Just return to 1 week ptr

Which we shouldnt be doing in the first place. Go back 20+ years where games companies actually had full teams dedicated to just testing the game and trying to break it unlike today because multi billion dollar companies like craptivision blizzard wanna save a few bucks. Back then companies actually cared about their product and had to make sure it was in 99% working order because there were no online patches to fix a game if something wasnt working. Just shows how cheap game companies are now a days and blizzard still cant release any kind of patch, even a background patch with out breaking something THAT DIDNT EVEN NEED TO BE TOUCHED TO BEGIN WITH.

It literally takes 2 minutes to type something like this up with out thought. If you cant take 2 minutes to do your job as the COMMUNITY MANAGER, then you dont need to be in that position. Simple as that.

You also mention your giving feed back to devs. Since when do they actually listen? They dont so you can actually spend 2 minutes a day talking to people on the forums. Other game companies much smaller then blizzard can, so can you. You can have 34534534 people saying 1 thing but then have two people saying another thing and for some stupid reason you people go and do what the 2 people want instead of the masses…

This here I just found on another topic and proves my point the devs and this community manager dont listen. You can go on this forum, twitter, and reddit and about 95% of the topics about this new season say they dont like it. But once again, they for some reason wanna go and do what the 5% of people want instead of the masses…