I might try witch doctor this season. My sader found a 149% gg gazing demise. That’s half the battle right there.
At this stage in the games lifetime… Who cares?
So Seasonal Theme, cosmetics, stash tabs, fresh start aren’t enough?
Ask Blizzard, not me. I wasn’t in the room when the decision was made.
The players I’ve seen arguing against bringing it to Nonseason?
Personally, I could go either way. I’d like it, but I realize it’s not happening, so I don’t bother.
The point is…we’ve already gotten several season-only game features brought to non-seasonal. The more of those we get, the more entitled the players will become, and the more demands will be made for more features to be included. I can’t be the only one who sees where that could go.
I and others have repeatedly. Total radio silence.
None of us were. This is why it is all speculation and conspiracy theory until Blizz finally decides to live up to their “better communication”.
I’m not holding my breath. But, for what it’s worth, I hope they do decide to finally start listening and communicating. Right now I feel about as respected as an ATM.
But that’s getting off the topic.
Me either. I am glad I don’t play non-season very much. I just think its a douche-bag thing to do to alienate a certain part of your population without even a simple explanation.
they need to add this to ns.
going from having it to not is a big loss :S
That’s kind of Blizzard’s signature move, though, is it not?
With these games, it’s never “a bonus when you have it,” it’s always “a penalty not having it.”
O’where, o’where can my altar be?
Altar petition mega-thread - locked
New thread asking why no Altar in non-season - locked
No new major threads asking about/for non-season altar
Revolt apparently squashed
Blizz PR guys high-fiving each other for a job well done.
Sounds like Boxelware, when they dug in their heels about Avorion’s 2.0 progression system. They introduced so many unnecessary new mechanics to “solve” problems that have been there from pre-launch, and all those “fixes” do is generate more problems…without even fixing the issues they were intended to address.
Maybe some of them used to work at Blizzard.
Likely due to being a petition.
Petition threads are agaisnt the forum rules.
Posting about moderation is against the forum rules.
A thread that is a not a petition and doesn’t mention moderation would likely be left up (as long as it doesn’t derail in forum violations inside), and…
… thus, no, not really.
Since it’s still an allowable topic if presented properly, again, no, not really.
No new topics isn’t Bliz’s fault.
So is trolling but unless it’s enforced… and I mean enforced, not selectively enforced.
You’re not wrong. Moderation is spotty at best.
You’re speaking about moderation! Flagged!
No, not really.
Agreed they are against the rules. I do, however, see many, many, many threads that break the rules that do not get locked or removed. In most those threads, the infractions are far worse than making a petition thread. I just find it interesting the one that makes them look bad gets locked.
Um ya. Outrage on things like this tends to dissipate over time. They usually go away quickly on their own. This one didn’t. Getting rid of a highly liked, large thread takes the steam out of the outrage. Once a lot of people see that, they give up and either live with it or move on.
Yes, really. They let the thread that makes them looks bad run for a while, then locked it. Most people who are outraged are going to come on the forums to express their outrage will do so immediately after the incident. Any new thread created a month or more later will have seriously less traction making the outrage not seem like that big a deal. That is how PR works.
Had they simply locked the petition thread a day or 2 after creation, one would have popped up not being a petition thread. It would have had a ton of likes and posts. It would have made them look bad and if they locked that one, it would look much, much worse.
You may see locking the original thread as simply following protocol. Looking at the bulk of what comes through general discussion, some of us see it as more than coincidence.
Season Play is just big bounty for off season… I all goes off season… Do your season and then jam the off season bonus Paragon and gear. That is how it works, why change it?
Off season collects all… so try to remember that Season play is big bounty for off season and you will be fine. Altar and buffs are for Season play. As it should be.
That’s something I’ve seen on a couple of other Blizzard forums too. Someone can come in, toss out foul language, call people names, etc and nothing happens, despite being flagged. However, state a simple fact that isn’t insulting, just a “I would like” and all the sudden, it’s a violation. Grab the torches and pitchforks.