There’s so many options now. It’s like being the only guy at lifeguard training.
Imo, the best season goes to season 19, and that’s mostly because it gave us a unique enemy to fight, unlike the other seasons thus far.
I’ve a special place for season 16. It revived interest in D3 and greatly expanded on build potential.
This season is very decent, tho I wouldn’t call it the best. It brings a very nice solo QoL change, but they need to add a bit more to it to make it just right. It’s also a minor power boost to some underused builds so that’s great too.
I’m having a blast with FB Wiz. I just wish there was more to do or more streamlined content so that burnout wouldn’t set in so quick.
4th cube slot for anything we wanted was pretty awesome honestly
Season 20 was best for me. Mundudnudngudududugu build was a blast and I could actually play it in higher GR’s with my friends. I care about being able to play with my friends in higher content with a build I enjoy playing.
While I greatly appreciate the work they have done to improve the followers, being a dh and wd main means I will get bored with being a farming class and be on to other things/games shortly. If they want to increase player retention, they need to continue fixing broken things in the game and get some relative balance.
Gimmicky themes don’t do much for me. Shooting giant snowballs out my butt has no meaning if the core gameplay is still broken/lacking.
So why do you keep taking the option to name heroes after me?
All good except the Firebird lagfest in groups.
If we are talking about themes, unpopular oppinion but i really liked S18. The others with the cube changes were nice but ended up buffing one class way more than the others. The worst for me was S21, i couldn’t stand the visuals. I think a combination of S18 with the clones of S22 is a decent theme for recycling in the future as it doens’t break the game or making something really op.
Whichever season had Diablo spawn at 1k kill count was my favorite this current one is my 2nd favorite since I play mostly solo but god I wish there was some sort of bounty cache item for followers to where that made them good enough to do solo.
Nah, this is one of the worst season. Even the season of tempest is better than this season.
S19 theme and 4th Cube + Shadow Clone are the best season theme so far in D3.
That’s both hilarious and creepy. Achievement unlocked: your own personal stalker.
This is brilliant
You are late for 1 season. The best was 22. 23 is no season.
Free RoRG was awesome, it coincided with the upgrade of underperforming sets in 2.6.4:
This double benefit made for some really cool things to try out. Well worth the power creep.
Yes, because I have finished, got the rewards and now there is no reason to continue because it’s the same as non season, so you might as well play that.
I think it is, specifically because so many people are crying about it.
It’s quite entertaining.
if im the one stalking him, how did he ever know that i made similar names on this account. think about it. I’ve baited smarter fish irl.
Both of them are stalking each other. Doesn’t this just feel so wrong no matter how you see it?
This thread is about the current season.
So I looked to see if you’d actually bothered to make a seasonal hero or not.
When you come up stuff like Only Jesseth’s you really shouldn’t be insulting other people’s intelligence.
still obliviously proving me right. never change, friend.