Just want to ask you


Game Set
Diablo II Trang-Oul’s Avatar
Diablo III Trag-Oul’s Avatar
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Isn’t that a console thing?
Because of Krysbin’s and Trag’s Corroded Fang necromancers do much less damage to juggs. It’s noticeable if you come from a Tal Rasha meteor build for example.

The damage buff? Yes. NG increases damage at consoles but not at PC.
However, I find a benefit of Nephalem Glory in PC where it spreads Area Damage% more effectively at third stack. I can not be able to explain it in full, as no where really have any detail on it but you have to try and see for yourself. Even the biggest outlets, such as maxroll, icy-veins or any Diablo wikis out there; don’t have Nephalem Glory mechanics covered for PC version and suggest you to cower in terror whenever you see a Juggernaut Elite.

Does it improve the Area Damage proc chance of 20% further? Does it cause the initial target to incur area damage? No clue. The only thing I know is that, the Juggernauts won’t really endure long against your attacks when you have three Glory stacks. As long as you position well enough to inflict area damage at nearby targets in big bursts, the fight will last rather shorter compared to not having it.
To be exact, Juggernaut elites simply melt against it in an unexplainable way. As indicated by “terrible blasts of energy” expression at the Nephalem Glory tooltip, I think the culprit here is the Area Damage you have on your equipment and perhaps standard Paragon levels.

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She has dementia :pensive:


All NPCs have!

Kadala, Myriam, Kulle, Orek, all the followers. Only Shen to me, strangely enough after playing “his” story, is the least annoying one…

yea yea … am not talking about “your first toon season in HC”… and it seems you didnt even play… i cant see your profile, why you hiding it ???. people hide what they are ashamed of.

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People don’t need to know if I’m online or not, or other unnecessary information.
Oh, I almost forgot:

You’re welcome :slight_smile: