Is there still no altar in NS?

Season 31 is about to start and I see no signs of the altar. When does TQ2 release?



i wish they would add it to ns too!


The altar as it exists in Season will never make it to NS. Things like CC immunity or passability would basically break NS play forever. At most we might – and I stress MIGHT – get some of the QoL features like auto salvage, DB pickup (but not DB doubling). But the game is in maintenance mode at this point so don’t expect much beyond a recycled season every 3 months.

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we will know in about 5 minutes, lol :smiley:

Yeah can we please put the Altar in NS, thank you.


Oh but people having 30k paragon levels doesn’t break anything lol? Who cares if something is broken in a game about killing monsters with nothing competitive about it.


I didn’t expect to see you author one of these posts.

Would I love to see the Altar in non-seasonal? Of course! It addresses some of the long-standing issues I’ve had with the game. Will they do it? No. Why won’t they do it? Because it would be too much like making a product the players enjoy.

There is a simple formula to predicting changes to this game. And I say “this game,” because no other game I’ve ever played has done it this way. That formula is this:

“Would it help the players or hinder them? If it helps, you’ll never see it. If it hinders, it won’t be possible to avoid it.”

That’s how I know the Altar will never come to non-seasonal: It would be helpful.


If its “Broken” then why allow it in Season???


This! There’s no reason for it to NOT be in NS when every season will always have it.


The automated response to that point has always been “Season Is Season. Nonseason is…what, class?”

I wonder how often they’ve passed up an opportunity to make the base game more appealing, in order to drive more users toward seasonal play. At this point, it doesn’t even matter anymore: How many of the original players are even still left?

Let us go out in a blaze of glory.


Seasons are limited in duration. So theoretically the altar doesn’t break them.

Really wish we had altar in NS, especially considering this season is one of the most boring themes.


Been playing since launch, mind you with long breaks in between, but still around nonetheless. But until last season I really never tried to push GR’s or Paragon.

When everything transferred over last Sunday, I had just over 2.2k Paragon, which compared to many other players out there, is nothing…

For me, playing seasons is now weighing up the enjoyment of the theme weighed against my “likely available playtime over the next 3 months + the effort to unlock the Altar + the pain of undertaking stash tetris before the season (in order to free up a character) and after the season”

In most cases, unless it’s a Ethereals, Soul Shards or Crucibles season, I’ll probably pass.


I don’t get it how people complain so much about the altar unlocking length/duration.

I played solo, S31, 17 hours so far, not yet P800. All I’m missing on the altar is 4 more Primal drops to unlock it completely.

And I had a long streak of not getting the Staff of Herding recipe.

Take out the specific context, and your generalization here becomes:

___ didn’t bother/affect ME, therefore I don’t understand the complaints/critiques against it

Which is fine, inasmuch as that general sentiment describes the vast majority of human experience. I don’t understand the plight of “I have NOTHING to wear to this social function” because I don’t GO to social functions (I’m rather introverted). I don’t understand the woes of someone living in a war zone because I’ve never BEEN in an active warzone. I don’t understand the dilemma between pro-vs-anti choice because I’m incapable of becoming pregnant (cis male).

It’s easy to be ignorant, or perhaps naive would be a nicer way of saying it, when things don’t affect us or otherwise aren’t concerning us. Empathy is the ability to consider the thoughts and feelings of someone else, regardless of whether we ourselves are or have ever been or ever will be in their shoes. It doesn’t come as naturally to me because I have emotional blunting, but logically the problem makes sense.

Not everyone likes everything I like. I don’t mind doing altar every season, but I can understand that others might find it taxing.

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In other words, the defining characteristic of humanity: “It isn’t a problem for me, therefore it isn’t a problem at all.”

Friend…welcome to the Internet. You’re going to find that attitude everywhere. It is even found in highly concentrated pockets. You can guess where the biggest ones are already.

Try mentioning something negative about this game some time. You’ll see what I mean.

It’s to preserve some semblance of game balance (don’t laugh lol). That’s why no altar.

I’m pretty certain it is to preserve the difference between Season and Nonseason. If enough of the season-only mechanics are brought to nonseason…who will play Seasonal?

The Witch Doctor would like to have a word :rofl: