Launcher doesn't directly launch

Why do I get a message that the launcher will start with the latest version?

“We’ve detected a newer version of than the one you’re attempting to launch. You may need to fix your shortcuts.”

With this button:

“Continue with latest Version”

I’ve searched everywhere for a launcher that directly starts the app but I can not find a different launcher than the one I’ve been using for years…


Yep – there’s been a few reports on Desktop App Tech Support… for some players, the Battle.Net App stopped updating itself and is not showing a up arrow on the blue Blizzard logo… as in:

When that happens, downloading manually the Desktop App seems to solve it… you can download the App here:

Could you try that and see if it works for you ?


I’ve seen the exact same message. In my case it happen because :

  1. originally battle net and diablo 3 are in games folder (c:\games)
  2. due to unknown cause battle net changed its default install directory to
    "c:\program files" and installed latest battle net there
  3. desktop shortcut still target the one in games (point 1)

My fix is to change battle net default install directory (from battle net setting) to the one targeted by desktop shortcut and let it updates to newest version.

I’m having the same issue. I checked the desktop shortcut, it’s pointing to the same location as the program when it’s running. It’s in C:\Program Files (x86)\ where it’s always been. When I click on the program in task manager and ask where it’s from it says the same thing – C:\Program Files (x86)\

This just started recently so it’s a change Blizzard made. We need clarification from them on what’s happening or how to change the desktop shortcut to work properly.

@ontheleft: Hi,

The message "We’ve detected a newer version of than the one you’re attempting to launch. You may need to fix your shortcuts.” usually only shows up when you’re running an old version of Battle.Net

What version are you running ? Click on the blue Battle.Net logo and then on “Settings”… the version number is in the bottom left corner of the App. The current version (as of this morning) is

If your version is earlier, and Battle.Net is not updating by itself, then download a new version as I indicated above.

P.S. : Just noticed that the Agent also updated… we’re now up to version – you can see your version of the Agent under “About” in Settings.


Unfortunately it detects and runs the newer version so it says I’m on 14766 and thus won’t even allow me the option to update. I’ll try manually doing the update and see what happens.

Manually installing the application worked. I think I see the problem… the launcher is confusing the and the releases. The checker is only looking at the last part of the number and deciding it’s up to date.


wow… just wow… Good work in figuring that out !!

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