Is this normal?

That’s because you are doing it wrong. Just by following the Season Journey, you would have been able to collect a full set by now. Once you have a full 6-piece set (and assuming you choose the appropriate skills), you will be able to cruise along at T10-T13, where legendary and set items will drop more readily. Then you are off to the races, and in no time will have the appropriate supporting items to do T16 and GR70+.

It’s really not that hard if you put a bit of effort into it. But I guess that’s just too much for you. Maybe stick to Solitaire.

Strange to ask for help and then reject the help provided. I’m not really sure why would someone be so lazy that reading some guides is too much effort. I’d personally be very happy and read everything provided.

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I don’t agree with alt tabbing out of a game every 10 min is acceptable. It’s the developers fault for making everything so cryptic. There is this thing called immersion and I dont want to mess with it. I’m fully capable of reading. But it looks like I cant enjoy this game like others since I’m left behind and forced to do this “catch up reading” or whatever on some wiki. I appreciate the links provided and I will have a look at them later. I play video games to have fun and that’s what I’m doing right now.

Then don’t alt tab out of the game every 10 min. Use the resources the game itself provides which is plenty. As already mentioned, you have a seasonal character and just by following the objectives in the season journey you’d already have a full set by now. That alone should help you to become T7-T10 capable.


I still don’t see how a few pieces of armor will magically let me do a difficulty 10x higher. I would need a sword as well… no?

The set comes with huge bonuses. This is again some of the information the game itself provides if only you’d bother to read it.

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Yeah well its 4 am so not happening right now sorrys

Your left behind because you started way after everyone else started and if you don’t want to do seasonal chapters to get an easy set because it’s all too hard to read a list that is accessible in game

You have 2 set pieces that doubles your shout duration and doubles damage of feared, frozen or stunned opponents and not a single shout and if you are playing solo it helps to have a follower outfitted

Then why all the complaining, what difference does it make how far behind you are, and whats the point of asking for help when you obviously don’t want to know about anything that can help you to advance

wouldn’t a soul stone in weapon or helm make a big difference

In the end troll post is a troll post

Your seasonal hero is a Barbarian. This season, for Barbarians, the Haedrig’s Gifts for completing chapters 2, 3 and 4 of the Season Journey contain pieces of the Might of the Earth set armour. The set bonuses for which are…

  • (2) Set:
    Reduce the cooldown of Earthquake, Avalanche, Leap, and Ground Stomp by 1 second for every 30 Fury you spend with an attack.
  • (4) Set:
    Leap causes an Earthquake when you land. Additionally, Leap gains the effect of the Iron Impact rune and the rune’s effect and duration are increased by 150%.
  • (6) Set:
    Increase the damage of Earthquake, Avalanche, Leap, Ground Stomp, Ancient Spear and Seismic Slam by 20,000%.

Look at that six-piece bonus. You build up Fury by leaping and/or using shouts, and then you spend it all with Seismic Slam/Rumble to reset the cooldown on leaping. The set grants a 20,000% bonus to the damage that Seismic Slam does, i.e. it’s a 200 times damage multiplier.

thats crazy no doubt

That’s answered in those links you’ve said you’d prefer not to read. =)

First thing you want to do is figure out your difficulty. If you’re too high, you’ll be taking forever to kill anything and loot comes slower. You want to be able to move quickly and kill elite packs within 20-30 seconds. If you have to go down in difficulty to achieve that, do it. You’ll kill more packs while you play, die less, and get more legendaries over time. Increase it when you can easily kill elite packs in the new difficulty in that same 20-30 sec time span.

Look at ways to get all of your gear upgraded to a set or legendary item. They’re much stronger than rares/yellows and just flat out having more stats will make the game easier, allowing you to increase the difficulty and still move quickly. In adventure mode, look for bounties. Complete all 5 in an act and you’ll get a chest from Tyrael. They’ll be loaded with crafting recipes. Haedrig can help you get items if the monsters aren’t being generous with drops. They also have a chance to drop legendaries on their own.

That ring you have is one of the bounty chest drops. Don’t get rid of it until you have a better one. It’s one you’ll use in many builds. When you do get a better one, take the lvl 67 one and use Kanai’s Cube first recipe to extract it’s power. One of those links will tell you how to get the cube if you don’t have it already. It should be a high priority thing to get and doesn’t take long.

Socket your gear. Helm, rings, amulet, and weapon all get 1 socket. Legs get 2. Chest gets 3. If it can have a socket, it needs to have it. Put an emerald in the weapon. If killing is slow, use rubies in the chest and legs for more STR. If you’re dying a lot, put amethysts in til you have 750-800K health, then diamonds for resists. For the helm, rings, and amulet, you’ll want to check a build guide for your particular set. For rings and amulets, treat them like legs/chest until you get the right legendary gems, then use only the legendary gems. They’re a huge power boost.

Legendary gems make the early Torments so so easy. You get them from Greater Rifts (GRs). You get the keys for those in Nephilim Rifts. Each GR you do drops 1 legendary gem (of 20-25ish total). Collect them all. You’ll get upgrades at the end of the dungeon from Urshi. Prioritize the gems you have equipped. Which ones? You’ll need a build guide for your set for the quickest answer.

As others have said, follow the Seasonal Journey. It guides you through what you need to do while maintaining immersion so you don’t have to constantly check or similar sites.


Dude, it’s clear I have no skill at this game and using the best items at my disposal. I’m frustrated where I’m at and I’m sorry if it shows. You guys can call me all the names you want, and I wont reply to it because I’m not trolling. I’m here for help but I dont want to read an encyclopedia at 4 am and I dont fully agree with all this info being on some website that I dont even fully trust yet. So yeah. thx I guess.

You would need at least 300k DPS to farm T1 comfortably, which is easily achievable just by equipping all Lv70 yellow gear that can be crafted by NPC blacksmith. If you are struggling, maybe you can tone down to Master difficulty until you get better gear. At this point, your option to get legendary is either you keep running rift for the bloodshard, so you can gamble them from Kadala or run bounties until you have the crafting mats to craft usable set items and legendary.

If you are playing season, it is easier as you are guaranteed to get 6 pieces of the set item as long as you completed the seasonal journal until chapter 4. Those set items should allow you to farm T6~T8 comfortably.

Or you could just ask random people to carry you at T16.

I’ll have another go at this tomorrow sometime. Sure is a lot to rememeber.

None of us did when we first started playing, but we put forth the effort to figure it out. You apparently don’t want to do that and just have everything handed to you. Maybe this isn’t the game for you?

Advice has been given on what to do. Entirely up to you whether you take it or not.


Lol typical “I need help thread but don’t really want help”

Move along nothing new to see here. Same as 99% of the othe posts on this forums.

Well lightstorm gave you ways to help to help you and you dismissed them. So figure it out on your own and don’t come here asking for help if you don’t want to take solid advise.

Read one more time Rannith. You’ve been given tons of advice and places where you can find more answers to your questions. But, you seem hell bent on adding to the complaint that men don’t read instructions. If you don’t have the patience to improve your playing from the resources available, don’t expect us to have that patience to hold your hand and spoon feed you.

Do your season journey, and get your free class set.

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First, delete your character.

Then, uninstall Diablo 3.

Request a refund, and get denied, because you have clearly tried to play.

And then, lastly, announce to the forums that you quit Diablo 3 and won’t play again.

[Oh and to answer the title question - yes, it is normal. Legendary items don’t start dropping until at least T8 or 10. That means you have to make do with what you have found and try to complete the first four chapters of the Season Journey which will boost your power significantly as you are guaranteed a set.]