Lag since new patch

Absolute Garbage what Blizz is saying…the lag is terrible !!! For days this game is UNPLAYABLE …with freezes lags and error messages

Nothing to do with 40 ISP connections and players from all over the Country

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It seems blizz want to say that lots of ISP at once become at fault, and not them. Which clearly can’t be true.

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I have been having major lag issues and I have tested my connection to the game it was just fine. I can tell you that this is only an issue with the seasonal theme as the lag spikes start as the events of the seasonal theme start to take place. I am on the east coast so I will always have a little ping even at the best of times but when there is so much data being sent that is bound to cause issues. I did not have issues with the pandamonium buff a few season ago but the this seasonal buff is a nightmare as there are times I can’t see where things are and really the buff really does nothing for me so I am bowing out of this season and encourage you to allow people to opt out of the seasonal theme if they so choose to do so.

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could not agree more…always on our end side…never theirs…so IRRESPONSIBLE

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have anyone checked with nonseason characters? Are there also lagg?
ps. i just tried, and on normal characters pretty much no lagg, excpt slighty bad ping

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Hello Blizzard. First time i think i am writing for a problem. Since 15 years i am playing your games. I do IP/MPLS/SD networks for living. Can you please check for some hidden flood or strange attack at your infrastructure because i cannot imagine all places where Nordvpn has pop and all ISP in Bulgaria to have problems with their networks. I have tried two physical locations and 3 types of networks at one of the locations two types - including two different mobile networks. The lag is not even showing red at the indicator in D3, it is just spiking the latency from time to time and having rare packet loss on a large packet towards your server ip’s. Also i am playing Overwatch - no issues. WinMTR is not reliable software to troubleshott intermediate hops packet loss. Maybe you dont know but routers are not mandatory replying to ICMP, depends on many things will they reply. Since couple of days is terrible, as the other guys said - unplayable. I was thinking you know about this issue but it seems not. Dig, please, let us play…

You can check the path, my current ip is

Thank you


Absolutely, I played to OW also, just to see if the problem was from my home, and no OW is totally fine.
Since the last patch I get high latency only in D3, more precisely on public game

I tried, the problem occur in public game

Heya Jez81,

We totally respect your stance here. Not to convince you otherwise, but based on the location of that loss, there are a couple things in your direct control you could theoretically try to circumvent the ISP’s troubleshooting. The first is actually turning the router/modem off and unplugging it for 10 minutes. If it’s just a netcache issue, the extended downtime will clear the cache and fix you right up.

The other is replacing the router/modem itself. If you’re renting through the ISP you should be able to negotiate a swap of the hardware, or have them send a tech to test the lines near your house. I can entirely understand the hesitance to contact an uncooperative support department, and haven’t worked with yours personally, of course. I hope these extra methods may be helpful for you, however.

For the rest of you,

We aren’t able to troubleshoot multiple issues in one thread, as it makes them unwieldy to work in and confusing for people to read. You all aren’t sharing an ISP so we can’t consider this an ISP-wide issue and work on all your issues simultaneously. If you’re having this problem and you’re not the original poster (Jez), please create your own thread with the previously requested winMTR test.


Been a while since i checked this.

I cannot believe after my earlier posts (and the slew of others) that you just suggested maybe i just need to turn my modem off and on…

What ISP do you use where they just send out Techs to test lines at request?

I said my router is fine for all other games except diablo? Do you really think my router is just broken only for diablo? I don’t even need the router to connect to the internet anyway, same issue.

Sorry, but this is the same service you get from an isp:
Polite but useless suggestions. That leads to someone elses issue. Then, it will fix itself (hopefully)…

Keep in mind that the troubleshooting that we provide here is not only for you, but so that others in the future can also follow along and attempt things on their own. The suggestions I provided you were the best available troubleshooting for your problem. As previously stated, we cannot force you to follow troubleshooting advice. We can only advise you based on the information provided. If you’re still having the same situation, and your tests look the same, then what I told you a month ago is still the best troubleshooting for your error we have for your presently.

I’ve fixed plenty of players with your exact issue with these exact steps in the past. If this was a thing that we could resolve on our end, I would tell you that and we’d gather information to get it fixed. However, Maskraider’s analysis is correct. This packet loss is on your hardware or your ISP, and it won’t be resolved until whoever is responsible for it fixes things. If you have gotten that resolved, though, just let us know and re run the test and we can see if issues further down the line are occurring.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Psychorealm - Connection Issues