Just want to ask you

Sometimes I see things in the game, I ask myself: what is the purpose of this?
For some, it is an unforgivable sin, to come here on this forum and question some things regarding the game, as the only purpose of criticism is for the person responsible to do better. even though I know it will awaken cosmic wrath.

why after 10,000 Grifts, Urchi continues to say who she is, it’s not enough to just say: “hello”.

What benefit does the player get, when I opened a vision, and then in the first area the goblin appears???.

you know any player solo or group wastes his time to kill jugg monsters, since as i believe that, we log to kill all monsters not to skip them, can you explain why this game still spawn jugg monsters??. in case 2 or 3 consecutive, is there any purpose to that???.

why wiz DH WD and necro keep taking 30% more damage???. These mechanics were created when the game was launched, without Grifts and bounty. more than 12 years ago, don’t you think 30% is disproportionate??? Or do you still hate solo player???.


Why does Wd have a defensive skill that requires standing in melee range.
I agree that especially Necro is very squishy. But both dh and Wizard can have a ton of toughness

I’ve seen this and I just ignore it. That’s a “them” problem, not a “you” problem.

The literal worst thing they could possibly do is call you names over the internet. Nobody will lose any sleep over that.

I think that’s just a very small oversight or something that was such high-hanging fruit, that it was disregarded.


In pushing, skipping those can be more efficient, but for farming, many can still plow over them as easy as any other. If they had removed Jugg, imagine how many miles people would take that inch. Then it would devolve to “Ok, now take THIS or THAT out”.

I agree, it’s a little disproportionate. It’s my biggest gripe with Jade Harvester builds. It’s very fun to play but…


About the 30% more dmg for those classes: This also doesn’t mean anything after all the itemization differences of the classes. Migitation is anyway something like 99%. I’ve actually found myself the crusader usually being the most squishy class.

About the NPC discussions I agree. In addition to Kadala, I’m a little amused how many times Tyrael wants to talk about his eating habits.

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There has been many changes to the game over the years (of which I’m no expert). Just as an example; some time early on infinite CC control of monsters was made impossible in order to make the game less easy. Juggernauts were also introduced to make the game less of a cakewalk. That they can appear several times in a row - like from pylons - is just a case of RNG.

What was the question? :rofl:


Only for first Greater Rift of the session. While I agree, you can easily skip it by pressing ‘Spacebar’ repeatedly.

To get back what you were doing, fast.

Because after you became overpowered, they’re the only struggle left in the game. Without the impact of decision making, game wouldn’t be as interesting. For handling Juggernauts, just learn how to position, lure and endure attacks. If you can not do that, you can still optimize your build less reliant on crowd control for next time. Sometimes luck just be on your side and you can decimate a Juggernaut easily, sometimes you encounter a Teleporter one and learn when to rush into trash monsters or just skip it.

Choose which Juggernaut worth a skip, depending on incoming next Pylon. If you get a Speed, just bail instead of waiting for ticket.

Because they’re frail classes who has longer reach to their spells compare to others without losing any major traits. Melee classes have to be limited with excessive resource cost or have long wind-ups to get higher reach while those don’t. As a result, they chose to cover that small disadvantage in combat by giving base 30% damage reduction to melee classes.

Class design is not a linear thing, nor does it ever depend on one single variable of damage mitigation. To say the least, some classes have very easy to access crucial items in their arsenal which they can spare slots for. If you think it’s so easy when you have 30% damage mitigation, I suggest you to try those those classes in Hardcore.

You have been opening these threads very frequently as if you’re not looking for an answer.


It was so much fun playing firebird wiz last season. You could facetank a gr 150 RG and keep up ten stacks of Squirt’s while slowly whittling its health down to zero.
I don’t know if Kaiser plays necromancer this season. To that class juggernauts are probably more annoying than else.

haha, necro goes brrrrrrrr 150s no problem. 30% hahahaha more like 30% deez nuts. pay2win expansion hahaha u poor can’t afford necro hahaha.

Okay, i’m done, had to get it out of my system.


