Is political correctness a curse for games?

In one of the old BlizzCon panels (must have been the same yeah DH was revealed, or later) the initial concept was for all the main characters to have their own stupid belief systems, except for the DH. Only Demon Hunters were meant to be truly aware of the Eternal Conflict and… basically what’s really going on.
That was scrapped.

Remember the quran in the beta? That was undoubtedly removed due to political correctness:

Personally, I’d say there is a better term for the old games. It wasn’t so much about being politically correct or not.
But the old games were definitely more unapologetic and bada$$.

I can’t wrap my head around how some people can’t understand that’s a joke.
It’s not related to the lore. After the game was revealed back in the summer of 2008, it received criticism for looking too cartoony.
On the old forums people were calling each other carebears.

It would have been better received, if the game was more true to Diablo and wasn’t lacking in so many aspects, but it’s a joke. Cowking from D2 is not lore.

Some people. Whymsidale and all that stuff is Blizzard trolling the edgy we hate color, D3 isn’t dark enough nonsense. As if the cow level in D2 never existed and wasn’t silly or even out of context with the game. But because it wasn’t rainbows and unicorns it was mature and cool.

Like I said before, some of these people are delusional.


If the game was politically correct, we wouldn’t kill Diablo at the end of Act IV, we’d be celebrating their coming out as trans-gendered.

I hope you realize most of the people involved in Diablo are “left” lol. You sound really ignorant.

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The only purpose of this thread is the OP trolling and wanting to push an agenda that many find offensive.


Soft and stripping fundamental darkness from the premise, sure. Even if PC was an active factor though, it’s a fairly mild one compared to the things the series has done to stray away.

D3 is simply designed to be different and have its own appeal and aesthetic, and this goes well beyond stripping things so it doesn’t cause offense. As already corrected, to judge the reduced ‘darkness’ of this game on political correctness is to be simply wrong and miss the point. Furthermore, “put religions against each other” has never been a premise in the series.

a straight (lol) promotion to the LBGTQ community, indeed.

i’m 56 and properly homeschooled, not commie brainwashed in one of your colleges. :sunglasses:

doesn’t have to be in this thread.

for suggesting what you seem to know?

Okay, I’m not sure anymore either.

I just want to know how my college, that only gave me courses in software engineering, brainwashed me.

Have I been indoctrinated into the cult of Linux and I don’t even know it?


Yes. Linux is clearly a communist scheme of free open source software that takes jobs away from hardworking homeschooled patriots.


The irony of buying a game about socialism (something that does not exist in a socialist system) is cute.

Why would buying a game not exist in a socialist system?
Not that the ‘irony’ made sense regardless. Video games doesn’t exist in Sanctuary’s fantasy world, but that doesn’t seem like irony either.

(in case there is any confusion here; I’m not a socialist. Not that there is anything particularly wrong with being one. Mostly just speaking against the silly ideas about “political correctness” presented in this thread)

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Dude has a habit of peppering his own brand of right-wing crazy into posts from time to time, so don’t feel confused about being trolled or like you’re somehow missing something.

That said, you can’t really say Christianity got boned out of the series when this isn’t Earth and it was never mentioned to begin with. Frankly, that tends to be the problem with most of that faith, they think theirs is the only one that matters and is constantly under siege by everyone not them. Symbology was a convenience for quick association, and nothing more. Don’t like the evolution of games since the late-90’s? Then go take your beef up with the ESRB and hard data reflecting sales to ratings.


Is political correctness a curse for games?

Much more than that.
Political Correctness is a curse on the living and life.

It took the power away from individuals and gave it to a ghost that rarely speaks properly.
The ghost is the law of government, corporation and towns to speak for us in what is right.

Individuals are afraid to do the right thing because it may get them fired from a job.
It gets much worse than that.


Right! a nod to the LBGTQ community! A Story in which the LBGTQ character is not just a demon, but the Prime Evil, all evil rolled up into one, trying to destroy “Heaven” and being the figure that all the players are going to kill. Right.

So, I guess according to you guys, if an Artist can’t spew out a steady stream of gibberish, profanities, and vulgar descriptions it’s all because of “Political Correctness”. amirite?

Rap Music has taught you guys very well.

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Political correctness is more so the result of a mob mentality of professionally outraged people on sites like Twitter who get upset at anything they deem offensive.

Corporations only pander to it because they don’t want to cause a backlash or do anything that might risk hurting the all important bottom line.

Though as far as the OP and this thread is concerned, he’s not really after removing political correctness from Diablo. The series has never really had a problem with it.

Diablo 3 suffers more from just plan old fashioned shoddy writing rather than a case of being overly PC.

there’s your first problem. :smile: watching these “kill me some commies” boomers lose their minds over the presumed impending doom that is the most peaceful uprising of labour workers and the disenfranchised across the planet is entertaining af. it’ll be just fine, friend. everything will be ok. peace to you.

That thong looks like a cheese wire cutting an Edam!
Who’d choose Greed when we have female DHs asking for more discipline?


Oh, I quite agree, but you know there are some out in this world who’s tastes are very questionable.

Putting aside political correctness, D3 isn’t really a ‘genre’ literally speaking, so why would it refer to a real religion? Diablo franchise is what you would consider a fantasy themed fiction.