Here’s my post on a separate topic quoted with a fix that doesn’t involve modifying any files and removing the sound. It works for me. Give it a shot if you need:
Hey Apache. The performance issues have been a real pain. If you’re interested in tweaking your settings a bit I have a previous post in which I explained how to set it up. This is the post:
Just a quick update if anyone is having intermittent freezing issues. I completely solved this issue by doing the following:
In your graphics card settings, navigate to where your specific app settings are. Pick Diablo 3. Change these:
Negative LOD Bias - Clamp
Texture Filtering -Trilinear optimization - On
Vertical Sync - Use 3D application settings
Pre Rendered Frames - 1
Max Frame Rate - (Change to match your monitor’s max Hz)
Preferred Refresh Rate - (Change to match your monitor’s max Hz)
Vertical Sync - On
Max Foreground FPS - (Change to match your monitor’s max Hz)
All other settings just use default
The issue is related to framerate and is solved by syncing max frame rate with your monitor’s refresh rate.
So for the record, the drawback of syncing your frames to your refresh rate will be that in those high load times you will see a very slight but bearable input delay. If you want a hard solve this is totally worth it.
You’ll also want to do the following:
Power Management Mode: Max Performance
Texture Filtering - Quality: High Performance
Threaded Optimization: On
Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sample Optimization: On
Now I mind you that if you put your in game settings to relatively low and adjust the majority of these settings, you’ll see a very nice increase in performance and a decrease in the problems you’re experiencing. In particular, settings which put more strain on your graphics card might not need to be lowered, and you can hover over the settings in game for an explanation of that, in fact. As you said, the problem is mainly caused by the high amount of calculations.
You can also optionally open task manager, right click on the Diablo Process, and set priority to High which might help with the calculation strain.
Lastly, you can actually possibly leave Negative LOD Bias on (allow) instead of Clamp and leave [Vertical Sync] Off, and all of those settings very possibly might eliminate the problem without causing the input delay.
Also, if you play in full screen make sure your [Background FPS] is at least around 20 so when you minimize then maximize you don’t experience any issues, which seem to manifest if this is too low.
Give it a try if you need a solve with aforementioned issues. Hope this helps.