Loading the hero (error 395002)

No hero list. Repair to install. Never ending loop of down load and opps , Please fix blizz

ok, I’m not going crazy… first no heroes list then no loading. just reinstalled the game for nothing then.

same here from Aus connecting to Americas server

PLS HELP i cant login, error code 395002

I can’t start Diablo 3 this morning. I keep getting a Code 395002 when it attempts to load my hero. I’ve tried every remediation from

hope there is a solution soon, tried to do a ticket and it wants a trace to find the problem, like that will help when its the sever

they should just give everyone a new stash tab for this lol

no one can mah dude. Server is down

…is it time to invade Europe? …or Asia? Decisions, decisions …

It’s not your game, it’s the NA Servers I guess

Seems to just be NA servers, very annoying as I wasted too much time trying to troubleshoot this problem I already had once before a few days ago.

its probably something simple too, to many times in my IT career has someone changed the wrong setting in the back end and screwed the whole server

I put in a ticket. They have to know its an issue or they have no idea what their servers are actually doing…disturbing thought

So im not the only one with this problem

i’ve been getting it too. :frowning:

so glad i’m not the only one with the issue.

I just got in hallelujah

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In the middle of the game it was terminated, trying to get back in get the error 95002, google it and checked forums, saying its when you revive someone, we were all in town when this happen. since then can’t get back, and did all the steps that is mention on (Error 395002 - Blizzard Support) still nothing. I am not a HC player because of things like this that happen, I would think if its a problem on the provider side they will be a little considered and compensate the players when they lose their hero’s … not sure what else to do as it seems nothing is working :frowning:

thanks for the heads-up :slight_smile:

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Just got back in…thank you Blizz!