So one major complaint a lot of people had was the RMAH from diablo 3 but then people were also bummed how there isn’t any trading like from diablo 2. Is the community done trying to figure out trading for this game? I was thinking that maybe there could be a trade window for 1-2 hours to anyone publicly. That could be adjusted to 12 or 24 hours depending on how hard it is to find a trader. Personally I miss the trade chat and haggling with people to obtain good gear. Anyone else feel this sentiment or do you not care to have trading in the game?
The current status of D4 is pretty much an open trading since rares are tradable and you can upgrade these to legendaries.
So, there will be a lot of 3rd parties selling godly rares, which the whales (the rich players investing real money in the game) can then upgrade. Don’t worry, it’s the same as D2.
I want no trading at all. Except people present in the party when the item dropped I guess.
Trading creates worse game experience imo, by making the gear progression a mess.
Yes, but what will the whales do without trading - those guys that want to get the items without grinding and instead buy them from 3rd parties?
Satisfying the whales means more income for the game since these players will spend more on MTX when they have the GG gear bought from 3rd parties.
Whales are bad for the competitive players, but who cares about these? Remember - the important groups of players are the casuals and the whales. They deliver the most cash and the game should be designed in such a way to satisfy them most.
Yeah, especially when a rare+ is going to be BiS in D4.
We don’t really know if rares will be tradeable. Hopefully not.
It seems pretty safe to assume the legendary potions won’t be tradeable, unless Blizzard changes their current stance.
While I fundamentally disagree with that statement, I also don’t think trading is beneficial to “casuals”, quite the contrary actually.
And the whales can buy stuff from Blizzard. That does not require trading either.
Rares are traded once right now in Diablo 4. No one knows whether this will remain at launch, but it’s safe to assume so since the whole point of trading is that whales are happy.
Oh stop crying about whales. Earn your items just like I do. The point is to be able to trade gear that is not useful to you. Trading will be allowed. Get over it already.
Yes, of course it will. The whales have to spend more money on MTX.
No MTX = No gain from whales = No need for trading = D3
What does MTX have to do with trading? Lol.
Trading allows whales to be happy by gaining the items they need without grinding -> Happy whales spend more on MTX
ABC marketing stuff serving for a noob game
Lol. Having trading doesn’t mean people are going to buy more mtx. I play PoE and trade and I don’t buy cosmetic microtransactions. My brother doesn’t either. That doesn’t necessarily corelate.
Tons of mobile games don’t have trading and they sell a ton of MTX also.
Yes, but if the become silently P2W (introduce trading) for a certain player group like the whales then they’ll make even more from MTX.
It’s not about making enough in the world we live, it’s about making the most. Sad capitalist world creating idiots.
Stop trying to corelate trading with MTX. If you want to say people can buy items, sure they can, but I can earn items through playing the game and trading stuff I don’t need for stuff that I do. People buy MTX for the look of gear etc.
I have no problem with cosmetic microtransactions. Let the greedy companies make more money and maybe they’ll push out more content for their game instead of it ending up like D3.
Let’s start from here - you agree whales can go to 3rd parties and buy godly rares, right?
So, you see, it’s simple - when this happens the whale is more happy than to spend time in-game acquiring the rares himself, so he spends more on MTX.
That’s not necessarily true lol. One does not lead to the other. If I go buy a godly rare on a website, that doesn’t mean that I’m now going to purchase a cosmetic microtransaction that changes the way my character looks. One has nothing to do with the other.
They’re putting in trading so that they can gain back the D2 fans that they lost.
It has to do a lot.
People are more open to buy and spend money when they are happy - read some statistics if you don’t believe me.
Getting the rares without playing is something the whale wants, right? So, he’s happy when this happens and he spends more on MTX.
Lol you could say that about anything. So, the whale could be happy from smart loot that drops stuff specifically for their character. So, now that they’re happy, they can go buy more MTX. See how that works?
Allowing trading is to capture the D2 fans again and to sell more copies of the game and expansions.
No, you see now mate. Welcome to the matrix.
Now that you know this I leave to you to think of what is coming in D4 - what kind of systems that would make the whales and casuals happy all the time.
What D2 fans? D2 is full of bots, not fans.