For starters, I saw the large thread here talking about Legendary gems and why some are not used, etc.
I guess I wanted to throw out an alternate idea. Keep in mind, I’m 99% sure something like this would never be implemented into D3, but at the same time, it could breathe some more life and make choosing what legendary gems you run with have impact on game play, even if some of this seems trivial.
Ok, for starters, the base idea:
Equipping all 3 jewelry sockets with legendary gems will also allow you to have a 4th power. That power is determined by the gems you choose.
For example, equipping say Esoteric, Bane of the Trapped, and Gogok of Swiftness might (for example) add some % to cool down reduction as long as you have enemies affected by the BotT, you have stacks of Gogok, and taking damage that is reduced by your Esoteric. (for say a 5 second renewable period or something)
These powers could be related to the 3 legendary gems you use, and swapping some gems out change what the power enhancement is.
Think of it like D2’s Runewords. You mix and match different gems to get a different 4th power that might help your character build go farther.
You could get all kinds of effects, but they would be directly related to the gem’s operation. If the gem isn’t helping you, then it may not activate that 4th power kind of thing.
As I said, right now its just an idea in my head. I need to sit down and think it through, but I also know that sometimes people on here can run with ideas too.
But having the ability to combine different gems to get a 4th effect could be interesting.
Obviously you are still going to see gems that don’t get used as much and gems that are pretty much mandatory for certain builds.
But what if stacking 3 certain gems gave you immunity to poison?
Or stacking 3 other gems gave you the ability to move through enemies unhindered?
Or increase your pickup radius?
Running Boyarsky’s Chip, Gizzard, and Wreath of Lightning together could give you knockback with extra damage.
The idea possibilities are large.
But as I said in the beginning, something like this is highly unlikely. The code work would be probably too much to add something like this to the game at this point.
But who knows.
Game on.