Is this normal?

I dont want to do any of these … thx anyway man

Lower the difficulty to Master or Expert, keep doing runs. Appears you either don’t know how skills work or how to optimize gear you looted. If you don’t know the optimization tricks and wear stuff that doesn’t offer anything, you’ll go back to the square one.

If you have no idea about the defense, active offense and crowd control trio, then you might not sustain yourself. As I see it you have no defensive buff that grants you some kind of toughness increase for a small duration. Game revolves around that sustainability and requires attention and positioning instead of encouraging spamming attacks.

Just read the changes if equipped section and try to eliminate bad loot and keep the good ones. You want more toughness from torso armor, shoulder piece, pants and boots; damage increase must be prioritized with bracers, headdress, all three jewelry slots and gloves. For starters, always try to keep vitality pieces or get vitality on known defensive slots I described but don’t mind 10% toughness lost at the cost of gaining more damage at these low difficulties.

There is a ton of stuff that I don’t know man. I dont know what the infernal machine I have is for…let alone how to build my character. Seems like there is all this cryptic content that I have very little patience for.

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To be very specific, your torso armor and shoulder piece need vitality on them for a start. Head to Mystic Artisan, where you rerolled your torso armor and reroll vitality on them if possible. Your boots need resistance, a primary stat to reroll from Mystic just like vitality. Have you leveled your Mystic and other Artisans by going into the training tab? It just require gold.
You don’t have any defensive buff at your action bar either, Ignore Pain or Wrath of the Berserker skills are staple of many Barbarians. Alternatively you can go for a shield and 1- hand combo.

Game difficulty scales up immensely for its replayability value if you show some patience you may enjoy it. If all really sound cryptic so far, then maybe game wasn’t for you? Reaper of Souls expansion pack is NOT a much different game than classic was.

I dont know what enchants to take off of the items to add vitality. Same for the boots. yeah I have my crafting at lvl 12. I have been using Revenge as a healing skill and dont know what other skills to replace. The game basically handed me an infernal machine after I killed a “thing”. I guess I need to alt tab out of the game and start looking at websites. You know what I’m good.

Helpful information for new players…

Initially, concentrate on completing the first four chapters of the season journey (you can view this in-game by pressing Shift + J) as completion of chapters 2, 3 and 4 each give you a Haedrig’s Gift containing two pieces of a set armour for your hero which means that once you’ve obtained all three gifts, you’ll have a full 6-piece armour set, which will confer huge damage and mitigation bonuses to you.

As set items only drop from Torment 1 and above, that won’t be very helpful in terms of obtaining set armour / weapons / jewellery.

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I’m going to play some Neverwinter Nights… have good night and thank you.

From your profile, it looks like you’ve been playing since before Loot 2.0 was released, so you should know the basics of gameplay, and what the general ideal stats are for items. The rest can be learned either through trial and error, or by doing research. There are a ton of resources for you to learn how to play, all just a Google search away. If this is too much for you, then this isn’t your game.

You can’t really re-enchant an item back to its normal state. You have to find another chest armor that is decent enough and enchant one of its primary to vitality if it doesn’t have it. As for boots, you need to replace an affix with all resistance through gambling for it.

Mind you, there are exceptions for the stat rolls; for example single resistance items can’t roll all resistance, only some pieces can roll crit ratings or life percentage bonus and so on. Always check small question mark next to affixes for possibility pool of it before rerolling anything.

Earthquake without any skill damage boost from Legendary and Set bonuses, won’t do much. I see that your torso armor has some damage bonus to it but it won’t matter at all as your main dish with early builds are primary and secondaries afterall. You start by replacing Earthquake with Wrath of the Berserker or Ignore Pain.

For replacing that fourth slot with Ignore Pain you have to activate Elective Mode from game settings first though. Once Elective Mode is active you should be able to roam between skill categories with small arrows at the each end of the array to attend different categories to the slots. That’s not a new thing and existed since D3 classic times.

If that’s too much information, wait 'till you get to the end game.

Shld I tell him “RNG is …” ?

Weird. The community is offering to help. Every game has a learning curve. Looking at the profile, it appears you are playing Seasonal, which means, if you follow the Seasonal tasks, you should have collected most of the Free Armor set.

Anyway good luck.

I dont want to read a bunch of websites just so I can play a video game. I understand you guys are trying to link me 47 different things. I get it. Yes I’m trying to do seasonal stuff but its very slow progress with very little rewards to keep me going, I havent got 1 legendary all day long while my friend who started the same time as me is already paragon 400 and has pages of legendaries. Man really I dont want someone to play the game for me and boost me or whatever … this is the lamest thing and I feel like quitting just because of this alone. I guess this isnt the game for me if this is the kind of “gameplay” you guys like.

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what’s your point here? Is T1 bad? I seem to not fare so well in harder difficulty. It takes forever to kill stuff and I die more.

You’re on a website, asking for advice about playing a video game, and then rejecting the help being offered because you have to read it?


Oh give me a break, asking for a little advice on a forum is totally different than spamming me 47 websites. I’m done. I don’t need anymore “help” have fun powerleveling or whatever you guys do in this game.

  1. Tip:
    Search for a clan. It’s a give and take. :wink:
    They help you with seasonal journey and learning game basics. In return you will help other newbies later and will grow to help a normal team properly.

  2. Tip:
    Use the rescources, the game gives you for a proper start:
    ← I linked this not for leveling, but the preparations that will still help you. =)

Power leveling is a whole other level:

  • Using those rescources and reach 70 with a team within few 4 hours from a virgin account
  • Wear power level gear at your second char and reach 70 within 2 Hours solo
  • Get pushed by a friend and reach 70 by 1 Minute

So nope, using rescources is not power leveling. It is casual play, too. :wink: is not 47pages, only 1 page. It gives answer to any question you can have about the game at this point.
You can use it, it wil help and everything is written easy to understand, but also in short, so you dont have to “study” D3 at this page. :wink:

Would be sad, if you throw the towel, just because you think you get no progrss.

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Why would anyone offer more help when you’ve rejected the help already offered?


That’s because you are doing it wrong. Just by following the Season Journey, you would have been able to collect a full set by now. Once you have a full 6-piece set (and assuming you choose the appropriate skills), you will be able to cruise along at T10-T13, where legendary and set items will drop more readily. Then you are off to the races, and in no time will have the appropriate supporting items to do T16 and GR70+.

It’s really not that hard if you put a bit of effort into it. But I guess that’s just too much for you. Maybe stick to Solitaire.

Strange to ask for help and then reject the help provided. I’m not really sure why would someone be so lazy that reading some guides is too much effort. I’d personally be very happy and read everything provided.

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