Important Invoker issues that should be fixed

His point is that bombard doesn’t work with the build, at all. Which it doesn’t. Think about if Wrath of the Wastes had to use Rend to get the DR not be channeling WW. I’d rather see

They did actually finish the build, they gutted it in the first ptr that Invoker was introduced to make sure that only LON would be good with bombard. There was a bug with 2 pc Invoker and LON, for some reason the 2pc Invoker worked with the LON bonus.

To address this the development team made Reflective Skin additive with Invoker(as well as all other sources of thorns multiplier except the 6pc), thorns value rolls on the Invoker set were reduced by 50-70%, the bonus thorns damage granted by the 2/6pc were reduced. Finally Hack which applied it’s damage per hit on either melee or special ability (per tick of Heaven’s fury for example) was nerfed to only apply itself to one target per melee hit or per use of a special, not per tick. Finally a few seasons ago Hack’s AOE interaction with the 2pc Invoker set was nerfed.

Right but these items have actual synergy in their builds. That’s sort of the point. I’d rather see the 50% DR tied to Provoke or Hardened Senses or something similar.

Nice to have you back dude.

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Most glaring issues with the set right here. Everything else can be managed.

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Actually I consider it to be just like Wastes and Arachyr like I already said.

Rend doesn’t fit in current Wastes
Hex doesn’t fit in current Arachyr
Bombardment doesn’t fit in current Invoker

Would it make more sense if the 4-piece bonus also said enemies hit by Bombardment take 500% increased damage from Thorns or something? Sure.

But I really don’t consider this any different than a dozen other builds and sets. Diablo 3 is designed by people who don’t play Diablo 3. 6-piece sets are actually 10-piece sets. Sets have dead skills attached to them. It is what it is.

And I personally prefer Bombardment remaining a part of the set otherwise Invoker just becomes Rolands 2.0.

WAT? Did yoy understand what about you write, man?

On top of it, I think the Boyarsky taunt is actually broken. I can’t stress, how many times I have seen a melee mob just turn away from me in mid-combat and attack my hireling instead. Without a doubt it is the most useless secondary ability of all gems.

Dunno about only wizards and stuff, but I believe that if Blizzard made the 2 and/or 4 set bonuses contribute somewhat to killing trash mobs (as well as damage reduction), would be a great idea. As you know, per our other discussion (one with you as OP), there is a problem where the Invoker build (especially the Capt. Crimson/Invoker) is chronically running out of elites to complete the GR runs.

If the Invoker build started having at least some trash mob-kill capability, then our “cross-my-fingers-the dungeon-don’t-end” issue would be solved. Invoker could beef up on extra GR progression from trash mobs while killing elites and be done long before the end pylon.

P.S. The current weird 2-set “damage” bonus comes across as a mistake - some stuff that was meant for some other build but just got dumped into Invoker for lack of 2-piece set bonus ideas. It makes no sense at all.

Yup, agree with Jay. Solving these two items would go a long way to make everything else kinda fade away.

Okay, an easy fix could be to have an additional 6-piece bonus which makes it so enemies hit by bombardment takes x% more damage from thorns for x amount of seconds.

This would help with both adding more damage from both bombardment and natural thorns, giving a stable aoe. It will not change how the current 6-piece works, due to how it interacts with thorns in general.

It may counteract a bit with the stacking mechanic, in which you’ll be killing off minor trash fairly quickly, but it would stabilize the progression throughout the rift (do I want to kill this trash or this rare?)

Problem of Bomardment is in free-cost + small damge + extremely high CD, they even make passive thad reduses CD of Bombardment…

When bombs require a little fury cost, but reject CD (and bump x30 their DMG) we will got a usable Kill-them-all skill, that already have a belt with free bombs. I think the solution of the AOE problem can fixed by bumping bombs and adding fury cost …aaand ofcourse we will use FnR set - most dmg ring set in the game.

The more I play in groups more i realize how Provoke is bad. I just want to be tank, invoker should be tank, everything on map should beat you and not the others, i want to be almost full 2pc stacks in group. But this spell’s primary purpose is one of the most useless. It just do nothing solo or in group. Stacks remain same because of that retarded low area. From all my points at least this should be changed and i would be satisfied. Moving it to first position in my list.

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