Legendary Gems Rebalance

There’s an immediate flaw in that reasoning, and it’s not insignificant. All these legendary gems that do damage will need new powers.

Edit: Two flaws, all GR clears will go down. You will lose power between patchs.

This means the flaw is very important. You forgot to mention what it is.

I used “But” instead of “and”. That’s what you call a typo. Happens. I fixed it.

I believe most people would consider it an improvement, not a flaw.

The idea is to remove power to deny further power creep, while the OP’s suggestion instead enforces it.

It is understandable that it might be too late for this, but you never know. Maybe their lead devs will read this and say, “**** it! Let’s do this! It’s time to show these noobs what we’re made of!”

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It’s not so much creep as in balancing. All the really bad gems get better, but the powerful ones stay as they are.

Besides, if they nerf people this late in the game’s life, there’s a possibility those people never come back.

Why do we need to open new topics every few weeks? There are already nice suggestions for the next patch in the following topic
Legendary gem suggestions for patch 2.7


You’re thinking them as individuals. Those gems are designed for getting paired with other traits and other gems. Buffing them won’t achieve much or only increase the powercreep.

Invigorating is a go-to for certain classes with no ultimate transform ability to ignore crowd control for example, also it pairs well with dodge (Gogok or Agility Mantra in 4p) for a faster recovery.
BotP doesn’t have to be viable at endgame as its only purpose is feeding Nemesis Bracers and fast farming also you can stack other items, such as SoJ to stack more IDaElites%.
No strong opinion on rest but sounded like more power creep by increasing the lowest base values. Esoteric and Mutilation already has a play on late Greater Rifts, just they cater to the different builds; you’re buffing zdps specs if. Most of the time you can see Illusory boots but other times for set items you might see Mutilation just as common for tank specs.

Lastly, Moratorium has a bug that sometimes disable your cheat-death abilities (I think it’s because the staggered damage over time ignores the recent buffs coming from triggering the cheat-death) that’s why it’s not even considered on late game, not because its unviable or not good enough.
Higher staggered damage may cause more complications due to that.

Fair point. But at some point in the last 10 years, I realized it doesn’t matter what feedback we offer, reason out, or provide. The forums are for passionate players to discuss the game, and for Blizzard to do whatever they want with their game.

The problem is that “all those really bad gems get bigger numbers to look like they got better”.
If you have a bad gem that gives you 30% DR and you buff it to 70% DR, it will not change anything for the game design that focuses on dealing more damage so you can progress further.

As long as the game revolves around farming power and being the fastest killer, people will choose items that give them even more power. For instance, bane of the powerful will never replace stricken in high GRs, so what’s the point of giving it more damage? You already use it for farming because you kill things fast anyway. Heck, you’d be killing stuff at the same rate even if you didn’t use it (considering you have 1k paragon with nice gear).

The main point is that these kind of buffs will just make early game a bit easier and that’s it. We all know early game is ridiculously easy. We might as well ask Blizzard to give us a full primal set and supporting legendaries when we finish first 4 chapters of season journey.

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Yes, it would be useful early to mid game. It would be basically useless in late game, when damage is king. Which is also why your first thought on power creep is wrong. :wink:

Care to elaborate?
I can also say you are wrong with no argument. Doesn’t make me right.

If you don’t see it, I’m not sure I can explain it any better than you said yourself. HP scales faster than monster damage. Late game, only damage matters. Which is why buffing the damage reduction L gems worries me not the slightest. It simply won’t make any difference late game.

It might make the gems more useful for low to mid paragon levels. That’s good enough for a win.


  • 35% + 0.1% per level of all damage taken is instead staggered and dealt to you over 5 seconds.
  • Level 25: 15% chance on hit to clear all staggered damage. On elite & riftguardian kill the staggered damage is cleared

a suggestion of the other topic. i tried this gem myself on R6 Monk and it is frustrating as hell to die after 80% of the elites or riftguardians through the staggered damage. Also the aspect of extending the time doesnt help too.

