I've changed my mind. Diablo 4 MUST have trading!

After thinking it over the past couple of weeks I’ve realized that having open trade will be really great for the community and will make finding an item that might not be useful for your build or class, feel much more rewarding because now you can trade it to other people for an item or currency that you do want.

Diablo 4 already has a big focus on the shared world aspect, and trading will take that to the next level and keep the community much more engaged.

Say YES to free and open trading in Diablo 4!


I mostly run solo, so trading does not affect me at all. Right now, many players will drop legendary items on the ground after the GRs in D3 so other people can use them. So, what is the issue. Just keep that nonsense called the AH out of D4.


As we’ve seen in D3, the existence/non-existent of trading affects drop rates.

So, in a way, it does affect you.


Yeah, as someone who primarily plays solo, I don’t care whether trading is in the game or not, for the most part anyway. The only time I have a problem with trading is if it becomes a repeat of D3 vanilla where I needed to trade (or use the AH) in order to progress through the game. So as long as the itemization isn’t terrible, the droprate isn’t too abyssmal, and there exists other methods of increasing character power (besides getting stronger items), then I don’t mind trading being in D4.

That said, trading has been confirmed already, however there will be some restrictions to it.

Sure it will. Drop rates built around trade greatly effects SSF play.


I changed my mind in the opposite direction. The only real reason I liked trading in D2 was that it was a sort of minigame of its own with skill at bartering mattering.

These days though an AH will just pop up regardless of if Blizzard adds one or not and that just defeats the point for me(I know one existed even in the D2 days, but most players didn’t know about it at the time).

With that gone all you really do with trading is create a situation where you need to either create two entirely separate game modes or else balance the drop rates around one style of play to the detriment of the other style.

So unless they want to put in the work to make 2 game modes for trading and non-trading, just don’t bother.


That makes it feel less rewarding, since it gets that much easier to gear up, making the items you find yourself irrelevant.
Everything turns into a matter of generating currency to buy what you want.

Allowing any kind of trading would be a really bad idea.

Sharing items within a group, but no trading otherwise, encourages the “community” to play together, instead of just interacting through AHs (official or third party).

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Sadly while trading can be good and fun, it brings along the existence of 3rd party sites offering gear and items for money, for ex.: D2JSP. Which is kind of a P2W thing, which Blizz could act up against, but they didn’t do anything about it for D2, maybe they will for D4, maybe they will not. These things will show only when we’re allready there, and that might be too late.

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Don’t you know you aren’t allowed to 180 on a new post after your original has over 1K views?

Bottom line: Both of your posts cancel each other out, so D4 will be what it becomes.

Most likely this considering the developers and CMs do not come to this forum. So, all of the “I want this” and “I want that” is a waste of time. We get what they give us and some people with like it and others will hate it.

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Yeah pretty much. I’m simply still here just to discuss potential game ideas and lore info with fellow forum goers.


How do you imagine trading without Auction House then? Spamming lobby with trade offers, using weird websites based on real money, stop doing activity anytime I receive private message or likewise spamming messages to others and hoping someone will answer. Then people ask for solo self found mode because they’re tired of this. I’d rather have no trading.

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Gathering currency, runes etc to get the gears you want feel like working IRL.

I want to be a warrior not a merchant. Lots of games like POE turn you into a merchant.

Doesn’t feel good in arpg. I want gears from killing mobs or at least craft my own from a base drop from mobs as the primary means or getting gear.


I would rather play the game to recieve my items than have to go trade for them. Especially since not being able to trade keeps p2w out the game.

I honestly would prefer a AH where Blizzard made innovations to the system to keep p2w out the game. The only reason people don’t like the idea of an AH was because Blizz tried to launch D3 with Blizzards very own real money AH putting p2w in the game without the need to cheat or use 3rd party website.

AH is actually superior to trade if measures are taken to make sure players can’t abuse it and use 3rd party websites to RMT.

Still you keep the problem that if drop rates are based around trading, they will be too low or very low for people not trading so that game mode will be more or less death and it all becomes about earning what you need for trading, whether SOJ or gold. \Other way around and you focus droprates around found only it will get to easy and fast to gear up with trading. Effing up the progression of the game and everyone rushing to the promised holy land.

That would only truly work if there would be two or three modes, which would split community. That might actually be best though, but never was Blizz’s intention as they want us all grouping up even giving artificial boosts for that even in D2 after patch 1.10. and their refusal to ever even think of supporting a SSF or team mode (where you can only play with a team of 4-6 people if want to contend on leaderboards) that would fit a leaderboard game much better as current situation.

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They have the same view :point_down:

“Our underlying philosophy here is we think it is the best when you can kill a monster, and get loot that way. So we want to make sure that whatever we do, we kinda respect that part of Diablo.”

By doing exactly what they said :point_down: Play the game stay out of Walmart.

So the idea is that we have kinda three different types of tradeable items, so to speak: there is a class of item (a bunch of items) that can always be traded, no matter what, freely. I can give it to Angela. She can give it to David. He can give it to Joe. So on, and so forth.

— and then, we can also have a class of items that are tradeable one time. So I have an item. I use it for a year, and then I’m like: “I don’t want this item anymore;” and I give it to Angela. But now, she can’t trade it anymore. It is bound to her. So things like that can only be traded one time.

— and then, we are also thinking that– probably — the highest quality, most powerful things in the game, especially in that area, there should be items that you can’t trade at all. That you have to earn yourself. You have to go do those end-game dungeons, and kill monsters, etc. to get that loot. :point_left:

Those item types you describe will still be on “Walmart”. If trading exists, official or unofficial AHs will also exist.

Some people have been crying about Immortal being P2W, but they have no issue with trading or purchasing loot in D4 via an AH. Funny how that works. In almost 3 years they have not said anything about an AH, I wonder why? Maybe because D4 will not have an AH?

Open the flood gates to Chinese farmers! YAY!

That’s a no. There has to be limits to how trading is done.

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If it has trading, it will also have an AH. Or likely many AHs.

While both are really bad, they are also not remotely same. P2W is way way worse.
Of course, that is like saying it is worse to get hit in the face by a truck than a sledgehammer. Both are still quite bad.

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