I like the fact that I can have chain mail, a helmet, thick gloves and pants, shoulder pads, boots, and belt on, then have a monster look at me and I die. I then put something to cover my forearms on, and now am almost invincible.

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I’m just going to talk about the WD. Even if it is painful to always have to wear Lakumba (well almost), the re-work was very good, and just for that, the WD changed tiers.

There are flaws, and there always will be.

But what concerns me, the 30% more damage is an old memory :slight_smile:

(Except if you like to play Zunimassa :joy: )

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When I’m leveling my first toon of the season I abso-freaking-lutely LOVE short rifts. I’m after the mats, maybe a DB or a rift key and don’t want to push thru 8 floors to get them. Especially since I play HC where rifts can massively overwhelm you after a couple of floors.


If he ironically complaining about Necros being 30% more frail while leaderboards are full GR150 solo clears in S31, that’d be hilarious. Perhaps that’s his intention at the first place?

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OP seems to have no problems playing Wiz and Necro season after season.

no… i already did 150 solo necro in 10:05 min. With trang’s set.
as well as i did 145 wizard. but i looked on your profile, i saw nothing. last season i hit 3800pl, at this season iam 2550 somthing… When you criticize something, it doesn’t mean you fail, at least it could be much better. Do you have access, or are you just here to say that? Do you know how to play the game? It doesn’t seem like it, right?.

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Jazz plays on UE

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“your first toon” in HC …
seriously …


It’s funny how people like to only quote the part that suits them.


You have such a “charming” attitude. You seem to forget that you were the one asking some, perhaps basic, questions about the game. Like why do we have juggernauts? Why are Wizards and Necromancers so fragile?

They’re not squishy but since their meta-game is circulating through different skills in a row, their defenses are usually perceived as inconsistent or demanding. Their generous debuffs and healing can be used together to cover long cooldowns when needed. Crusaders have great assets to utilize their equipment with their defensive skills, yet also have a extra free cheat-death on their ultimate ability.

Easiest example is Laws of Valor- Unstoppable Force synergizing with Captain Crimson’s bonuses; this is well known and used. While leveling up to first 70, try to throw Skywarden in Cube to activate Laws together.
Although somewhat unconventional, you can also have Ancient Parthan Defenders with Iron Skin- Charged Up or Steel Skin here as it pairs really well. Your Followers’ help required here to push more stun or freeze effects; else it will be really inefficient without five second stun shots of Scoundrel or Templar equipping Wyrdward.

All the while, Akarat’s Champion- Prophet offering an extra cheat death is a great deal. If you have problems with consistency of defensive buffs and can afford to spare a weapon slot at the cube, you can toss Akkhan’s Addendum there and switch for Rally skillrune of Champion to keep up other defensive buffs.
When you fail to fit Indestructible passive, then you are bound to have Akarat’s Champion- Prophet somewhere in your build. While providing cheat-death only once at its duration, it’s also a great kickstart for Stone Gauntlets as some area denial attacks from Elites that could whiff you indirectly, won’t trigger its stacking armor bonus.

Paired with Akarat’s Champion, Provoke can also make Stone Gauntlet bonus sustainable while providing a huge burst of resources. However, using Provoke alone without Hit Me skillrune in tandem to Justice Lantern, would cause any burst damage to down you in an instant before Stone Gauntlet can stack anything.
Lastly, we can add St. Archew’s Gage here because Crusaders always have a slot for gauntlet if you spare it. It works marvelously with highly consistent defensive buffs such as Aquila Cuirass or Guardian’s Set.

I don’t exactly get the point of your complaint then. Trag’Oul, or Trang’Oul is a highly tanky Set build. As for Juggernauts, you either skip it or hope that you have enough duration Nephalem Glory to spread area damage further along the fight. Having Nephalem Glory doesn’t mean you’ll win the fight easily without positioning better, but it will help and will have an impact. I wish I could give you any better advice but I haven’t seen how bad Juggernauts are past GR135 and I’m not a Necromancer expert at all.

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