Loot Rarity and Drop Rates

They said they want to make sure duping doesn’t happen, which is great, but I understand why it happened so much, given how rare some runes were. If I can go a decade (and I did) without finding some of the high runes, the tuning is a bit off.

I hope they look to Median XL as an example for how loot rarity can be done. That game did not explode loot, but runes and other items dropped at much more reasonable rates.

Come to think of it, I would love to play Median XL with the new D2:R graphics.


I definitely agree that drop rates need to be looked at. I don’t think going with the D3 style of being able to gear a character in a day is a good idea but, as you said the original D2 drop rates were/are unreasonable.


I will probably say this 1000000 times before it launches.

Please get in touch with Project Diablo 2 and/or Path of Diablo creators or just play those mods and see what they are like.

Diablo 2: LOD development stopped early. There are a lot of balance issues that were never addressed.

Top 3 things needed for D2: Resurrected:

1.) Charm inventory
2.) Even more stash space
3.) Class balance (So more classes are viable for farming at season start)


For sure: gearing in a day is dumb.

I don’t think players will be upset if they need to invest some time to get “geared,” but I don’t think anyone is interested in that amount of that time being measured in “years.”


Not to mention poor drop rates tend to incentivize people to run bots. I think everyone would agree that bots were a cancer in D2 and this problem got worse with age.


Median XL is also fantastic. Completely redoes class skills, adds dozens of new items and item types, increases stash, adds end game bosses and zones, etc.


PD2 running P5 as default, scaleable up to P9 has been an interesting change.


If had to create a list of things I want to see changed in D2R it would:

  1. Better drop rates
  2. More inventory space and/or a separate inventory for charms
  3. Balancing of skills and synergies so that more builds are viable in hell

MedianXL is not a good example of what needs to be in D2R. Sorry but median XL is a mod about changing D2 in a way to make a new game. Project Diablo 2/ Path of Diablo try to stay to the original design direction and make it feel like development continued.

This includes:

Class balance
More inventory space
Charm inventory

  1. Exactly what I am talking about, so yea, drop rates need to be tuned.

  2. They specifically mentioned this, though who knows how much? Median XL has unlimited, Grim Dawn has quite a bit, Last Epoch (a great ARPG I recommend) has unlimited, etc.

I hope they give us enough.

  1. I’d expect a balance pass, but I found most things viable, the real problem was lack of interesting gear: so many skills lacked gearing support.

and players 8 drops at all times so you might find a HR once in awhile

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Do they though?
I am pretty sure that you could double the droprate in D2 and it wouldn’t lead to a single person who is doing it anyways to suddenly stop botting.

They need to get down to the root of the problem, invest into better bot protection and ban botters




instead of once or twice a year.

I have played several Ladder Resets in a selffound group and at least in my opinion the droprates shouldn’t be changed at all.
Even selffound you can get very good gear very quickly.


Also agree that drops should be looked at, especially for single player. Finding a high rune shouldn’t be such a crazy event that it sits in my stash forever because I’m too afraid to use it on anything less than the most perfect base. I should find a high rune and immediately use it in something fun knowing it won’t literally be the last time in my life I ever find one.

(I’ve spent countless hours playing this game throughout the 20+ years it’s been available, I’ve never found a Jah or Ber or whatever. Of course most of that time was spent during patches where drop rates for high runes were notoriously low. The worst drop rate for Zod was 1.08-1.09 where it was 1/184320 when the Runes 17 class was rolled. Today it’s 1/5170 for the same roll. Admittedly so much better.)

Single player does have the /players command, but that raises mob health and damage too, restricting you even further to cookie cutter builds like a blizzard sorc in a limited number of areas, especially if you’re undergeared to begin with. Mods like Project Diablo 2 sets the NoDrop rate for /players 1 equivalent to /players 5. That alone makes a big difference over time. It would be nice if the base game looked at similar adjustments or advanced options without needing to download crufty MPQ editing tools to mod the game.


allow /players on bnet. problem solved


If ladders are going to be shorter, I think drop rates should be adjusted to match the reduced length of time. The items that you would find (on average) over a 6 month period should be what you now find over a 3 or 4 month period.


Well, I agree that shorter periods would warrant better drop rates, but in six months I still don’t find more than 1 HR on average, and that’s just not rewarding.

I don’t need to be geared in a day, but a few weeks of playing should allow me to have decently high gear to wear or trade.


High rune drop rates are simply wayyyy to low period.

While i hate botting, duping, spam etc to the heart, most people dont realize that all this, generated healthy supply of high runes year after year and everone had all the runewords they wanted, and lets faced it, runewords are there end game of D2, Runewords enable many buiilds, they are pretty much needed if you wanna enjoy playing hell difficulty, but how to get them hmm, for me the the answer was unnamed forums, i felt pretty dumb and cheated trying to gear my Tal Sorc for months legit and then learning other ppl decked their chars within very short amount of time and with best gear using theese certain forums.

Just clearing out i never spent any real money to buy items, i know i guy who i played with, spent tons of money just because he wanted to have runewords, i took the slow route.

I really hate the idea to play the game trough 3rd party site, but that was pretty much the only way if you wanted to make runewords, ladder after ladder.

Everyone has their own example but for me its 20+ years, thousands of hours played and one Ohm, one Vex, one Lo rune or something like that, so how exactly are you going to make runewords wihtout dupers flooding the market? and now with even shorter ladder seasons.

With non existent drops rates and huge demand, this is just too lucrative for dupers and hackers and item cash shops not trying to exploit and trust me, they will.

Devs must see that this is going to be huge problem, right?

Im all in with slower pace and game being more difficult, but its just not gonna happen because runewords have existed already 20 years, ppl will want them to max out their chars and are used to the idea that having them is norm and you suck without them.

Im not saying that everyone should have enigma day one, no no, high runes should be still rare among some other things but not this rare :slight_smile:


Yeah I agree that the rune drops are way, way too low and need to be boosted. I don’t mind the super rare unique items drops like Tyrael’s Might and such, as they are more of a novelty collector’s thing than build-defining. Runes are a different matter altogether and leaving the drop rates as they are right now won’t be healthy for the game I feel.


You have no idea what your talking about ensgnblack. Finding high runes is incredibly easy without a bot. Play the game and clear the content imo. I mentioned before responding to your stupid az post that you only need to do five hell mf runs and kill what i said and you will have a high rune. Literally easy to find high runes. Play the game. Play the game.


I see no reason for personal attacks and hostility toward people who are just expressing opinions about a video game.

In any given random drop game, some are luckier than others, and that may skew our own personal biases towards whether or not we view the drop rate as too generous or stingy.

I personally have found over the last two decades that it is quite lacking, but I am not sure that opinion is worthy of ire.