Hi my gem bane of powerfull disapeerd from stash but still can upgrade it at end of grift, gem isn´t in any jewelery and new dont drop in season 31.
Thank for help.
From the “Things that are not bugs” thread at the top of the Bug Report forum:
This is NOT a bug.
If Urshi can upgrade it, then it is still in your possession.
I’ve just checked all of your Seasonal Characters on the Europe Region and their Followers. I do not see a Bane of the Powerful.
YES, it is.
- It isn’t on your Seasonal Characters.
- It isn’t on any of your Seasonal Followers.
- Urshi can upgrade it.
Therefore: It is in your Stash or in your Inventory. Check:
- Your Inventory.
- Do you see the Bane of the Powerful?
- Are you holding any jewelry that might contain the Bane of the Powerful?
- Your Stash.
- Look through every Tab.
- Do you see the Bane of the Powerful?
- Check every Amulet and Ring.
It HAS to be there somewhere or Urshi would not list it.
You also may have left it in a piece of jewelry that’s in your stash–those tend to not be readily apparent.
have all gems in one place and bane of powerfull is in fifth place on Urshi where i have it before but in some time it dissapeer and i place here other gem because it look like free spot then in stash have here bane of stricken fifth and Ursi have this stricken like sixth gem
Can you post a screenshot of your Stash where you have your Legendary Gems stored?
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OK - not there.
Show us, please ?
The first 3 gems that Urshi show you are the 3 gems that you have in your rings and amulets… since you have no gems in the inventory.
Could it be located on another stash tab… before stash tab #5… perhaps socketed in an amulet or a ring ?
oh maybe i am blind i check it 3 times and dont see it sry for wasteing your time
Your Bane of the Powerful is on the same Page as your screenshot. It has to be on one of the top 4 Tabs.
I’m not sure how Urshi lists Legendary Gems on Followers. But, I’m guessing from your screenshot and your Armory Profile:
- Legacy of Dreams (Necromancer Ring)
- Bane of the Trapped (Necromancer Ring)
- Bane of the Stricken (Necromancer Amulet)
- Gem of Efficacious Toxin (Templar Ring)
- Bane of the Powerful - Stash, Page 1, Tabs 1 - 4. Possibly in Amulet or Ring.
Urshi only shows the legendary gems that are equipped on the follower that is hired; legendary gems equipped on the other followers (those not hired) are not displayed by Urshi… but they won’t drop – Urshi knows that they exist, but is not displaying it… so you cannot upgrade them. This has caused some confusion since players forgot that they had a gem socketed in jewelry equipped on an unused follower.
Urshi displays legendary gems in the following order (always left to right, top to bottom):
- gems in your inventory,
- gems socketed in equipped jewelry by the hero,
- gems in the stash… 1st tab, 2nd tab, 3rd tab and so on.
- gems socketed in equipped jewery by the hired follower.
“Gems” includes whispers – since they are legendary gems.
According to @bdedak’s screenshot, they are running a Seasonal Necromancer with the Templar Follower, who has a Gem of Efficacious Toxin in his Ring.
Yeah. I got all that, except for the order of the Follower Gems. So, thanks for the clarification.
Still, the result is the same. With the information given, @bdedak’s Bane of the Powerful has to be somewhere on the first 4 Tabs of the first Page of their Stash.
Edit: It would help to see a screenshot of @bdedak’s Urshi Inventory too.
I think he already found it… that’s how I interpreted:
Yes… that’s why I asked for it in my 1st reply. When I saw that the legendary gems weren’t in Tab #1, I wanted to see how far down the beginning that Zei stone was on Urshi’s list… since @bdedak had already said that Bane of the Powerful was gem #5 at Urshi.
Maybe. But, before that, in the same sentence, they said:
i check it 3 times and dont see it
Perhaps they meant they “…didn’t see it” and do now.
Well… I hope they found it. If not, hopefully they have enough information to know how to look for it.
yes i found it thanks
…like the famous German idiom says “Das Haus verliert nichts!”