In DiEoxidEs stream, PezRadar gave us some info

That’s not true, first of all there was a huge feedback post made by @Iria that basically had most of the community feedback as well some more in depth testing that included bugs, etc… And that thread was highlighted also by PezRadar so that the devs could take a better look in what it was being reported.
Wudijo on a previous video before GoD he said that DH class didn’t need toughness and then later on, on the video you’re talking about he states that the class is a bit squishy and that it would need more toughness? Was that implemented? Nope, with that said and knowing that there was only a video made by him and not a thread which one do you really think that the dev’s took in count? They are not going to waste their time looking for possible streamers that they have no idea if their testing skills would be valid or not. But they would make use of the “tool” that they have on their hands which is the Feedback report that’s why it exists in first place.

Here’s the thread and of course as you will notice a ton of things will overlap that were being said here and also on wudijo’s video.