Inventory management is not fun "gameplay? Discuss

Obviously all polls are sample size of total palyer base, but they are suppose to give indication of the views.

Also the survey (one of them) is from reddit diablo, not random people.

the way I evaluate the answers of the surveys, they have rather asked the majority of all Hello Kitty players. Not players who appreciate the old Diablo, the lore and the gameplay… that’s crap…

D2 is super unbalanced though. I welcome balance changes if Blizzard can pull it off. 1.14 is far from perfect, I don’t know why you guys want to freeze it there.

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and how is it unbalanced ? you have skills you can just use in “normal”. later you can respec your build to go for nightmare and hell.

why does everyone here seem to think that EVERY SKILL has to be super strong ? that doesn’t make any sense.

D2 has always been imbalanced, and I have always thought it was better that way.

I don’t really like modern Arpgs with every class having the same movement skill, essentially. I like the rush at start of ladder where 70% of players roll sorc and smash face.

I like that stuff.

Nobody said every skill has to be super strong, but most of them should be viable. (Obviously not the level 1 skills)

I like build diversity. Everyone running sorc at the beginning kind of sucks tbh.

The build diversity comes later. I don’t main sorc either, so I get it, but I think the idea that you need a MF sorc before progressing in a season is unique to D2. I don’t want to kill that uniqueness.

If you balance the classes completely, you essentially kill the most popular build in D2 (mf sorc) …they tried to balance MF in d3, if you remember, and destroyed the mechanic.

D2 is superb how it is.

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i think this is just of the fact that the sorceres got the teleport skill quicker than other chars with a Enigma :wink:

D2 shouldn’t basically force you to roll a sorc in order to start a ladder though. If they buff some other classes, the sorc will still be used. She’s still great for teleporting to bosses quickly and farming AT. It would just give players incentive to try rolling a class that they actually want to play. Not every build has to be equal, but I’d like to see things such as a martial arts sin and armageddon druid actually be viable. (Yes, I know there are uber kick sins) I’ve played 1.14 to death and I welcome the possibility of new builds.

D3 was a dumpster fire for a multitude of reasons. Giving each class a movement ability wasn’t one of them, to me anyways. I don’t think MF balancing killed sorcs either, the smart loot system is what ruined mfing on a specific mf character. That and the fact that legendary items just rain down nonstop.

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We will have to agree to disagree. I like the uniqueness of the classes, I feel like MF sorc is terrific and advantageous, and I like that difficult decisions are needed to decide if you want to roll one, or try your luck at starting season with your main.

It also gives incentive to work as a team. I love D2’s mechanics that way.

Most people don’t work together because of it though… Most people are going to be mfing in private games on their sorcs for like the first month of the ladder. I know because I usually go sorc myself. Mf sorc is super OP at the start. I do like when classes actually synergize in public chaos games etc. though.

If I find a person who really wants to main a non-sorc char, like BO barb or Din, I will do the Teleing and split the drops. They get all drops for their class, I get sorc…it works really well and you can meet lots of friends that way…it’s a great way to get ahead if you can trust people :stuck_out_tongue:

Its not even gameplay if you have like more than 50 hours in the game. If you know how to save and exit while holding an item in the air, you can negate inventory management in 99.99999999% of circumstances where it would matter by effectively handing yourself the equivalent of free 8 item slots for one item. This is just a quantitative advantage that has no drawbacks that makes inventory management for the most part irrelevant if you know what you’re doing.

Alot of noobs managed to convince themselves something easy was hard and insist on it remaining in the game to distinguish themselves from other noobs.

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Just like the toxicity in classic WoW where people took raiding in a nearly 20 year old game way to seriously…

You purists are really caring way too much about preserving things in the game that were difficult only due to their clunkiness

having open inventory to enjoy the game by people being able to collect loot is more important than preserving a clunky mechanic like charm space management

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