Is 1 SoJ for Dclone fair?

Actually funny how rare this discussion happens - since I guess it´s a topic 99% of all players will agree - we need changes there :slight_smile:

Considering the rarity of SoJs and the unwillingness to sell your own one, while you could instead wait for others to potentially sell theirs…

I guess 1 SoJ / Clone is a fair solution - although I think it lacks some “creativity”. Personally I havent come up with a better idea yet.

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Agree it lacks creativity. Agree I haven’t thought of anything better either lol.

Ohhhh wait I just had an idea…rings are already gambled often right, to give gold extra value, what if every time an SoJ is gambled at a vendor Dclone walks in ‘x’ number of games? Numbers TBD.

What think?

1 soj per anni? no

8-10 soj’s per dclone

nah. maybe like 100 would be ok

Couldn’t stand how Dclone was spawned. Sure it was about dupes, but to flag this as good design is nuts. Let us just spawn him with some kind of rare crafting materials.


You are wrong my friend. That is how it worked in the past, since the last 2-3 ladders non ladder soj selling doesnt pop clone in ladder, i know the ip is still shared, but that no longer works.

Dclone drops guaranteed anni.

A bad roll Anni is way more powerful than an SoJ. I’d argue it’s at least 3 times more powerful.

At a minimum I’d say 3-5 soj to spawn DClone only in your game. If I were to make a change.

A god roll Anni is probably worth 40 SoJs. So no, 1 soj sacrifice to me isn’t reasonable for the power you get.


One thing to consider is that we wont be needing as many Anni’s because of shared stash. Personally I wont need more than one, unless they make it impossible to put in the shared stash.

And I never got lucky enough to drop a SOJ so there is no way I’m ever going to sell one!

not really. considering all regions are on one realm now, it could be 1000 sojs and it would be pretty frequent I assume.

SoJ’s are still rare to find even when you farm for them. Also, not all people who find SoJ’s are going to sell them to vendors to count towards D Clone. Some people will end up wearing SoJ’s.

Yeah honestly I just wanted to see what everyone else felt about what was fair, I think VV will find a great middle ground for anni. They seem to be doing a pretty good job thus far…A- for sure!

1 soj is worth more than 1 anni.

anyone who doesn’ty know this cant understand basic math

when 80-120 sojs are sold EVERY SINGLE GAME on that ip walks

i dont rember off the top of my head how many ips there are on US west, but i can tell you when an IP walks it generates a LOT more annis thans SOJ’s sold to walk it

anni really isnt that rare or special if u know what to do.

if i had to estimate for every sojs sold it probably makes 5-10 anni’s on the realm.

i found a grand total of 2 sojs in all my time playing diablo 2
1 in cows, and 1 from a barrel in countess tower.

i have gotten and sold well over 100 anni’s.

even considering “soj” for anni is ludicroius, the spawn method needs to be ENTIRELY changed, selling legit items to vendors… ESPECIALLY soj’s should not be at all involved.

the old dclone method was to combat duping, it was added to remove a massive amount of hundreds of thousands of SOJ that coudlnt be removed with a full ruststorm.

it suceeded.

the idea of even considering a similar method without having millions of duped sojs… is insanity.
again i’'ll post this

yeah but for those of us who did ( like myself) it was be absolutely horrific

dclone is the most fun fight in the entire game, i dont want to to be random… it want it to be just as repeatable as it always was.

i want to be able to have someone ask for me to kill anni for them, i got to the point where i woudl PAY people to let me kill dclone for them becuase it was just soo much fun to fight him.

its REALLY freaking fun.

to not be able to do that when i wanted that would be would really ruin a lot of fun for me.

i would rather be forced to farm mats in some god forsaken location that i woudl then cube into a “faux soj” that i woudl smash at the hellforge to make dclone spawn in my game…

but dont freaking make it take a real soj or make it random…

Hmm. I don’t know the exact number that would be right for dclone, but I think it would be pretty cool to have dclone spawn in ‘X’ random games+ that game, that way it’s forceable, but also a bit random and shocking when it happens in a game you’re in but didn’t sell SoJ.

Or maybe like, every time you sell an ist rune? And have runes disappear when selling to vendors?
That would make it a lot more common?

I don’t find 100 SOJs for every character I create so the math doesn’t work out.
Keep it simple with the 1 SOJ. Lets run with that.

What, no lol

It’s not supposed that everyone have an anni. It must take some sort of team effort to spawn dclone or at least cost a ton if only 1 person is doing it.

Why do you want to make something that’s supposed to be extremely rare available to everyone, come on…


The truth is that it wasn’t that rare. I am not sure the average number of annis spawned per dclone spawn. If you have this information, please let us know, so we can have a better understanding of a good alternative for the dev team.

Has nothing to do with easy or hard. Almost every dclone spawn was because of cheating anyways.

Dclone normally spawned at 2,500-3,500 SOJs for USEast during the hay day. I believe the number of SOJs is a ratio to the number of active players on a particular server because less has set it off and more has set it off going off the ratio of numbers of players in the servers at the time he spawned it appeared that way.

The number of Dclones spawned per activation though I have no idea I believe it was originally only one and then was bumped up to like 15-20 Dclone’s Spawned per event. I know it was more then 7 because I remember 7 different games at one time having him spawned in them from chat. I got 2 anni’s that day because people had no idea what was going on and most couldn’t kill him. Took me 15-20 mins with my sorc.

Dclone definitely should not spawn after 1 SOJ unless you are playing Single Player. In multiplayer you can get 1-2 of them a week magic finding in ladder doing andy runs with decent magic find. I know because I did them. You have like a 63% chance per 1k andy kills in nightmare to find an soj. 200 runs per day 5 days. Each run only takes like 2-3 minutes.

So 10 hours a day 5 days 63% at 3 minutes a run. Or 5 hours a day for 10 days. Or 2.5 hours for 20 days.

When I did hunt for legit SOJs I would average 35 runs per hour. So roughly 29 hours for 63% chance.

You have to remember during this time you are going to get many good items and after roughly 150 runs should be able to trade items enough to get you an SOJ. Andy’s Visage normally dropped twice during that time along with a lot of other good items.

Annihilus is the biggest reward in the game and should be threated as such. 1 SoJ vs Dclone is absolutely nuts and broken. Dclone should stay as a very very rare event, but as to how this event should be triggered, I don’t know. It should be exhilarating when the screen shakes and Diablo walks the earth. Fast heartrate, excitement and joy, not just a casual thing.

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I think for single player 1-2 SOJs would be fine but, not for multiplayer. 8-20 SOJs is where I sit. That is a significant amount of a time sink in either trading or mfing. Yet is not so far beyond people’s reach to be completely impossible.