Initial thoughts 2.7.0 GoD DH

Strafe does minimal damage, even if it received the 6-piece 15,000% bonus. Try building a LoD Strafe build and see how high you can go (not even past GR90).

Hungering Arrow was strong due to the piercing mechanic and how Devouring Arrow could get dozens of pierces easily in density. By putting the pierce cap to a paltry 4, the damage is heavily nerfed (by perhaps up to a factor of 100 with high density). In low density or single target settings, the pierce cap nerf doesn’t really affect much.

I get the second part, my knowledge on strafes strength is limited.

Thanks for the answer though, sadly even with a boost to damage it would do almost nothing, funny enough just like ww in the rend build :slight_smile:

PS @Iria I did a test by removing the fourth cube slot on my DH and tested the GoD6CC3, no super gear p850. I managed to clear gr90, so it should be viable for speed farming and a little further even in the future. Certainly not for pushing. This is said with great caution though. DS

You could simply use D3Planner to compare Strafe vs Hungering Arrow (Devouring Arrow) damage.

Copy/Paste from my D3Planner profile:

Hungering Arrow Devouring Arrow

  • DPS: 14,990,068,089,415
  • Damage: 5,496,358,299,452
  • Pierce Chance: 100%
  • Damage Increase per Pierce: 3,847,450,809,616
  • Breakpoint: 22 frames

Strafe Rocket Storm

  • Cost: 23.14 Hatred per second
  • Tick Damage: 167,933,434
  • Rocket Damage: 129,370,942
  • DPS: 1,956,913,203
  • Breakpoints: 7 frames / 15 frames

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While GR90 is okay, a typical GoD DH with 800 paragon is capable of GR100+. So the GoD6/CC3 is still useable, but the damage loss is too much to be competitive outside of T16 runs or very low GRs.

Yep, I meant it as speedrun only build!
Really easy and laid-back.

The reason I tested at 90 was to ensure that it can blow through T16.
I have cleared 108 no fishing but with fourth slot, :wink:

The DH is just SAD now. I rerolled a Barb fyi. This class is now total garbage, basically it has no builds worth using. GoD was the DH’s only life line and now that’s gone. It is the 2nd lowest clear on LB @ 138. Only one worse is obviously the monk. I was pretty surprised that WD beat DH as well. LOL. That was one hell of a nerf. It really makes you realize how much dmg the piercing was adding. Funniest thing of all is that they left the necro untouched more or less lol… So now there are what? 3 or 4 viable classes left? 3 we know for certain are totally worthless. GoD was so fun too, at least to me. It is really a shame, it is just total utter garbage now, I can barely clear a 120 to get my +600 augs done. I used to be able to clear upto like nearly 130 with +500 augs and Plvl like 1300. I mean, I BARELY got the 120, 121 was a 50% fail rate. Since I prefer to play solo, because I am relegated to PUGs in group play (which are usually slower than solo), and I don’t like necro play-style. I am pretty much screwed because GoD was awesome for solo but now obviously it’s a POS. I am very close to quitting this game for good and calling it quits. At the moment, I am playing a barb, so we will see if blizz thinks they are too powerful as well ;). Basically, I figured out why they nerfed it however guys… the missle dampening thing was obviously broken and the easiest way to fix it, was to nerf pierce. Pure and simple reason, instead of actually trying to fix the problem in a good way, they realized that they could just nerf pierce instead of coming up with a more complex fix that allowed pierce to stay unaltered and there you go, problem solved and less money spent on trying to fix it. Bingo bango. Usually with programming, the easiest solution is the one they go with, regardless of consequences or at least if it doesn’t break the program entirely, especially in the video game industry.


And considering this game is all about density, the class is now pure and utter crap.


Agree with you. If you have the patience to work a bit (or a lot!) on your Firebird wizard 130 is not difficult to reach.

Wasn’t a big fan of how firebird’s plays. Waiting for the conv proc is too annoying lol.

I’ve found that a good amount of damage can be done even outside the fire window and with cool down from Crimson, diamond and maybe gloves and shoulders you can cast Images twice in a full CoE rotation.

