also break items down into tiered priority groups with the highest priority items showing their labels first:
1 - Runes/Uniques/Crafts/Sets/Quest items
2 - Rares/Magics/Whites/Sockets/Gems
3 - Everything else.
If you can’t see an high rune in an hell game because 50 pieces of 1-6 damage bows laying on the ground, i’d say drop balance is bad.
Your argument might have more merit if it wasn’t highly exaggerated.
If you said 50 potions, yeah that’d be better. But still, 50 potions dropping compared to a high rune… You have a lot more potions to go.
Maybe . But i’d still say that if one would really need an loot filter, it would be better to take a look into drop rates instead.
And anyway, gold autopickup will most likely eliminate this issue so …
Yes, I also anticipate autogold to help significantly with the issue. It will make runs faster as well, and stave off the onset of carpal tunnel for a bit longer.
Even Frodo had to dig for the Arkenstone.
Yeah, but he didn’t have to pick up and quaff a ton of health/mana potions for the Arkenstone item label to show on his HUD either.
I know I’m in the extreme minority, but when a loot-splosion happens, and I know all the items aren’t being shown, I get excited. Excited that moving some things around may reveal something truly special.
I think that’s how I found my first Stormshield in D2. I joined a Cow game that was already nearing completion and ran out to join the killing. Saw a unique kite shield, someone had missed it, either by going too fast, or not searching through the items.
Unique Monarch you mean or you found a Steelclash
I found my first and only Tyraels Might this way, but that was in a private Baal Run in front of the throne.
Yes yes, you’re right. Sorry its been err… 20 years. =)
except u dont need to make your own… u can just download a popular one that best suits your playstyle?
Thought it should be obvious in the context of this topic, with “look at drop balance” i meant reduce trash, not increase drops…
This should be OK. If you take initiative and learn how to play the game better, using the provided features and tools within the game, you should have an advantage.
By your logic, hot keys should not exist then… So if Blizzard is hesitant to add this and any other little QOL items that some may program or utilize better, then they should re-think that stance.
For example, there are still players out there who dont know Shift+Potion heals your merc… That is soely on those players, their ignorance should 1000000% give me an advantage in the game.
This reasoning, IMO, should not be the reason loot filters do not get added.
Here’s the reason…
Player 1 should see exactly what items are on the ground that player 2 sees in the same exact screen location.
There you go.
Increasing the amount of items you are able to see is a better solution than a loot filter imo.
I do hope we can see all items text boxes at once, though there is really only one place in the entire game it’s ever been a problem, which is LK. Maybe won’t be an issue, we’ll see.
Why wouldnt they? Player 1 is just going to see them more organized than Player 2 because he programed his loot filter.
Both players still see the items on the screen. Both players will have equal chance to click on them first.
There’s a bit of a moral argument to be made here.
Player 1 is only looking for one item. A unique rune to finish their Runeword.
Player 2 is not as far along in “development” as Player 1. Their loot filter has many (or at least more) items checked.
The screen explodes in loot. Some items drop for Player 2’s filter, one item drops for Player 1’s filter.
One item is wanted by both players.
On the screen, Player 2 has to quickly sort out visually more items than Player 1 because Player 2 is further behind in development, or perhaps “greedier” if you will. This is a notable detour of how the game was originally designed.
From a “fairness in gameplay”, a loot filter is morally inept. You’ve given Player 1 a significant advantage over Player 2, in that Player 2 has to visually sort more in the same timeframe.
Replies may include:
Player 1 should have an advantage here, as he’s narrowed his search down to one or fewer items than Player 2.
This is a flawed argument. Loot retrieval has always been largely fair (with the exception of illegal scripts) because it’s rather chaotic. A loot filter cuts through the chaos in a way that exacerbates further the differences in classes, builds, and playstyles with respect to loot retrieval.
A loot filter will also inevitably reduce build diversity. Why set your loot filter to gather items for subpar builds when excess screen clutter could cost you that “meta” item in a crucial moment? This issue may be smoothed out over many extended years of play, but initially, this will be exactly the case.
The solution to all of this would be a reexamination of the code to allow visibility for all items simultaneously to all players. (I still don’t mind digging tho. )
I played some mods with loot filter, and the only time I actually liked it was when I had everything and was looking for the best items only and everything else felt like junk.
In other words, if i end up needing a loot filter it’s probably time to stop playing…