I've changed my mind. Diablo 4 MUST have trading!

Hate to break it to you Auction Houses have been around for 100s of years. D3 didn’t coin the term. A crack is considered a fracture, which is a broken bone. Just because they call it a market place doesn’t mean it doesn’t serve the same function as an AH. Last time I looked there are tons of ite.s you cannot sell on the WoW AH.

It wasn’t the part I liked and I don’t know anyone who enjoyed never seeing certain things drop. That was just how the system worked so you either went along with it or played something else. My point being that it’s successor improved upon this.

I don’t think that’s what they were implying (from my perspective). Yes, AHs have existed in other games prior (WoW anyone?). It was just in the way the game was designed and what was available. In Diablo 3 (at the time), you could buy any gear from the AH. In other games, you can buy really good gear but you’re not going to be buying complete raid-tier sets. The former makes it so that people would rather sit around and buy everything than play the actual game and it showed. Games were empty.

Ah, fair enough. I misread the post. Yeah I really disagree with that. D3s droprates are absurd imo. Hurts the gameplay experience.

That too I won’t disagree with. They improved upon it but possibly in excess? I’m fine with some happy middle ground. I don’t need to have everything playing casually for 2 weeks but I don’t want it taking nearly the whole season. Then I have no time to enjoy it. shrug

i do not want trading. at all.


The people against trading are the reason gaming has continued to nose dive in quality.

No one is forcing you to trade.

I want to run 100% solo, but I am forced to team up if it want to fight the world bosses.

One of the things I dislike about Immortal is having to wait on others to do things.

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Yeah, that just sucks. Please change!

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I might be the only one, but I would even pay more to have a 100% solo option. I do not want anything that I am working on to be contingent on others being with me. If I want to run with others let it be my decision, do not force it on me. D3 does a good job of it Immortal not so much.

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you do realize, if trading is a thing, diablo 4 would have drop rates changed to accommodate trading? youd never get anything good. ever. so, trading affects everyone.

to say nothing about the heavy bots, the destroyed economy, and so on, that would further degrade the game for me, even if i never took part in trading.


Definitely not the only one no.
Solo Battle Pass. Ouch, Blizzard might actually run with it.

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You people have zero imagination. D4 needs to have an AH.

And the fix is so simple. Have every drop bound on account, but there is a 1% chance that the drop will not be bound.

So now, the hardcore people can enjoy quality loot without having to worry about nerf drop rate due to the AH. And people with little time to grind can still go on the AH and find decent gears.


Outragous comment is outragous.

This is exactly how I see it as well. I don’t want to depend on others in a game that can be perfectly balanced around solo.


I don’t think the game has nosedived at all. There are people who are still attached to Diablo 2 because they had a long history with it. It was a product of it’s time. The same way it is with WoW classic.

There are people who will say the quality has been greatly improved.

Games have never been better.
“AAA games” on the other hand. Ouch.