Just want to know most powerful weapon

I am just trying to find out what the most powerful and/or best weapon for Barbarian is and where to get it. Just a straight forward answer please.

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IMHO, right now, Gavel of Judgement. It can drop for you in game, you can gamble for it with bloodshards, or you can craft one. Or you can equip it via Kanai’s Cube.

But, the thing is it that it is not really about the weapon, it is about the build and the supporting items and/or sets you have to support it. Easiest Barb build to play (and probably gear for ) is the Immortal Kings with Hammer of the Ancients skill.


As stated the final answer depends on the build you are going for but Gavel is absolutely a great choice to aim for given your lack of gearing. You can upgrade lvl 70 yellow 2-handed mighty weapons in the cube if you have the mats for it.

Most powerful weapon for what purpose @OP ? Since there are 4 sets (not counting LOD) with several builds, there are several possibilities.

Thank you to everyone. I have been playing D3 for a whil and have played all Diablo versions, and still have them. I don’t claim to be really knowledgable about all the gaming aspects, I just really like the game. I am still learning all the “Builds” aspects so pardon the ignorance. Again, thank you all!

go to icyveinsdotcom they have all the builds for each class ranked by potential for clearing grifts. the top 1% use different set ups, but the builds on icy veins will easily get you into the 100+ grifts. easiest way for new and returning players to get to know the best builds and set ups.

Please do not go to Icy Veins. Their Barb guides are usually out of date or inaccurate. The build guides in this forum are the most up to date, and you may find lots of helpful info in the New Players Guide.

Let him go man. Apparently trying to help in this manner considered elitism lol


Apparently I am missing something. I am Lvl 70 but I do not have the Immortal Kings in my list nor do I have the Gavel of Judgement in either my list or the cube. Where do I go from here??


Not sure what is up with the linked description but it will take you to the info page for the Gavel. It is a 2 handed mighty weapon, you have a 1 in 8 chance of getting it from upgrading rare 2 handed mighty weapons in the cube. It can also randomly drop anywhere.


This is the info page for the Immortal King’s helm, you can see links to the rest of the set items in the description. These can also drop anywhere, be created from upgrading yellows in the cube (best choice for the weapon) or from spending blood shards at Kadala (best for the helm, chest, belt, pants, boots, gloves).

What I’d be doing is nephalem rifts to get greater rift keys (and mats) then greater rifts at a difficulty I won’t fail but that isn’t the easiest thing you can do. Get all your legendary gems, level the ones you are using as you go along. Spend the shards targeting the armor spots you need. Repeat. Between the drops and the shards you’ll have all the Barb sets in short order (duplicate set items can be converted to another random piece from that set in the cube).

Also read this:

Excellent guide on how to farm items from the old forum.

Ok, but where are the Immortal King Items? are they farmed also? I was told previously that it can be made at Blacksmith. Or did I miss something?

They cannot be crafted. All class-specific sets have to be farmed from monsters.

If you have more questions, check out the New Player’s Guide: [Guide] New + Returning Player's Guide (Season 20)

Thank you. Allquestions answered! :slight_smile:

You can actually upgrade rare lvl 70 items in the cube to get set items.
Or you can reroll doublets of set items to different set pieces in the cube.

Technically yes, but that is not a good use of crafting mats, especially if he is low Paragon or new to the game. Set items can easily be farmed in torment rifts.

What do you mean by “reroll doublets of set items”? Do you mean reforge legendary?

One of the Cube’s recipes allows you to convert set items. So, let’s say you have two sets of boots from the same set. You put the spare set of boots into the Cube, along with the other materials, and it will convert the boots into one of the other pieces of the same set. The conversion is random as to which other piece it gives you, but it will always be a different piece than the one you put in, i.e. if you put in boots, you’ll get one of the non-boots pieces.

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That’s a reference to cube recipe #4.
And yes, upgrading rares is expensive, but often quite helpful if you really need a specific item.

Guys, will Bracers of Destruction new enemy cap be updated automatically or I’ll have to farm for new one?