Loot Rarity and Drop Rates

Hi. I mostly played D2 solo and would go so far as to say that the drop rates are one of THE most iconic things about D2. I won’t claim I have any idea how this will affect shorter ladder seasons, but IMHO for majority of solo players (looking for grails etc) changing the drops would be an incredible letdown.


It will hinder the average player unless they get extremely lucky with drops.

I actually would love to have shorter Seasons in D2. Currently I play D2 every ladder season for about 2-4 weeks (of actual-in-game-play-time) before i take a break until the next season. I farm my HRs alone in 1-2 weeks, or get lucky with other items and trade my way up to those HRs that I was unlucky with.

Getting a Ber Rune in D2 can take 1 hour to 2 weeks if you’re really unlucky, while assuming you farm 8 hours a day.

This is working as intended.

The best runewords and uniques in D2 must be earned, so if you dont have time to farm in D2, for whatever reason, then D3 is by far better for you since after every rift that takes 3 minutes to complete you have 30 uniques that were vomited at you.

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I don’t understand this idea. While some of the drop rates are really low on the super-powerful items I still to this day play the ladders and I never have any issue gearing my character up through basic magic finding in like 3 or 4 weeks lol.

Unless we are going to cut the ladder seasons down to like 1 month higher drop rates are going to be superfluous. You would have to rebalance the game to be significantly harder because I can already mostly play by myself and have a character capable of finishing hell solo in a month without even using JSP lol.

This is exactly the complaint that snowballed into D3’s drop rates. Diablo 2’s system is pretty iconic we don’t need everything to be easily accessible for everyone there’s already another installment in the series where that happened and its totally accessible for you guys to play now.


Just because that is how you play, doesnt mean it works for everyone. Happy medium is what Blizz needs to find or leave it be.

I spread everything out over the full ladder, take breaks here and there or cant play when work gets busy or what not.

This generation wants everything easy… D2 was never easy and thats why its survived this long


Drop rates are fine, and they shouldn’t change it.
The game is supposed to be challenging / Hard.

It shouldn’t be like this: Kill a mob or a boss, everytime drops a Unique.
That’s boring, and that is one of many things in Diablo 3 are bad.

When things fall often, the game gets boring. I like farming,
I want to spend time on agriculture. Do not do it like Diablo 3.

We have Magic Find in Diablo 2, higher MF means easier/faster Loot such as Yellow/Unique and Sets.

Diablo 2 shouldn’t be easy.


Cant wait for the first ladder in D2R.

There wont be any bots, at first at least, and the influx of noobs will be massive lol.

I am so looking forward to playing with my team to get to hell baal 4-6 hours into the ladder season and then start MFing ZOMG :slight_smile:

Ideal Season Length IMO would be 3 Months, just like in POE.

I would also be happy with Two months.

The truth is, people that cant get fully geared in BIS items within 2-4 weeks, wont be able to get geared in BIS gear regardless of how long the season is.

Ironically, those people that moan and whine about drop rates and game-difficulty etc, are those that spend more time moaning on the forums than actually reading up on game-knowledge wikis and simply learning to play efficiently and effectively.

Would those people reduce their moaning and whining by 90% and invest that wasted time on game-education and actually farming gear, they would learn that Farming Chaos sanctuary has better HR drop rate than the Forums LOL.

The only item they should increase the drop rate for is the scroll of town portal…
Any real D2 player has gone deep into a level and forgot to top up that tomb before leaving town and one of those suckers will not drop no matter how many hoards you kill! :rofl:

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I dont think so, in 3-4 weeks of playing PD2 I found 3Lo runes, an Ohm, and a Sur rune.

The only HR I had found prior in all my years playing D2 was an Ohm and a Vex.

I also do have to admit I am now much better, and no much more about the game so its a hard comparison, but I felt that was too high.

For initial release they should just keep it as it is. They can tune it if its too hard since you will be resetting in 3 months it wont even be a big deal.

