Look What You've Done 😠

You created this travesty called D3 and now some people think that removing trade is a way to make a great Diablo game?

If you remove trading you might as well make D4 single player only. The items won’t be as interesting again (cause you can’t trade them or drop one on the ground for a friend).

I just feel like D4 is hopeless, a lost cause. The barrel has rotted.


I feel like if trading was so vital to Diablo that everything falls apart if you don’t have it, then it sounds like the franchise was never that great to begin with except maybe as a trade simulator.

and if that’s the case, they should probably fix that.


Why would you remove it though if it’s so great? Just something else that added depth to be removed from this junk series.

If you keep removing things there won’t be anything left in the game. I’m not logging on to Bnet to play single player Diablo arcade smasher 2.0.


Personally I don’t really care much about trading. PoE has shown me that any modern aRPG is just going to automate the best parts of trading out of the game anyway.

People go on about the AH in Diablo 3 being so terrible but they don’t understand that PoE trading has become an AH despite the devs not actually putting one in-game. Diablo 4 isn’t going to be any different if they have open trading.

With that in mind, I’m saying maybe focus on making the core gameplay loop actually be fun.

Which I think Diablo 2 was, but you wanted to act like removing trading automatically makes the game terrible regardless of anything else you do.


What’s wrong with an auction house or dropping a Gnasher Hand Axe for my lvl 2 druid friend?

Sure, they should make the core gameplay good but removing trading from the game will make the core game worse. D2 trading is a core part of the game and adds a lot to the game.

As for the core gameplay, what else do they need to do? They already copied Diablo 3 combat alright and it seems like they’re satisfied with copying Diablo 3 which was a bad system as well.


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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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Seriously. I loved D1, D2 and D3 and never traded a single piece of equipment.


An auction house both simplifies trading too much, and makes it a passive activity rather than an active one.

There’s no more community aspect to it because you’re not bartering with somebody anymore. You’re just listing an item for X amount of money and letting the system do the trading for you.

Diablo 3 may not have been a good game, but I can tell you Diablo 4 wont be a masterpiece either if they just copy Diablo 2.

You can’t just copy another game step for step and expect the result to be great. At best you create a game we all remember as “The Diablo that wanted to be Diablo 2 again”.

That doesn’t sound like a game we’d all be playing in 20 years.


Tbh I don’t miss trading at all and I used to trade in D2 a lot ‘entire account of mules’.

Finding my own gear is more exciting for me and trading usually means bad droprates cause you are expected to trade.

Look at D3 vanilla droprates and also D2 Hrs for example, I don’t really want that again.


The last time I checked you do not own the forum. Even if you try to take it over with all of your anti 3D and D4 comments. You worship D2, anything else is trash in your eyes. I am done with you.


Dont give Blizzard too much credit.
I certainly thought removing trading was the right way to go before Diablo 3 as well.

D3 and PoE was just more proof.


I’m certainly not against trading (ofc so long as you’re not forced to do it in order to progress). However, I also wouldn’t call it a necessity in order to make Diablo great; after all Diablo 1 and 2 could both be played offline; and as someone who played Diablo 2 offline for a few years before switching to online; I can say that with the exception of the social aspect that online brought, such as trading, pvp, etc., Diablo 2 offline wasn’t a lesser game than Diablo 2 online.

In the end, if they have trading unrestricted, restricted, or even impossible in Diablo 4, then so be it.


If I can’t drop items on the ground for friends, then Diablo has really messed up. There isn’t a good reason to remove trading unless:

*Blizzard thinks they’re unable to keep bots from destroying the game

*Because other players may buy better gear than me - My thought on this one is that if this is your concern you should stop forcing your desires on everyone else.

I don’t trade very often in D2 either but very much enjoy that I can trade when I want or need to and enjoy being able to drop a club on the ground for myself or a friend.

Game systems shouldn’t be removed because of what could happen with bots, bot measures should be put into the game. We need to stop removing things from D2 and keep the features that were good such as trading. D2 is plagued with bots and despite that I’ve never thought “if only every item in the game were BoA”, that would be a huge detriment to the game.

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Trading is great. Selling stuff is awesome. The problem is that general chat IS ALL SPAM ALL THE TIME. The Asian spammers pretty much killed all hopes of having any kind of open trading system.


Well if you’re going to troll…

Trading Sucks.
PvP Sucks.

And if Diablo 4 has either of those things, then it sucks too.

(But wait, D4 does have trading and it does have PVP. So what are you complaining about again?)


Diablo 3 has many other big problems besides trading.


I’m with open trading system but with certain restrictions and limits. Its amazing to have the ability to trade items with friends but the trading process should be governed and monitored so it does not get abused by bots and 3rd party websites.

If D4 manage to provide the balance of trading in which it gives new and creative approaches of items trading. D4 is gonna be the first game of its genre that reached to provide an organized fun trading experience. Because I did not see any game manage to find such a trading items balance which has not been abused yet.

I just hope Devs take their time while working on trading items system because if they fail … they will fall …

I’m torn on this:

Positives: I want to be able to hand items off to people that I don’t need. I honestly don’t even care about the trading aspect as I just like to help people along when I get items I won’t use. Since I tend to build 1 character = 1 archetype I have A LOT of stuff I can just toss away and not care so I’d rather hand good items to people

Negatives: Trading incentivizes boting which I don’t particularly care about but other do obviously. Also if you make it too convenient there is a chance that AH or AH-like system becomes the better path to upgrades which is a bit ridiculous. In addition from the ocmpany perspective you’d rather not have sites like J2SP, etc. making a Real-Money system for trading as it invites a bunch of potential ‘feel-bad’ situations that you cannot control as the company.

Overall would I prefer trading? Probably, but I certainly understand the incentive to drastically limit trading scenarios.

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Nearly no matter how inconvenient you make it, AH or AH-like systems will become the better path to upgrades, if trading exists.