Let’s talk about our defensive gem options, since those are both underused, and we have a pretty clear goal line in terms of buffing them (parity with Esoteric).
Let’s start by going with “List 1” principles, and only revise numbers upward, without revising any mechanics.
Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard – This gem just needs larger numbers to be competitive. Right now it caps out at 160k LPS / 320k HP shield. In order to compete with Esoteric, I think it probably needs to provide a) enough healing to refill your life globe within 2-3 seconds, and b) a shield that approaches 100% of the value of an average life pool (maybe around 800k?)
If we aim for a rank 150 healing number of 300-400k life per second, I think this gem would be in a good place. If the “base” healing amount was increased from 10k to 50k, and the healing amount per level was increased from 1k to 2k, at rank 150 you’d have 350k life per second, and a shield of 700k. I think that’s pretty reasonable.
Mutilation Guard– The secondary for this gem is bad, but if we’re playing by List 1 rules, we have to just leave it as is. The primary ability is quite good. If the melee damage reduction capped out at 80%, as compared to the 60% reduction you get with Esoteric, I think you’d have a pretty good defensive option.
You could make this change by increasing the “base” percentage from 10% to 30%, increasing the max rank of the gem from 100 to 140, or some combination (increase base value to 20%, max rank to 120).
Moratorium– This one is tough, though luckily we have a lot of different numbers we can alter. Just off the top of my head, I think you could increase the “staggered damage taken” amount from 35% to 75%, and also increase the base duration from 3 seconds to 5. The upgrade amount could increase from .1 seconds to .2, and the % chance to clear staggered damage could go up from 20% to 50%.
Collectively, these changes would give you something like 75% mitigation, as long as you’re killing enemies quickly and frequently. In GR pushing circumstances, where you might not be killing quite so often, it would likely be somewhere between 50% and 75% mitigation, depending on the particular build.
Invigorating Gemstone– The secondary for this gem is pretty good, it’s the primary ability that’s terrible. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I think that 400% increased healing at rank 150 is not unreasonable.
To get there, you could increase the base bonus from 1% per stack to 2.5% per stack, and the upgrade bonus from .02% to .25%. While increasing your healing by this amount seems like a lot, you of course have to actually get the healing from other items or skills, which means those item or skill slots aren’t allocated to damage dealing stats/abilities. And keep in mind that Esoteric effectively more than doubles the effectiveness of your healing already.
That’s my two cents on how to change these gems, if mechanical alteration is off the table.