Edit: To add, generally being able to comfortably solo Hell Baal is beating the game as far as Diablo II is concerned. I know that is only scratching the surface of what the game has to offer, but everything beyond that is supposed to be a reward for effort or luck. These endgame rune words are not needed to accomplish that goal or you would likely only need one at most which is not a difficult task. The desire to have these runewords appears to be just to show them off but without putting in the work required to earn them. I find that to be a cheap experience, personally. I have created chars who can clear most of the game with ease without ever using most of the more expensive runewords in the game.

I don’t mean to sound harsh but the demand for higher drop rates sound like entitlement. Players feel entitled to have every item in the game when they are not really needed to enjoy the game. If you don’t have the time to get these items thats fine play to your own pace. I know I don’t and I’ve accepted that.


So basically change the core of the game. NO
what is wrong with you people


Exactly. If we all are able to find certain items, and able to find all those items within 60hrs, or even 120hrs of play time.

THAT IS NOT DIABLO. I don’t expect to ever have a zod drop. I expect to find something of value to trade for that zod tho.


That’s very true, and what’s the fun with high drop rates? I guess It’s a suggestion from D3 fans.

A true D2 fan wouldn’t ask for this!
I like farming a lot, that is the point of farming. To use some times to get good stuff, not doing 1 run then finding 8 Uniq and a lot of nice yellow items.

The higher Magic Find you got, the quicker people will get a Unique and yellow.
Some people don’t understand this. Sadly! But true.

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Cube runes with gems until a good HR comes along, run hell forge on characters, again cube your triplet runes, on top of the fact that the HR droprate was already buffed. This is probably the very last change I would like to see in D2:R and I wouldnt like to see any fundamental changes at all, especially to what made the loot hunt in this game so exciting and feel so rewarding. Like another person said, there’s also trading valuable items for HRs.

Exactly… if you know where to farm and mf, you will get the drop… eventually, and that is what made D2 the best game that is still nostalgic 20 years later…
What killed true MF farming was the game restrictions, getting locked out for 3 hours for doing Meph runs too fast is detrimental, esp when bots can program that out and dont have any patience to worry about…

And yes I know I can add in Pit runs or what not to add time to the game but I shouldnt have to, nor would you be able to really run pit, countess, tunnels early on without gear that Meph drops and he is readily accessible with a sorc and the moat trick or TP around to avoid his orb.


Yep and High runes drop rate are already buff compared to 1.11 1.13 so we really dont need that. Most player who play more then 2-3 hr / day will see a vex+ drop in the first month of play.

People are crazy they don’t want to only see a vex+ drop. They want higher drop rates so all the runes drop in their first 100 hours of playing so that they can get every single item then once they have it they can start complaining “what else is there to do” without even realizing that a lot of the D2 endgame revolved around hunting/trading up for these items that the lower drop rates made sure was always a difficult goal.

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If you think the drop rate should be changed i made a guide to help you out
Btw if you think diablo 2 has a too low drop rate and or the ladder season are too short i made a guide for you :slight_smile: Guide To Loot Rate / And Shorter Ladder Season

I agree with @Isomer that they should have some discussions with the PD2 team because they did a great job with some quality of life changes that don’t really change the game. There were also a LOT of things that change the game in dramatic ways (while still keeping the old feel). For resurrected, I would like to keep of the of the quality of life changes that’s in PD2.

The single most useful thing I’ve seen in PD2 is loot filters. It’s not just in this mod, many other ARPGs have these and makes finding what you want easier and keeps you eyesight better than looking at a wall of white text. It also deals with the problem that exists when there’s too much loot on the ground. There’s a limit to the items displayed and loot filters allow players to actually see items that are relevent. Gold is also displayed and takes away from the screen economy.

The droprates are perfect as they are. It takes knowledge and experience to gain wealth in this game, but once you do, you will have endgame gear within 3-5 days.

I just started 2 characters as SSF from scratch for practice, and geared each of them up within 2 days with stuff that allows comfortable (but not insane) farming in Hell areas.

What I’m saying is… inefficient playing shouldn’t be rewarded.

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