Johanna Faries new President of Blizzard Entertainment

Well, something about Activision/Blizzard games is enticing players to keep buying their games. They don’t care what people say, if their coffers are filling to the brim, that is the sign to them that they’re doing something right.

This times a hundred. How many people do you see go out and buy multiple copies of their newest release, then come the forums to cry about how bad it is and they will quit playing. Those same people then go out and buy multiple copies of the next release to then come back and complain and quit again. The cycle contiunes on and on into perpetuity.

They know players will buy microtransaction laden and driven :poop: released in a beta state all day. Why change it? Why spend any money into actual development and quality control when they can just go the cheap route?

They aren’t changing how they do things until the cash stops coming in.


We will see - rest of the clowns totally destroyed D3. It is a mess with gear that does not work anymore and gear that needs to go to the scrap pile. Add so love to D3 these are the people that made the game.

It can’t get much worse. Those other guys “insert famous name here” haven’t done very much the past decade other than release a couple Diablo games. We used to rotate between games. Diablo, Warcrft RTS, Starcraft games, I never got into it but Overwatch was big with friends, etc. It wasn’t just Diablo or WoW. Maybe new blood can get some game releases. How bad of a manager do you have to be to NOT RELEASE ANYTHING when you run the one of the bigger most established development houses in history.

I’m not doubting it. I am carrying on like normal. But yea THAT was silly and set up, however i’m over it. The wind up note was funny might i add. I conclude that changes were made too oh well hahaha i guess.

Hihi, Microsoft takes over, then D4 introduces 30$ portal cosmetics. Bad signs. It doesn’t matter what face you put on it when the core is rotten.

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Yeah, a big part of the problem.

Not convinced it can be sustained in perpetuity though.

Most modern business majors could care less. A leech only needs its host until the next host comes along.

Hopefully the new Blizz president cares about and can push sustainability over grabbing the most money in the shortest period of time for the least amount of work.

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I’m not sure the president will be the one making the monetization decisions.

Spoiler: Nothing will change for the better


You guys keep talking about selling games. They’re not selling games, they are selling a service. All services are basically the same. The way you sell something that is the same as everything else is with superior marketing.

It’s like complaining that the milkman does deliver milk to your door any more.

I hate it. You hate it. It’s stupid and it will die like all stupid ideas… or it will become too big to fail. I really hope not.

tell that to Richard Garriot. Literally made some of the most iconic games of all time. Literally vacations in space and lives in a castle. I dont see him gouging players for nickles and dimes ruining his games.


I don’t accept it.

I’m voting with my wallet. Buying indie-games and games from developers that go against the new trend.

I was pointing out why a company would place a marketing person in the C.E.O. position and why it would be ‘smart’ from their point of view.

or having a superior product to everyone else.

and how many copies of D4 did you buy?? People like you are why the games today are the way they are.

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Emergency heart surgery is a service. Pumping a septic tank is a service. Not at all the same. Most CEOs have financial and business administration backgrounds. They don’t usually come from marketing backgrounds unless it’s a marketing company.

zero, nada, zilche, fin, 零, nula, เลขศูนย์, μηδέν, insignificancia, صِفْرٌ, game over pal.

i’m literally the coolest person on the forums being likely the only person who didnt purchase D4: bad.

So, you live in Antarctica and your heater isn’t working?

If not, then I call shenanigans.


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If that’s the case, Blizzard owes me a copy of D4 in my account :stuck_out_tongue:

The coolest 92 year old, do you still play games on your grandmothers laptop when you are traveling?

Oct '21

Not in my lifetime and i’m 89 years old.


i’ve been considering getting one of those Elon gamer neurochips in my brain so i can go hands free and not need a carry-on. Will we need to hold our credit cards to our foreheads in order to pay2win diablo 5?