I'm soooo bored, when does the season start again?

If they move over to reddit or discord for D4 and D:I do they have MVPs? I do not know how they work.


Correction. Why buy it for several accounts.
Several threads about trash talking people on this forum AND the company itself. Several threads about quitting and that “he can do a better job”. Where are the mods at and why has this person not been banned yet.

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If no one is reporting him not much can be done. However, If he and the other trolls/spammers/inciters are and nothing is being done, where indeed are the mods?


He was banned briefly for creating an account in the same name of his prime accuser. He soon became known as the “Fake (prime accuser).” Since then he’s just been trolling like his plane was going down and is clearly desperate for any and all attention. Stick around long enough and you’ll see he’s the classic analog for a cold sore. Actually, if I was one of the mods I’d consider him beneath my notice.

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He is seen trash talking both people on here and the company itself. His alt account is spamming this forum with no good posts. I don’t get why he isn’t banned again. The other posts are also just without context and should have been removed aka a sign that no moderation is being done


Just because you don’t like someone or disagree with them doesn’t mean they should be banned. You need to point out a specific infraction and I’m not seeing one. What I do see is a lot of people doing the same things those they dislike are. There is moderation here threads get locked or disappeared. The mods just aren’t turning the forum into a totalitarian police state.

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Next time reply to me, thanks.
There is a difference in disagreeing with someone, and someone breaking the rules this forum has.
Just cause you want to defend the known forum troll, does not mean he didn’t do anything wrong.
First, it is know he has several alt accounts. Second, he has trash talked both users of this forum and the company / its workers as well. Look up maximums 4-5 posts about nothing = should have gotten deleted.
Now Brav can be seen talking about that he could do a much better job, quitting each season several times = spammed posts and belittle the company itself and how well it is doing.


He was trolling long before then. As far as I can remember he has always been one.


Somone who regularly posts banable posts should have a inverse punishment pyramid so large it would almost be a permanent ban already. The guy breaks forum rules multiple times a day. The only reason he’s still around is because the moderation is slacking.

It has nothing to do with hate, it’s more about policing the forums, which is our responsibility to report things that should be reported. In lieu of more regular moderation, posters have every right to call attention as a PSA to the rest of the forums about Bravata, his sock accounts, and other trolls.


Actually, I misspoke when I wrote “since then.” Been watching our bottom feeder long before the despicable clone account fiasco.


Read my post further I did propose that question:

This season is going to be so boring anyway.

The next season is going to be very tough without the soul shards as I play non seasonal character and there is a difference of 8 GR clearance.

You don’t decide what is bannable do you? You are not the forum police are you? You are doing most of the same things you’re complaining about. If you think something is report worthy report it. Don’t form a forum lynch club. If you want to bend the moderators to your will buy a few billion dollars of ATVI. He’s living rent free in your head because you encourage it.

It’s a general post not specifically for you alone. I’m not defending anyone you’re all squabbling equally. He’s just enjoying it more. He’s also living in your head rent free because you encourage it.

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1, I am citing forum rules which he has broken. I know I don’t make the rules however, I know what they are and he breaks them daily.
2, I am not breaking forum rules. So I am not complaining that he is doing the same things that I’m doing.
3, yes we are the forum police. That is how this forum works. The community reads something they don’t like we can flag it. If enough flag it gets hidden. The flags bring g attention tion to the moderation team(who seem to be MIA lately), who then review the post and determine if action needs to be taken.
4, no one on this forum lives in my head. Unless I read a post from somone here, I don’t think about anyone on this forum ever.
5, it’s not about forming a lynch mob it’s about holding the community accountable, which is our obligation as members. If not there would be no flag system.

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Funny how you defend the most troll that is on here.
You are not allowed to trash talk others / calling them names. This is a bannable offense.
You are not allowed to trash talk the company/developers. This is also a bannable offense.
You are not allowed going around calling people toxic and that you can do a lot better than the company. And that you lie about people from maxroll copypastes your “work” which he never did any of.
This is also a bannable offense. I form nothing. People have spoken through comments and likes, that Bravata should be banned for the things he has done. Period.

But you replied to my comment. That was clear.

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Apparently the Moderators disagree.
I replied to a thread. That much is factual. The rest is your own paranoia.

He’s so deep in your psyche he could wear you as a skin suit. Both of you.

Friday the answer is Friday. Moooooooving along now.

So you know they are in here, doing their job or not? Did not know you had insider info.

Let’s see here.

And I was the one talking about it. Hence your comment was a reply to me. Poor thing.
Moderators have written on this forum in the past and even they mentioned in some posts, that you are not allowed to trash talk others. And that it was a bannable offense. Since the rules has not changed… Well you can figure it out.

And it is not allowed to sit and talk trash about Blizzard themselves, which he has done several times.
He is not in my head. Stop playing Dr. Phil. I just want moderation and that he is banned for the comments he has made.

He’s not banned. Ipso Fatso Columbo Oreo the moderators don’t agree he has infringed the rules.

Don’t flatter yourself. Patch day.

“He” is just a troll. Point.

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