You do realize that even in early game people don’t use defensive buffs that often, unless they are pushing?

You are practically saying people will use all those useless gems, if their numbers are buffed higher.
I am saying, they will just use the ones that give them more damage. And since you’re buffing some of the early game damage gems, they will make early game even more ridiculous than it is.

This kind of buff suggestion is basically asking for handouts because people are too lazy to spend more time or effort.

No one in their right mind would use the healing, DR, or utility gems in early game or solo late game, when there are damage gems available that provide way more value to the character.
You live in a fantasy world!

I think this kind of optional defensive gem would be nice. have you every tried to play a decend R6 Monk without much paragon? i dont mind on 2 lvl less compared to not dying all over. A BotT wont make more difference.

At high end you could swap out a defensive skill or gearpeace for a defensive gem

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Only gaining the damage bonus against slowed enemies is a lot better than only gaining the bonus damage to pets, especially when the gem itself slows enemies to guarantee the damage bonus. It’s easy to have everything you’re fighting slowed or hit by some control-impairing effect, so that gem can work with just about any build. Even with a pet build, a player might have had a damage-dealing ability or effect that wasn’t a pet. But now, with this gem, they must give that up and use only pets. That’s extremely limiting, so it needs to be stronger than more flexible options to make up for that. My suggested buff to it doesn’t make it the strongest damage buffing gem; there is still stronger. But it will make it not far from the few that are stronger than it, as it should be, since it is so limited in its use.

I thought it worked with those, I haven’t tested it. “Healing received” should include all forms of healing. If it doesn’t, then it should also be buffed to include all healing in addition to my suggested buff to its percentage.

Let’s not forget about Simplicity’s Strength, which gives +100% damage to primary skills, Stone of Vengeance, which gives up to +80% damage based on distance and also gives a very impressive stun chance, Taeguk which gives +80% damage and +20% armor, and Bane of the Stricken, which can pretty hastily build up well over +100% damage against targets, and in long fights can end up giving over +200% damage. None of the buffs I’m suggesting would make the gems better than the ones just mentioned.

Iceblink is a fantastic support Gem. I already use it to support teammates. +10% Crit Chance is like +15% damage for team members. It’s also causing all of my cold skills to slow enemies to a crawl. There’s a big difference between 60% slow and 85% slow. As far as support gems go, I think support builds are already effective enough, and it doesn’t need a buff for support. I did think about adding something to it to make it more effective for use on actual damaging builds to help close the SP/MP gap, and I had decided not to include it because I felt like it was too many different effects on one gem, but I’ll add it to my original post anyway since you’ve asked. My suggestion was to change it to:
Your Cold skills deal +5% (+0.3%/level) increased damage and now apply Chill effects and your Chill effects now slow enemy movement speed by an additional 10%.
Enemies you chill have a 10% increased chance to be critically hit. This bonus is doubled on enemies that are frozen. (Requires Rank 25)

The maximum level of the gem would be raised to 150. This would be +50% damage to cold skills for the player, and enemies slowed by the gem would still be moving at 30% speed rather than 15% speed, but the player would be dealing more damage, and if they’re freezing and not just chilling enemies, then they’ll be providing even more damage for themselves or support for the team through crit chance than they were just with the chilling. The gem will now be better suited to soloing players or players who want to be a damage dealer on a team while still supporting the other members of the team.

Yeah, I didn’t feel like touching any of those. Toxin is still useful as a support gem. Toxin and Pain Enhancer can be somewhat useful on builds that make DoTs deal their damage instantly, when you have both of those gems up to nearly 10,000% damage. For the most part damage abilities and effects just aren’t useful because they don’t benefit from the biggest damage multipliers players get.

I’d settle for being able to play the build when you want to play it. If it (usually) requires high paragon level to stay alive, but playing it at p200 with one of these gems instead of an offensive gem is possible, I’m good with that.

I just want options. Flexibility.

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Yes, you could. But that is if you have enough paragons to compensate, or another multiplier you want to use.

