LoD Blessed Shield

Literally every time we get a build that could compete for a group spot people yell for and get it nerfed. AL, Gryfalcons, Jeckang Board were all nerfed in a previous ptr. Wizards doing enough damage to clear out a 150 solo using exploits for years fine though. Then you see people say ‘can’t nerf wiz, nothing can compete’ while arguing that anything that could compete should be nerfed.

I blame developers for listening to trolls.


Total agree with you @jay.

Do you remember the hammerdin fiasco? When it was viable as a trash killer till blizz listened to all the cry babies and trolls. It was nerfed to oblivion and limited the stacks to 10 when we all asked for it to be between 40-60.

And now we’re going through the same scenario again with shotgun, nerfing it to the ground from listening to the cry babies and trolls.

Blizz just hates sader.

So, Blizzard doing the same with Crusaders in Diablo, what they do with Paladins in Wow. What is this behaviour??? This classes should not be in the game or what???

I literally removed the shield from the fury and put in any other, yet I could make 130 on the first map. So unfortunately I think AoV killed LoD BS / Condemn.
I don’t like having to play ivory tower (I hate this version), but I think it will be the solo Meta …

On the other hand, RGK was killed … again we will have to fish Blighter, this will be very frustrating.
They shouldn’t have gotten shielded but the 2P bonus … I think what they did was a disaster, brought a squishy (and boring) solo build and killed a really fun RGK … FAIL