When you announced D2R, you made a singular promise. This was a Remaster, NOT a Remake. So far, you’ve been for the most part, fairly faithful to this promise.
I’m not going to write a 10 paragraph post on ploot, bugs and glitches, new acts, buffed item drop rates, pvp mechanics ect.
I’m simply going to ask you to for the love of God, Once. Just be a different company than 99.9% of them out there and
Just. Keep. Your. Word.
Don’t succumb to the bullying and radical nonsense.
Keep your word.
You can not fail if you do this, because it’s such a rare and precious thing in this world today.
Just keep your word.
Theres 2 new Diablo games right around the corner. Games your creating from scratch with whatever mechanics you want.
Your sole promise and foundational principle from day 1 with D2R was clearly stated by you.
As soon as Blizzard sniff a rotting dollar they’re gonna reach out and take it. They don’t care if you consent or not. Just look at their past-behaviours (lawsuit included). Edit: not all of them are like that of course, but clearly, there’s enough of them to affect operations.
Agreed, I hope Blizzard realises there is more $$ to be made by leaving the game oldschool, attract botters and repeatedely ban them so they buy keys instead of catering to tourists who will quit the game after reaching lvl85 in hell and want instant gg gear.
Given the scope and depth of changes already, the “remaster vs. remake vs resurrected” is a useless tautology by now.
Breaking ladder, TCP/IP, WSG, e-bug, mods, etc. have already demonstrated we will NOT be getting the "the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved."
“So far” and “For the most part” and “Fairly” in the same sentence - three qualifiers that demonstrate the Blizz actually has already deviated from the most basic, primary promise of all:
“The same Diablo II you know and love, preserved”
That promise is already broken. The only question that remains is “by how much?”
Actually, there’s another breach of that promise. The devs are already suggesting that even more changes are coming. Meaning that this promise will broken even more in the future.
htt ps://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=262579&site=diablo2 (remove the space).
" Q. I am curious about the update direction of Diablo 2 Resurrection after the official release.
Rob Galerani: I think the first thing to focus on is authenticity and stability. We will focus on this first and launch the game. After that, we will continue to monitor and strive for feedback such as stability and performance.
In addition, we prepared a ladder, but we plan to apply the ladder after stably dragging the game rather than starting right away at the time of launch."
Blizzard already broke their promise with TCP/IP and modding.
That said, yeah, add a 1.14 server that wont ever change.
Then all the new changes can be added without taking away the original game.
Also note that they have never promised no changes. If anything, they have given every impression that they want to do changes.
They should just ensure that any such changes only happens in a isolated game mode. Living up to the promise of preservation.
both words don’t mean anything anyway in actuality, considering every game developers do their own spin on it.
sometime just enhancing graphics and calling it a “remake”
and sometime enhanching graphics + creatings new story chapter / characters / game mode etc… and call it a remastered.
So spamming those two words won’t change what they would decide to do or not do, that’s for both camp. In the end everything will be the dev’s decisions
Their word was more comprehensive than your narrow interpretation.
You can preserve an authentic experience AND add options that diverge from the original.
From the get go, Blizzard/VV has said repeatedly over the past 6+ months that they were willing to make additional changes if the players want them as long as they meet specific criteria.
Do you really want no option for auto-gold pickup?
Do you really want to keep NHAM?
To keep their word, Blizzard need to do what they said that includes both preserving the game AND making optional changes if the players want them that make intellectual sense.
If (yeah, it’s a big one) new and improved battle.net 2.0 is successful against bots, I’d imagine character progression is going to go a lot slower - since it will take a lot longer to trade for the items you want. It is self-evident in that fewer bots mean fewer gg items in the game.
I hope it’s true, but I’d also like people to be aware, getting good/end game gear will be much more grindy if eliminating the bot scourge is actually successful.
no because im sick of all this bs.
you are going around in circles with the same BS all the time.
they explained everything they did i think.
and if the guys here still not like it…well… bye.
Not bye ?
How about you stop telling people that they cant speak their mind.
The game should have been released with TCP/IP and mod support. That is what Blizzard did promise (unlike the No changes nonsense). But not what is being delivered.
Yelling unreasonably like this just makes me want to stay longer, if for nothing else besides the free rent.
So, what exactly was the reason to gut ladder play - I don’t think I’ve seen that explained.
Regardless, we love this game as much as you so we’re not going anywhere. The only difference is, we can see how it can become even better. You can only look back on antiquated glories, glories that are fading more day by day.
Evolve or die. Been an axiomatic truth on this planet for 3+ billion years.
Because you guys are ALWAYS coming around the corner with the same crap and your selfishness upsets me. THEREFORE.
I want the game what Blizzard has announced!
YOU want to make a bunch of S.HIT out of it.
and that for MONTHS with always the same stupid arguments. I am so sick of it