I'm legitimately surprised

I share your feelings, my friend.

By the way, Nev, I’m loving your presence and the information you have given us, especially regarding the future. :smiley::smiley::smiley:


Moving Blackthorns to crafted would be a start.
Putting a % in the progress bar of GRs like console has wouldn’t hurt it either.

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Hello Nev. It’ nice to know there will be some info about D3’s future. I actually opened some days ago a post about this. D3 is a game i still care about and i would like to enjoy more, so my questions about D3’s future are in this thread What's NEXT for Diablo 3?
Please read it and i hope you will address at least some of that questions in your blog post, if not all of them.

About the PTR. It’s nice that you added some new items and powers, it will be interesting to see how they change everything. The thing i’m also curious about is… is this all that will come with the new patch and season? Or there are some other things in the works, like some QOL or other things?
Have a nice day :smiley:


What you’re seeing is what we’re focusing on. PTR is only a week, which isn’t a lot of time to add new coding/engineering. That’s not to say it’s impossible, but I’d say it’s unlikely.

There’s a lot of new and potentially risky stuff bug-wise in this patch. Logistically, it’s best we focus on making sure that stuff is polished and kick more additions to later patches than delaying this patch in an effort to add more. Delaying patches delays Seasons, and we definitely want to avoid that. :slight_smile:


What i want to say, is if you already have some other stuff planned for the next season, that Blizzard is working on, other than what we see in the ptr, not if you will add some more, after this ptr. Of course i don’t pretend Blizz to add more and more stuff while working already on something, without testing everything, and i also don’t know all the technical implications.
Thank you for your answer :smiley:
P.S. Don’t forget about the thread :blush:

What builds? Honestly.

Spoiler: It’s going on true life support once they preview Diablo IV at BlizzCon.

(A guy can dream.)

Fun Fact: We had the percentage in the rift progress bars (all of them) during the RoS beta. It was removed for…reasons? It’s part of a HUD. A HUD by design is a Heads Up Display. That means displaying info “at a glance”, not only showing it when we hover over an area with our mouse while we’re also in combat.

It goes along the same lines as the consolidated buffs holder. I can’t see what’s inside the holder unless I either mouse over it or hold down a specific keybind. I want my buffs out in the open so I can see at a glance. But I don’t get that. I get them hidden behind some inane obstacle, and usually they’re shrine buffs, which expire after just two minutes (without the Gloves of Worship equipped or cubed).

A lot of what turns me off about D3 currently is squarely in the usability/accessibility department, not the gameplay department. I usually adjust to the content changes. I can’t adjust anything about the UI though because it’s locked in stone, unmovable, not click-through, and actively hides relevant information from me unless I jump through hoops to view it.

It’s sad to say, but the console versions have a much better main UI display than the PC version does.

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No, because FoT’s rolls suck wind. It’s the most random Amulet in the game.

This is how I feel about it.

Legendary items that have existed seemingly forever as nothing more than useless stat sticks finally getting something they should have had years ago.

This shouldn’t be a thing; itemization should have been the complete package at launch, not by piecemeal years afterwards.

If Blizzard is a pizza store, it’s like they finally delivered your order 3 weeks late.


Dont expect anything in the next 8 months. Since the blizzcon where you said “We’re listening”…well…yeah that was all, nothing new since then


So can you elaborate on the patch cycle development?

Does the team come up with ideas, internally test, PTR it then go live and then move onto other ideas for next patch?

Or is there things being developed into the game that take 2/3 patch cycles to come to completion?

So is it “ideas” > PTR > Live rinse and repeat or is it “ideas” > PTR some > Live with some and the stuff that never made it be developed more in future patches.

It’s this kind of stuff you want in that blog post about D3’s future you are working on.

Well, all of you summed my mixed feeling on the Patch.

Like, “Mmmmhhhh, interesting… but, will this really change anything?”

I really like the buff idea, since it profits for every build possible. Smart move here. Same for some crafts.

But the buffs and new legendaries… Meh. I remember a lot of suggestions has been made, with some threads about skills who need to be up or balanced with legendary power. I see absolutely nothing new, and I think the META won’t really change. I can’t hide my deception here, lot of players made interesting suggestions (TLDR : Barbarian Community buff); but I feel barely nothing reached the devs.

I am not really whyning, but I don’t really see how this patch will change my DIII experience. So, I look forward for this DIII blog, but I expect nothing to change. I just expected new builds to emerge, a fresh flavor for S18.

The second one. Blizzard has said many times that they are normally working on things that are several patches out. Some stuff is fast, but some things take planning, extensive testing, and sometimes even major behind the scenes design work. So, even if they are working coding and testing a current patch, you can expect them to be planning out one or more future patches. Most software development works that way.


We all know the executives had a vote of no confidence couple of years ago and thought that diablo 3 was a major f up, let’s not hide behind petty words shall we. The game is in maintenance mode and we shouldn’t expect more than what they are pumping as content every 6 months. Expecting fresh new content is an irrational goal to have at this point.

It’s irrational and depressing to set a goal that you have no conceivable road-map or plan by which to achieve said goal. It’s like setting sail in a ship and hoping you will run ashore in Japan. No compass, no maps, no knowledge of the sky.

That’s the sad story with Diablo 3, there’s no road-maps, only empty promises.

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Nice patch really, I rarely say this. Especially I like a straight forward seasonal feature right at the start. A lot of people though are now concerned that it’s not gonna work well especially for rangers. So I guess the circle or whatever could spawn at you feet and have a GOOD area so you wouldn’t miss out on it 80% of the time. Just my two cents :slight_smile:

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ty for all Nevs and Devs! :smiley:

  • The Executioner
    • New Legendary Power: Attacks will slay enemies with less than (5-10%) health.
      i think 10% is too low :thinking: maybe little up from 10% to 20% :wink:

Mortick’s Brace

  • New Legendary Item: Wrath of the Berserker gains the effect of every rune.
    super thanks! :smiley:

Flavor of Time

  • New Legendary Power: Pylon effects last twice as long.
    wow! :open_mouth: dont nerf plz :slightly_smiling_face:

Sage’s Journey

  • A Belt has been added to this set.
    finaly :smiley:

Legacy of Dreams

  • New Legendary Gem:
    can we put this gem in armor (torso) instead jewelry? :open_mouth:
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Since there is no power creep this season, (besides NS LoN) that is our free power creep. It’s at best +2 GR with a lot of fishing so I think it’s fine.

This patch is great!!! d3 has a lot of good things that could be added, i think if a Druid dlc could be possible!? thanks d3 team!


If Executioner works like it’s supposed too (AKA, would work on Followers) you might see a small increase from that as well. Your follower will effectively cast Frailty at 5-10%. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to be working right.

I’m working on it.