LOOT drops - How to make the game experience better

I guess it depends if you believe people should have the ability to do what they want with their possessions, or if you think you should be able to control what other people do with their possessions (in this case, loot). FFA loot has its problems, ideally the people not doing anything get absolutely zero loot. but the FFA loot minimizes people leeching and generally encourages people to earn their gear by playing solo or with a group of friends in a private game. All this communist ideology is what has ruined games. Look at WOW during TBC: the golden age of WOW. They switched from a time-sink based pvp system (honor) to a merit-based pvp system (arena rating). Raiding in TBC was so difficult only the best guilds could clear the content. The only escape from fake reality is video games and competitive sports, and sadly it seems the disease is starting to spread to both of these realms as well.

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Whoever gets it, gets it.

I don’t know exactly what you mean. You could tell me you’re 1ms ping and I’m 300 ping.

You could have teleport and I could be the same distance without teleport.

You could have 1 slot open, I could have 10.

Whoever gets it gets it. I don’t need to dissect how it works to be ok with the current way loot pickups worked in D2LoD and should work in D2R.

I could get the last hit on Baal and a godly rare eth self repair crystal sword could drop with fools and 300% ed and 40 ias and 2 sockets and my game could lag half a half of a millisecond and I would still say congratulations on your find.

I mean I would be pretty damn bummed I didn’t snag it, but I’m not going to whine endlessly until I get some mechanic that might have given it to me.

Do you get it?


you already have personal loot in the form of private lobbies. this community is huge it takes next to no time at all to find players to play with. everyone wants the option to turn on personal loot. you have that option the moment you put a password on your lobby. it locks it out from those people from coming in and snatching your loot. you dont want to solo run. there a few places to find friends, IRL, discord, websites, you want to join public games well that was your decision to join a lobby with people you don’t know, its the risk you take in joining those games. if you don’t like playing with anyone at all there is single player. i dont understand why you need a button to turn it on. or create a server that does it. you literally already have one.


yikes man. just play diablo 3

diablo 2 isn’t for you


honestly there should be some sort of quiz or play time check before you can post anything about loot

if you’re a casual player, sit back and let the more experienced give the feedback

Is that your only argument?

Ironically that is what we are doing.

There’s plenty of leeching in FFA.

Anyway, I’m saying if your stance is “I don’t like personal loot because people might technically get free loot without participating” - a) that happens now in games because all you need to do is click faster, not participate in the fight, and b) this happens whenever players get high level gear from their buddies.

The Honor system was still there, and it was at least somewhat based on merit anyway. You couldn’t advance past a certain rank if you weren’t winning, and the more enemies you took part in killing the more Honor you got.

I mean… yeah, you can be okay with unfairness. Some of us want the option where that isn’t present, though.

Been playing RPGs and MMOs since at least 1996, is that enough experience for you, broski?

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Today I played D2R with two friends. The MP was so annoying that they both gave up on buying the game because they don’t have private loot. If private loot is not implemented. I will never play MP. Many will not buy the game because they have no private loot.

Just dont buy it then? Lol.

Let the game stay as it is supposed to be, the game doesnt and will NEVER be in the “the taste” for everyone, it just wont be. Its a remaster. The game its FFA. The loot is this way. Its the same thing I go to a D3 forum and ask for FFA loot. The game is private loot (horrible system) and I dont play it. Deal with it.

For all of you asking for p loot. You guys are just cry babys that want everything as u like. “Oh its becouse i have a job and kids, i dont have time for fighting for loot”. No problem. Go play with friends or solo. Ull eventually get ur items.

I mean for real why in the world would u play with strangers and think they would share any loot? Just make good friends and go play dude. Really. Again, cry babys.

And one more time. If the argument is “ If no private loot, ill refund, i wont play it” be my guest. Just leave it. Leave the game for those that actually like it.

I am more than in for new things in d2, new acts, new uniques, dont say i dont want changes, i like new things, but private loot its just dumb.


It sounds like you want a game that isn’t D2. Maybe instead of screeching and crying to change D2, you could just go play a game that is more what you’re looking for.

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If they brought back TCP/IP games and had instanced loot for offline matches only, whats the problem?

another biden dck rider

The difference being personal loot is actually the better system. If you think that’s what’s wrong with D3, then you aren’t understanding what’s wrong with D3.

Annnnnd there goes any credibility you might have had.

Hardly anyone has said that, but you wouldn’t know that because you aren’t really concerned with reading anything.

Like your post, really.

Annnnnd there goes any credibility you might have had.

This guy saying if you like ploot you’re a emo dad with a job and kids. I don’t even know what to say. What a sound and logical argument. lol.

TLDR no, do play d3 or poe

No worries it will eventually come. I’m a doctor now, I don’t have time to farm 8 hours a day for pixel. What I enjoy in video game is the social aspect of it. What will happen is a split ladder in the future like it or not. At the end everyone will be happy to play the game they want to play.

“13 days later”

Seems like you are too busy to have any merit for a discussion here.

Haha, 13 Days Later. A crappy B-movie sequel zombie movie just in time for Halloween :smiley:

Yeah, I just graduated in ophtalmology last year and working full time now. Unlike you, not wasting all my time of the forums haha. Anyways you can call me whatever you like, it wont ever hurt me because I don’t care my life is super good. So go ahead continue the show.

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If you say so my guy. You are the one who necro’d the thread.

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