I think this warrants a separate discussion and I didn’t find a dedicated topic.
- [Revelation] Gain passability.
- [Omen] Gain immunity to crowd-controlling effects.
I personally think those two nodes shouldn’t remain in the game permanently, at least in their current form. It was fine “for a season” when it was done in S28, but given that supposedly this is the version of the altar that is here “to stay” - seeing no changes to them on PTR is a little bit alarming, I think they are more impactful than the number nodes.
Apart from the obvious implications of wallers, jailers, frozens, illusory boots (among many others things) being completely obsoleted - there are deeper issues with the decision of keeping them around forever. This goes beyond the standard power creep, it basically forever removes some mechanics from the game.
I will address two key problems with this.
The first one is that the removal of those mechanics has a profound impact on the game - it will need to go through an adaptation cycle to match those changes, which is not easy for a game going into maintenance mode. It also indirectly damages the tremendous progress that the game has made in the recent years when it comes to making loot better in terms of not having items that “don’t do anything”.
The second one is that I think both cc and unit collision are in a very healthy spot in the game and don’t need such drastic changes. Their value is twofold - on the one hand, there are skills/items that interact with those and while they won’t usually define your playstyle - they are always there to keep in mind when you build the character. You try to identify bottlenecks (e.g. that DH’s vault doesn’t pass through walls) and find those niche items to fix niche problems.
On the other hand, this also creates a more interesting gameplay overall by having more things to keep in mind - “standing in plagued” and “standing in frozen” can have vastly different consequences (especially when you play HC). With those two nodes all of this is gone and I don’t really see the justification for doing something like this.
I played S28 with a couple of different build and I remember that with all of them ignoring walls and cc just felt… wrong. For someone who has played the game since release it felt like a part of the game was just removed. This is fixable, the game has already made a lot of drastic changes with mechanics removals/reworks. But it always needed time to adapt and properly integrate those changes, which I just don’t see happening with the game moving to maintenance mode.
So I’m calling for a nerf/rework for those nodes going forward. If not with the start of the next season, then at least for the season after or patched during the current one. I think an easy fix for Omen (I’d argue it’s the more important one) is to make it have something like 30% CC reduction instead. What to do with Revelation I seriously have no clue. There isn’t really an in-between option to “nerf” it. Wall passage is fairly binary.