I've changed my mind. Diablo 4 MUST have trading!

Blizzard needs to up their anti-cheat game either way otherwise the game will just become infested with bots like Diablo 2 & 3 are.

So the third party website argument is a bit moot here. If Blizzard doesn’t actually enforce their own rules, the game is going to go downhill regardless of if there is trading or not.

It is endlessly harder to act against RMT than botting however. Botting happens in-game. RMT does not.

Botting is also often what actually feeds the RMT.

but as a general rule I don’t agree with completely removing a feature just because some people will do bad things with it, especially if it can actually be mitigated by Blizzard actually enforcing their own rules for once.

I just think the existence of an AH(regardless if Blizz has one or not) and the balance of drop rates issues is a bigger deal than that.

Yeah. RMT is pretty much a non-issue imo. I mean, it is bad, but it is nothing compared to the other issues trading brings.
And I very much agree with the “dont change a game for the worse because of cheaters”. That is pretty much letting the terrorists win.
Cheaters should be handled through banning, not by changing the gameplay.

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Lol oxymoron. There’s no rewarding feeling in a quick trade because you didn’t work for it. It only lowers your overall playtime.

Looks like not enough…

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Why bring AH up with D4?

It was ended in D3.
Blizzard said they learned their lesson about AH and never again.
There are political and Web Item shop reasons for removal forever of AH.

Diablo Immortal has auction house and p2w microtransactions so what did they learn? :joy:

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Source on that please?

Same arguments all over again )

Only severely limited trade (in time and number of items to trade) can be the only real compromise.

I liked trading in D2 because you could toss in 1000 hours and still never see a large number of the items in the game. In this game, I can spend 2 weeks into a season and see every item for my class including all extras.

Yeah, but that doesn’t require the trading part at all.

Without trading, your chances of seeing a large number of items is slim to none. I put tons of legit hours into Diablo 2 back in the day and tons of pindlebot and there were several things I never had drop.

Basically this doesn’t differ from D3 where you get exactly this result )) In D2 though you must play “market minigame” instead of playing diablo itself, heh.

Diablo 3 is what I was referring to. I can play Diablo 3 season for 2 weeks and get every single item for my class at least once. I played Diablo 2 for months and months and there were items for my class I never saw drop, even with MF gear.

Ye. I mean, D2 with trading = present state D3 without trading. So that (pro-traders) argument that in D3 you are gearing too fast isn’t valid.

Sure, but if that was the part you liked, that is positive?

The issue with trading exactly is how easy it becomes to get gear imo.
Droprates somewhere* around D2, with no trading, and better itemization balance (no Enigma etc.) would be optimal.

*Probably a bit lower droprate for early items, and a bit higher droprate for some of the rarest stuff (like Runes had a few droprate increases late in in D2s life)

You are correct & no one dispute that. However, when we discuss trading, we are not dicussing in isolation.

Without trading, or limited trading, obviously then the game must be design with better ways to aquire gears, like smart loot, target loot farm, crafting, gambling.

Its not a concept. many modern loot base games (like Destiny 2, Tiny Tina, Outriders & D3 etc) has such system. In fact, trading in modern loot base game are exception rather than norm. Last Epoch, whcich is in beta, will have limited form of trading when launch. Currently its single player only which means everyone gearing up by themselves.

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LoL, no it doesn’t.

You can’t buy all the gear you want for a character with gold or with real money.

You should try playing the game and see for yourself.

Also stop spreading untruth’s.

It’s still an AH regardless of your feels about it.

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I played D3 when AH was there.

The words “Auction House” was put together then.

It was a place to use gold or real money to buy/auction all your gear/jewels/crafting mats.

No blizzard game since has had an AH.

IN Immortal you can buy legendary gems/jewels at the marketplace but that is all.

To loosely use a term that was specific is improper use of the word.

"Cracking a rib is not breaking a rib bone."