Invoker Feedback

Anyone else find slash targeting … a little frustrating/buggy? Punish - hold left(or right click) or key, whichever, and it hits the next target regularly. Slash, keeps stalling, not starting and so have to click more rather than hold to use.

Your mouse buttons might be crapping out and/or you might not really be actually holding it down.

You have to watch your mouse cursor positioning. You must hover over an enemy target. Sometimes I catch the cursor on top of a rock adjacent to what I want to kill, or some chunk of grass – “how’d that get there…?” If the button wasn’t fully pressed, and the mouse glides over nothing, you will stop attacking.

I have a new mouse and this sometimes happens, Logitech’s buttons require more pressure than the mouse design might lead you to believe. A lot more pressure is required to activate and hold a click if your finger is positioned towards the center of the mouse where the button starts. Over a long play session we get lazy and sometimes apply less pressure to our clicks, sometimes not clicking at all. Our wrists are also more comfortable resting on the table, over time the wrist shifts back and will cause your fingers to be positioned further back on the mouse thus requiring more pressure.

Try to be extra conscious of this the next time you go at it – and let us know if you still have this problem.

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You’re over thinking a bit I’d say. Invoker is a thorns set. Akkhan is a Jack of all trades set, while Akarat’s champion is active, Valor is FoH/Heavens Fury, Seeker is Hammerdin whit Falling Sword support, and Roland is Sweep/Shield Bash supporting Laws and defensive skills.
And I don’t understand why Consecration can’t take Bombardement’s place?

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No change on the 4p. Blizzard doesn’t care about our feedback :slight_smile: .


it’s a great fix/change to begin with. I did a 125 by just killing trash & skipping all the elites lol.

That’s what ahppens when the devs are clueless about the current state of the game and only rely on streamers for their nerfs buffs … if big streamers aren’t playing your class / build you’re out of luck …

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Who plays Barb on Stream? They took inspiration of the community. I for one under other suggested that WT increases maximum Fury somehow. And it came.

Wudji posted some videos on invoker. He said mostly the same stuff we did.

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I’m sorry but who in the forums suggested the fire allies to get illu boots but Raxx on his streams ?? Wow and magically an already S tier set gets attention while tons of others in dire need don’t … something is wrong here

Hopefully they’ll find a little more time to buff Khassett’s and do something about the 4pc bonus on this Invoker set.

The thing about nerfed Fire Allies change is that I’d never play them after using Earth allies – rolling meatballs perform better than tomatoes in the microwave.


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