Is private loot going to be added on 23 september?

ye all the game works around ffa and keeps it going and even after 20years old d2 is more popular than d3 ever was…


Using that Blizz quote, they have also left the door open to a new endgame dungeon where we ride unicorns through Candy Land to rescue the Sugar Plum Queen. After all, it’s all up to player feedback…


I think it’s getting ridiculous asking for things that didn’t exist in any way, shape, or form. If there was historical data like D2 having private loot at some point there might be an argument, there is none though. Not even modded servers ever bothered with ploot. There’s just no basis in reality for the change itself outside of D3. During the many subsequent versions of the game over the years all the way to 1.14 updates they did things such as skill rebalancing, bug fixes, special event content (dclone) to name a few. No where in any of those patches was ploot even a broached subject.

Things that did exist:
Loot filters (existed as part of the game’s own editable txt files)
Cast macros (similar to skill bar before D3 was a thing)
Balance changes to synergies as a way to bring diversity in builds.

Asking for things outside of that scope is just wishful thinking. The stash change was to alleviate issues regarding games crashing while people were transfering items, which happened on a regular basis on bnet so that can’t be used as an excuse to introduce entirely new systems. Automated gold pickup was likely a change brought about for console players. None of those things require new systems built from scratch.


If implemented right, Personal Loot in D2: R wouldn’t follow the same Personal Loot as D3. In D2: R, you could still trade items to anyone even if you have Personal Loot on. Personal Loot in D2: R would still follow the same rules as FFA Loot, “total drops” would still be the same. Only difference is random chance on who gets the items. I’m more of a purist as far as FFA Loot. I prefer the original FFA Loot from og D2. But, if they do implement Personal Loot only, or as an option in D2: R it needs to follow these rules:

    1. Still allow trading like in og D2.
    1. “Total drops” would still be the same as FFA Loot.
    1. Leechers/low levels(especially level 1’s) couldn’t get loot unless they were in the killing radius of the monster, and get a hit in(which they probably couldn’t because their attack rating would be too low especially in Hell difficulty).

Again, I’m more of a purist, but if they implement Personal Loot with at least these 3 rules then I could be for it.

How does Blizzard’s response to a question that specifically dealt the issues caused by FFA loot and adding an optional loot system translate into:

Well, your bad luck, because you have it is bought for the wrong ploot…


not on release, but hopefully in the near future along with other stuff!

Wow how many ploot threads do we need? this has been discussed million times. No ploot for D2R, play D3,D4 or any other ARPG.
Jesus Christ


Are you sure? You seem to be too confident about that lmao.
D3 was the same and then 3 weeks later after launch, someone manage to add some script.


D2r will bring a lot of action and that will eventually attract botters too imo.
But maybe blizzard will try to make their lives a bit harder and not completely get invaded by bots, or so I hope.

No Privat Loot… No and before you ask… No … go play diablo3 thats the right game for you.


Even cain is tired of hearing this.

Where did all these freaking people come from holy moly.


They came from D3 forums, it’s those who are eager for D4 while some of us have been waiting forever for this remaster.

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So true. Or join public game and farm areas alone. Like when people do baal runs go kill andy/mephisto/ancients tunnels etc solo. You can “private” loot from full game.


No, personal loot would destroy the game and Blizzard isn’t daft enough to concede to these baseless, childlike demands from the new players who want to mold D2 to suit their preferences, even though many hope they will.

Personal loot already exists within private games, loot rolling can be done manually by groups of friends playing privately without a mechanic built into the game, and competition exists within open public games. Simple. Want better drops → compete for them in public games. Want secure drops → play private and risk nothing, or farm in P8 public games in areas outside of where the group is playing for the increased drop table.

Advocating for private loot for the entire game, a game which has existed for 21 years and has a robust existing community, is selfish and ignorant.

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So I guess we should change all existing FPS games too then because your reaction time is so poor? Or just Diablo 2?

“Fastest shooter wins” style FPS was a fun meme when the genre was first launched. It quickly becomes tedious and disincentives group-play when you start running into lobbies with aim-bots that shoot players faster than an Apache helicopter.

I really don’t get the appeal of purists thinking the most selfish player with the best ping getting all the kills is super fun and engaging towards keeping a long-term player base.

All sarcasm aside… I don’t get why people like you need to categorize everyone who disagrees with you into an identity class you can demonize. “Purists” – give me a break, I just don’t want whiney, selfish adult-children messing up one of the best ARPG’s of all time with their petulant demands. I’m not some rigid bigot who won’t entertain QOL changes, I just don’t want these changes to destroy the fundamentals of this game.

You obviously don’t actually play D2 if you believe you can TK pickup every item as a sorceress, BTW. This was changed over a decade ago.

They’ll be fine. D3 is also a grind fest unless you are casual. Progression is just much smoother in D3, making it easier in that respect. Early on D3 was way harder than D2. We had to corpse hop in AII.

If you don’t like being categorized, then don’t categorize other people. D2 is no longer the best ARPG. It has aged out. I think it could be with modern improvements, but that’s not going to happen.

Personal loot will destroy the incentive to play FFA because, “Mommy that man took my HR!”

So what will inevitably happen is a bunch of bots and lazy afkers trailing behind some idiot dumb enough to do all the work. I mean this happens in D3 literally every freaking minute.

It may not be what happens initially, but the conclusion is unavoidable and already demonstrated.

So people will eventually stop actively playing and specifically join bot games while they sit there and swipe through Facebook or mobile games. (Which will ironically stunt their interest in removing bots.)

They say ploot is harmless if done right, the irony is, alongside an ffa system it can never be done right for all of the reasons above.

Classic gameplay, preserved isn’t running around at the edge of a fight doing minimal work because your loot is guaranteed. If you add ploot you will destroy the game. It’s very simple. I’m not even discussing how it will split lobbies and the playerbase.

I would be much more sympathetic to the plight of the plooters if a much more recent Diablo title didn’t already offer that mechanic.

Go play D3.


I dont want personal loot either, but I can understand the position the console players will be in. Its impossible to compete for loot on console vs a M/KB user. I think an optional self found league might be an answer.

No you should stop being a narrow minded bigot who generalizes whole swaths of people into a vilified identity because you lack rational perspective to understand why someone would think something different to you.

I’m not the one crying for change and attacking those who differ from my view, If you didn’t label me with a pejorative identity to being with I wouldn’t respond defensively, but you and many others choose to and you debase the conversation before it even begins. You can advocate for your changes reasonably and have an adult conversation, or name call and react pikachu face when you get an angry reply.