Is there any season 26 in your season 26?

I’m not sure how everyone’s experience has been with this season but it has felt really lackluster for me. I have only gotten one scream and the drops at the end of the nightmare don’t feel special or anything. Now I don’t mean to be a negative nancy but season 25 was alot more fun and the soulshards had a decent drop rate as well as the upgrades for them. So in saying that can we just end this season early and reactivate season 25 pretty please.


Against my better judgement, I decided to give it a shot hoping I can hoard some paragon for my NS.

Now I’m about p850 and I’ve gotten more Rama gifts than Screams. 7 Gifts, 2 screams after speedrunning about 70 GR’s (about half of them being 80+).

What a :poop: :poop: :poop: joke this season is.

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I paused this season to try and win the d2R solo self found ladder 99 race. i barely have time to post, but i have a decent lead atm.

but on topic, this season was literally the worst season since seasons started, and they made it even far worse than that because you cant even do the season theme because they set the drop rate at 4%.

If you consider the total D3 time spent doing bounties, regular rifts, inventory tetris, greater rifts…then EN time probably comes to 1-2% or less.

Does that sound like a good seasonal theme ? No, completely forgettable. Imagine if season 25 soul shards only worked on your character 1-2% of the time.


The irony here is that I’m P253 in HC and I’ve found 7 screams already…which are not safe to use…
I agree, the season theme is a small part of S26, and doesn’t even yield much in the way of experience or stuff. I’ve got a load of augments in SC though, which are useful.

Not a casual friendly seson for shure. Nor solo frendy. Or HC friendly. This is just the worst seson ever, considering the sesons whit gimicky effects lead by far on my list. But this seson is top #1 of the worst ever.

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Nope. Not even close. Nothing.

That’s easy to do on a leaderboard that doesn’t actually exist.


This is the first season I didn’t even bother to start. There wasn’t anything in the notes that I found appealing, so I went off and got lost in Elden Ring instead.


I played a little bit more of the season after I unlocked all the rewards. The Echoing Nightmare is fun with a WW Barb, but it wasn’t enough to hold my interest.

I’m back in Non-Season now, leveling gems for my Water Monk.

I’m sure I’ve said it before, but this season was filled with missed opportunities. The best part, for me, was the much needed changes to GR’s. And since those are active in Non-Season as well, I just don’t see the point in farming Petrified Screams.

A double goblin or double bounty event might convince me to play some more on the Seasonal side, but it’s a big “might”.

Here’s to hoping the next season is better, or at the very least that D:I is more than just a pretty-looking game.

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Doing the same. Got Wings of the Dedicated achievement and the Necro Wings off season. Just levelling up gems and fine tuning some characters. Also just filling in the Kanai cube extract legendary power side. Interesting there is no achievement for doing it.

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Shouldn’t be too hard since you are probably playing against your 9 other accounts… Explains why you have no time though.

You do realize its Spring now, right? You can actually go outside without a coat in most parts of the country now. lol


Even though the way season 26 is designed is not done the way it should be. There are ways to improve your ability to get more screams. It all comes down to playing more than enough to get to the point where you would be able to do speed GR90 in around 2-3 minutes or less. The more legendaries you can get per hour will mean better gear and more screams as well. The reason why GR90 is used is because that is where the cut off as far as maximum amount of legendaries that drop per GR which is 10-12. Anything higher won’t give more than 10-12 legendaries. More pulls at the slot machine means more chances for not only better gear but also screams.

To put it very simply.

Instead of giving us something nice and enjoyable as a season…
They gave us all a treadmill and told us to run on it til we collapse, for only a tiny chance to play the seasonal content.

I would not be the least bit surprised if whatever team exists, is just sitting there having a good chuckle while watching us run like hamsters on a wheel.

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Worst season so far imho. I’ve done 15 ENs (HC player) to augment my main gear and 2 alternate pieces for end game pushing. And that’s all I will do. I will NOT touch ENs again. I’m now fully augmented at what, the beginning of week 4 (and I’ve been slow/lazy) and already done a semi final push. I’ll probably do a tiny push tonight if I can get motivated, then rest up a few days and do a push with my 2 alternate items in my build for an extra 1 or 2 GR ability (IAS should push me from 2 to 3 attacks per second, for a healthy DPS buff).

Have done a GR121 in 11 minutes (but had a horror start, so my time is particularly slow to be honest) @ p1070 with s6 impale - rank 4 overall, HC, PS4. Aiming for 122, or perhaps 123 with some fishing, with current gear and 124/125 with alternate gear.

I see no reason to further “push” past this barrier as only paragon farming will let me do so, and even then, even with a sizeable paragon buff to my current levels, only offer 1GR performance increase imho.

The shards in s25 were nice, because I was able to comfortable farm GR120 in ~3 mins and GR125 in ~4.5-5.5 minutes, earning nice paragon per GR and gaining overall paragon during the season. There was a reason to play the entire season! With ENs ONLY offering easy augments, many builds, including s6 impale can’t push high enough to speed farm higher GR content and make paragon farming easier, especially for solo players such as myself.

Given how much deadlier they are for HC players such as myself, no thank you. I’ve ran the bare minimum ENs and won’t take any further risks by playing such a BADLY designed seasonal theme.

First of all I was not replying to you personally. I was replying to the OP, which you are not.

So just because it is badly designed then no one should bother to use it. Just play super casual and only get a few paragon levels if you do bother with seasons huh. Well remember there is more than HC players playing the season.

If the softcore players like myself want more screams I told them how to do it.

If HC then you would only use it to help you augment one character and maybe a little on an alt like you mentioned earlier.

Found one socket-maker (and no weapon worth using it on) and three Screams, used one.

I’ve not played in two weeks. Haven’t completed the season even though I want to, just to get the lolligoblin. However, the play is not exciting. I am having a terrible time getting gems and it just feels sloggish, moreso than usual, almost as bad as Campaign Mode on Normal difficulty.

it’s a free forum, I can choose who I quote and reply to.

it should NEVER have been a seasonal theme. Period. Let alone any thought of desire to make it a permanent feature of the game.