I play all classes and this patch will give me a lot with which to experiment.
I had also hoped for more Barb Love.
Well yes, there’s small boosts here and there for a lot of the newly reworked items, sure. But Flavor of Time will always be up from zdps so it’s the easiest to measure in the meta push sense. We will always get double duration from pylons, so really it’s the only one that isn’t situational at all.
Could swear I recall Nev some years ago saying they were working on something different with SoJ rings, just saying A 5th affix and/or guaranteed socket would be nice for such a classic item.
I was hoarding a stash tab full of SoJ’s forever after reading that <_<
I’ve also been waiting years for a decent Elemental Arrow build and buffs to Kridershot but I’ve given up now.
Are you referring to :
It looks like (IMHO) they could have been fishing for buff suggestions though I cannot recall if this was ever taken any further
Keep in mind too that if SOJ DOES get a buff, legacy copies wont see the benefit. Only Class sets (greens) get the buff retroactively applied.
Oops, my bad necro-dude
I recall her saying ‘might’ be one of the things they look at. Well now we know they’re looking at much more than just SoJ so who knows if that will be one of the legendary powers to add to it as they might prioritize the ones that literally do nothing like last patch, but it damn well should be SoJ that gets an overhaul!
Easiest thing to do with SoJ would to beef up the elite damage and separate it from roll as a legendary power so it can finally get double crit.
That way Furnace can finally be put to rest Or you know maybe have both items for 100% more elite damage? It’s DiBS so why not??
Idk or maybe elemental damage but then there’d have to be so many different kinds to cube, so that wouldn’t work. Maybe an affix that adds elemental damage and takes your highest one and multiplies it. If you think about it it wouldn’t be anymore OP than any other rings in the game, considering some rings can triple your damage!