My main issue is that these type of bonuses are just mutually exclusive.
At some point more damage is more useful to you, at another more survivability. For instance, I don’t use CoE ring for my GoD DH. I use Elusive, when doing hard GRs simply because I hate random one-shots.

Yes, you change gems and change gear to optimize new bonuses to best meet your build’s needs. However, your build is still the same in essence. You just changed the source of your bonuses from one slot to another.
This an illusion of character customization; nothing more.

I guess, I just hate the fact that when the community wants to make certain items usable they focus on the easiest route — bigger property numbers.

I like suggestions that go beyond the norm and propose something more meaningful to make D3 more interesting.

Fair point, I’ll copy my OP and reply it there.

Players who are 3000+ Paragon have gained a lot of toughness from their paragon primary stat. But lower players often still have survivability issues in high GR levels. For some of them, taking off one damage gem to put on a survivability gem would be worth the sacrifice, if only the survivability gem was good enough to significantly impact their survivability. Right now, Esoteric Alteration is the only good survivability gem.

I’m not asking for the game to be made easier. Just for players to have more options. The best gems are still the best and I haven’t made anything better than that. Stop with the knee-jerk reaction where you treat any suggested buff as though it will enable players to make new thresholds in the game. It’s a buff to something that was useless, and after the buff it will still be less popular than other options. It won’t make a new higher maximum potential power level, it’s just giving the player the opportunity to choose 3 from 4-6 gems that might be useful for them instead of “choosing” the only 3 gems that would do any good.

You mean, like, whenever they’re trying to level up the legendary gems that they have equipped? Or whenever they’re trying to level up gems to Caldesann’s +Stat on their gear, and they want to get those gems as high as they possibly can before they do so? Because both of those things happen somewhat regularly for a lot of players until they’re done with all of that. I’m still trying to push higher GR tiers myself.

Unless they’ve already got a ton of damage, and they just can’t survive the monsters they’re capable of killing. I’ve seen players die multiple times in Grifts that they can complete in 3-5 minutes. They can’t even do the max GRifts their damage is capable of handling in 10-15 minutes because they’d die too much to kill anything. For them, extra toughness could mean going up 5-10 more GR levels because they can already handle killing it. If they’ve got an oculus ring on their follower, then that toughness can even increase their damage output by enabling them to stay put inside of the ring even when it’s right in the middle of a bunch of arcane, poison, plague, descration, lightning, frozen and molten, from two packs in the same area.

Don’t treat every suggestion for rebalance like it’s asking for a handout. None of these buffs will increase players’ potential. It just gives them more options so they can choose and change to adjust their build until it has the strengths and weaknesses that they can handle. Every buff comes at the cost of not getting a different buff that could have gone in its place.

Have you ever heard of support builds? When a player’s build is all about supporting by buffing other players and weakening enemies, after grabbing two legendary gems for support, they might just want some survivability from their third gem because buffing their own damage output won’t help anyone. Toughness helps; it gives you the freedom to stand directly underneath target enemies on top of a stack of dangerous enemy ground DOTs applying your debuffs and crowd-controls directly to the targets with no fear of death.

That’s what I was going for.

Where your defense is coming from is still a change. There’s a difference between Esoteric Alteration protecting you a massive amount from non-physical damage, or a gem protecting you from melee damage, or a ring that protects you from everything after using a skill. The ring gives the most reliable defense, but takes a skill on your skill bar to utilize. The other options only protect you from particular things; you can ignore those damage sources now but still have to worry about other sources of damage. That changes your playstyle up because it changes which kinds of enemy damage are a threat; which you can ignore and which you have to avoid.

Not all of my suggestions are mere number changes. More than half of them are, because there are a lot of things to change and I don’t expect Blizzard to completely change everything, but a bunch of easy number changes they could certainly implement. I’m not just being lazy by not coming up with more creative solutions. I think about what it would take to implement those solutions. Coming up with an idea only takes me a few minutes, but implementing a new idea could take multiple people hours, while changing a number would only take them a minute.

if you remove power from the game, then it’s finally dead. how ignorant are you?