In DiEoxidEs stream, PezRadar gave us some info

If so I think it’s safe to assume that the biggest balancing patch 2.7 will nerf or buff every other set to clear around GR142-145 at paragon 10k.

guys its as simple as its the way it should work if its non pertinent information-- benefits of streaming… it also shows that the CMs are interested in the playerbase viewpoint … cause tbh forums isnt always the more dedicated diablo players opinion. Sometimes it is.

Then again think of just the in game benefits of streaming in this game if youre fairly well known…

basically saying, that they just polished and didnt do any more number tweaking.

Great, necro set is dead on arrival too… And all the needed buffs for impale or pestilence are just overheard or “made later” “soon” not even “blizzard soon” probably

It’s funny how so many people were saying from the beginning that the 10000% for the 6p is just a placeholder and as it looks like it wasn’t.
I’m not saying it will be weak but I was kind of still hoping for more… why can’t be DH just a little bit OP for at least a few months.

I was one of those people, actually. But Blizzard instead of upping the 6-piece bonus to 20,000% or so, they doubled the 2-piece bonus which accomplished the same thing, at that time.

Turns out many of thought it still needed more damage after that. But as far as 10,000% being a placeholder, that may not have been true but they doubled the damage by another means which accomplished the same thing as if they manipulated the six-piece. So we weren’t exactly wrong.


Yes but the thing is even after the patch some were still saying it’s just a placeholder.
But my point was nevertheless that I know it has nice damage but not even a bit OP like some other sets were at release.

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I guess that also explains why wudijo made one GoD review video and all of his personal changes instantly made it to PTR.

devs are cherry picking from people who are active on social media.

That’s not true, first of all there was a huge feedback post made by @Iria that basically had most of the community feedback as well some more in depth testing that included bugs, etc… And that thread was highlighted also by PezRadar so that the devs could take a better look in what it was being reported.
Wudijo on a previous video before GoD he said that DH class didn’t need toughness and then later on, on the video you’re talking about he states that the class is a bit squishy and that it would need more toughness? Was that implemented? Nope, with that said and knowing that there was only a video made by him and not a thread which one do you really think that the dev’s took in count? They are not going to waste their time looking for possible streamers that they have no idea if their testing skills would be valid or not. But they would make use of the “tool” that they have on their hands which is the Feedback report that’s why it exists in first place.

Here’s the thread and of course as you will notice a ton of things will overlap that were being said here and also on wudijo’s video.