I feel the same way for the most part, still…But I’m a DH main, I really try not to focus too much on what’s happened, and just moved on to the next season. But I’ve also started playing a little bit of FB Wizard and also AoV FotH and HF Crusader as well…I’ve really only played DH since I started in Season 12-14, and missed a couple seasons too, as well as not playing through a whole season like I would normally like to do…

But with the addition of the new set leaderboards. I atleast like how it gives some perspective and comparison from one set to another. Of course it isn’t all transparent because of all the hybrid builds that are going on in the background of these new leaderboards. UE Multishot, UE Hungering Arrow, theres possibly 3-4 variations of Natalyas going on, Marauder Multishot, Cluster Arrow, Hungering Arrow. People are out there trying new or different things. I think that’s a good thing.

But ultimately, it just all feels too late…When I first started back in S12-14, the seasons still died out fast. There just isn’t, or hasn’t, been enough to draw more people in or keep players to stick around, unfortunately.

Nor do they care honestly. They are done with D3 obviously. I would love to see a Diablo-style ARPG with a subscription fee or like PoE from Blizzard, when you set up for one time game sales like with all the previous Diablo games, you eventually aren’t going to be making enough money to justify any real effort in improving the game and/or adding new content. It’s really just simple economics at work and the benefits are way too low for the cost of developing the game further. Honestly, if I thought it was going to be great because of it, I’d pay up to and including $12 - $13 a mo. and I am sure many others would as well, if they expected constant new content and features. People don’t play this game for more than a few weeks after the season starts simply because that’s about as long as it takes before the content gets boring again. I myself don’t care though :). PS: GoD sucks.


In all fairness patch 2.7 is a major change and improvement. Imagine how fun the pre nerf GoD would have been in solo GRs with a follower.

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Oh, I couldn’t agree more. In regards to 2.7.0, by comparison to lets say PoE, it really isn’t anything. PoE patches all the time too and with content…

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I agree for the most part…I feel like they don’t care. But if they fully didn’t care, they wouldn’t still be doing these once a season updates with class changes, environmental buffs, and followers. Followers update actually has me a little curious if they’re going to expand on it any next Season/PTR. 2018 they announced the game was in Maintenance Mode and there would be no more updates to the game, and I feel like everything they’re doing now is just damage control (still) from BlizCon that year.

And I feel like there’s so much more they coulda done with the game…I say it all the time, “This is it? Bounties, NRifts, GRifts?”. From my understanding they had quite a few mishaps, I guess from the Auction House, the game initially being “too hard” I guess, and letting the game get so out-of-balanced with the classes and all the power creep.

Personally I don’t want to see a monthly fee, but that’s just me and my preference. …Why/How can PoE continue pushing content while being free, but Blizzard can’t do the same with D3? I understand they want to make a profit for their work…So do more Expansions like RoS and Necromancer. It’s not like they’re gonna end up on a loss. And it’d likely still be better for long(er) term customers for their next releases, such as D4 and D:I, and other content beyond that.

And yes, the game really dies out what feels like after the first 2 weeks and progressively gets worse and worse as the season goes on. People do their season journey to collect their cosmetics / pets, and stash, and that’s it. They could sell that stuff in game and make money…I believe much like how PoE does. (Haven’t played PoE so not really sure.)

I dunno if I really want to call it a “major” change and improvement…I mean, a lot of players didn’t stick around for it. So many people got all butthurt over the actual season themes like they really did anything. In turn either didn’t play season, played nonseason instead, or just flat out didn’t play at all. Personally, I dont get these people not playing because of “no theme”, if the seasons actual theme was the follower update and it wasn’t implemented for nonseason also, would they have stuck around and played…Who knows.

But I’ll just repeat myself from my previous reply. I just hope they expand on the follower update a bit. A lot of stats/details are missing in the follower window. Be transparent about what works and doesn’t work. Apparently some items worked initally but somewhere something got stealth nerfed apparently. Item’s and gems that actually work but toughness / damage reduction doesn’t correlate that it does. And we need a dam follower armory, or maybe even their own stash, cause theres way too many item’s followers can actually use and potentially too many builds to have to manually flip every item for different content we want to run. What do I gotta do, make 3 Demon Hunter’s just so I can build each follower a specific way so I don’t have unequip/equip everything all the time? sigh…